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This brand-new energy board mandala was designed to assist the manifestation process.  It contains sacred geometry which, I have found lately, creates a powerful field that energizes your intention, and even can create a portal.  Archangel Metatron (soul plan angelic guide and highest angel), the ascended master of Alchemy and Sacred Geometry – Melchizedek, and Sanat Kumara – ascended master governing Earth’s evolutinary shift, all guided this board.

Each board is individually hand painted and comes with detailed notes on each of the five elements/directions:  East/Air, South/Fire, West/Water, North/Earth, and Heart Center/Ether.  The board can be used in two different ways, and you may find even more!

  1.  MOVING AROUND THE WHEEL TO MANIFEST:  You can move around the wheel to manifest an idea or project by starting in the heart center and spiraling clockwise utilizing the different qualities of each direction.  The pertaining guides, crystals, and power animals can help you at each stage of manifestation.  You can also connect with your Higher Self or guardian angel to accompany and guide you through each stage.
  2. DEVELOP A PARTICULAR QUALITY:  You can develop a particular set of qualities found within each direction with the help of guides, crystals, or power animals such as joy, self-worth, trust, or patience.

This Manifestation Board can be found under Transformation Tools on this website.

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