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New Pleiadian Messages


On  December 7, 2012, I was notified by my Council of spirit guides that I work with that there was a group that wanted to make “contact” with me in my vortex garden.  On that day a group of Pleiadians came to me and asked me to do planetary healing with them.  Since then, they have channeled an energy spray to me, Aquarian Light, that helps you connect with fifth dimensional energy, and a card deck of 54 cards called Pleiadian Healing Symbols card deck.  Along the way many more Pleiadians followed, as well as beings from Arcturus, Venus, Sirius, Vega, Apollonia, Orion, and inner earth Agartha.  Add to this, beings from the angelic and elemental realm, the Sidhe, and Lemurians, and it makes for quite a team!

Pleiadians are Nordic looking humanoid beings who exist in the 3rd to 9th dimensions.  They are from the constellation, Pleiades, which is a cluster of dazzling stars that form the eye of the bull in the constellation Taurus.  With the naked eye you see seven stars that according to ancient legends are said to be the daughters of Atlas and Pleione, their mother who is a sea-nymph: Aleyone, Merope, Celaeno, Taygeta, Sterope, Electra, and Maia.  The Pleiadians that came to me are from Erra, a star located in the center of the triangular formation of Maia, Sterope and Taygeta.

The Pleiadian history goes back to them leaving their home world of Vega and colonizing on Earth.  These Earth-Lyrans later colonized to the Pleaides.  Due to their interaction with Earth beings then, they are considered ancestors of ours.  They are far more advanced than us, yet they desire to help us during the current evolutionary shift, and guide us with the knowledge they have accumulated.

Now in 2021, since I had sold out of my Pleiadian Healing Symbols card decks, I decided to reprint them and expand with a booklet of more current information to accompany the cards – information about the Pleiadians, their mission, and how we can connect to them.  I asked five of the Pleiadians to serve as my team in my card deck re-do.  The picture above shows the team, from left to right:

Archem – the first Pleiadian I met in 2012, who acted as a spokesperson.  He organizes Pleiadian-Earth communication.

Anardis Ashana – a female scientist who helps shift the planet’s terra during the evolutionary shift

Plentos – Melicium’s son who works with planetary healing

Melicium – a renowned Pleiadian teacher of interdimensional communication

Lenos – works with elemental energies.

I asked them what the Pleiadian mission is in a “nutshell”, and they said that they are here to supervise and support the energetic infrastructure of the planet and humanity, especially in regards to anchoring higher frequency light to the crystalline grid in order to assist the planet and humanity with ascension.  I understand now why so many of them work with the elementals, who are nature’s energy workers!  Also, last summer when I was assisting bringing in light from Venus and Sirius, I noticed that their task was anchoring the light to the crystalline grid.

The earth’s crystalline grid is an energy network that is the auric field of Gaia and contains human consciousness – the noosphere.  It contains akashic records, ley lines, power points, sacred sites, galactic portals, and re-activated Atlantean crystals.  It also contains the Diamond Light matrix and Solar Grid that help raise humanity to its higher potential.  This grid is like a stream of water, that flows with fifth dimensional and higher energy.  It is a matrix from which the New Earth is being formed.  It keeps harmony within the Earth, and with the cosmos, and contains dimensional doorways that you can connect through to divine energy.

Here are the issues they felt were important for us to be aware of at this time:

  • They would like to help us connect and communicate with them.
  • Connect and communicate with Earth intelligence, nature spirits, and crystals – all of which contributes to the energetic structure and well-being of Earth and humanity.
  • Being aware of cosmic and astrological influences on us from the sun, moon, planets and stars – which affect Earth energies – such as in the crystalline grid and sacred sites and portals, that energetically affect us.
  • Help us navigate our own energetic well-being and ascension process.
  • Create inner harmony and harmony with Earth.
  • Help us understand our divine nature.
  • Help us understand our role as galactic citizens.

The card deck booklet will include further information on these topics, as well as visualizations from my Pleiadian team to help us achieve some of the important issues listed above.  In their words they describe the Pleiadian Healing Symbols cards and their mission:

“We are here to assist with the ascension shift – to act as guides and teachers as well as give support when requested.  It is a time of awakening.  We feel it is time now for a higher perspective and learning.  Many seek greater awareness and these cards are powerful tools to assist you.  We have used these symbols for generations upon generations in our daily life.  These cards will penetrate to your deeper wisdom in your subconscious, and serve to remind you of the many gifts you already possess and have forgotten.  We are ancestors and we come to you as family to lend support at this very important time of shifting energies to help you fulfill your highest potentials.  Use these symbol cards often and keep them as a visual reference to empower the energy transference.  These symbols are given with love, and with the hope that you will honor them with this understanding, and are meant to be tools to help shift consciousness and awaken greater understanding of yourself and the universe.”

Many people today feel the call to connect to Pleiadians, or are Pleiadian star-seeds that have come to Earth themselves.  Here are some of their qualities, see if you are one of them!

  • Natural Healer – this is one of their main qualities, the power to nurture the souls of others
  • High intuition – their intuitive abilities are very high
  • Quality Communication Skills – both in speaking and listening.
  • Feminine Power – many incarnate as females.  They have physical beauty with beautiful almond-shaped eyes, and feminine power.
  • Nature lovers
  • Intelligent and Sincere

Professions most associated with Pleiadians are in the field of communication, ecology, spirituality, psychology, child care, and healing.

Here is a visualization from Melicium to help us connect and communicate with Pleiadians:

Melicium’s:  Connecting with Pleiadians

“Imagine you are walking to the top of a grassy hill.  At the top you sit or lie down on the grass, and look up to the vast sky above.  It can be a star-filled night sky, or a sunny day.  Whether it is day or night you know that the Pleiades constellation is above you.  From your third eye, Brow chakra, “see” the Pleiades cluster of stars.  Feel an energetic connection extend from your third eye to the Pleiades.  It will connect to a Pleiadian who is similarly reaching out to  connect to a human on Earth.

Feel this focus of light energy connect your third eye with the Pleiadian’s third eye.  Trust that you are both meant to connect for the highest good of both of you.  Both of you are drawn closer to each other despite time and distance.  You are now face to face with each other.  Allow yourself to “pick up” information about the Pleiadian from the energy.  Receive impressions through the energetic connection.  Get as close as you wish or even merge into each other to get a better sense of the personality, mission, and/or messages from the Pleiadian for your understanding.

After you receive this information, give thanks for the exchange.  Step back from each other and return to the grassy hill.  As you descend the hill to your present location, know that you can return to that specific Pleiadian with intent, or meet another Pleiadian.”

For more ways to connect to Pleiadians check out the revised Pleiadian Healing Symbols card deck and companion book which is available on my website – www.elementsdesigncollection.com.  Look under Transformation Tools.


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