This Goddess/Lady Master card is great for your meditation space or altar. It has information on the spirit guide within with an affirmation. The card measures 3.25″ w x 5.5 ” h.
Amerissis is the Lady Master of the 1st Ray Of Nature – the White Ray of Akasha/Ether, the crystal light of the elemental force of Nature ritual force of creation that brings balance on the etheric plane. She is also the twin flame of El Morya Khan, the Master of the 1st divine ray – the Blue Ray of Power. She helps to reveal your soul essence and truth. She is also known as Nimue, the Lady of the Lake, the Lady of Light. She radiates high-frequency light from the Great Central Sun to Earth’s crystalline grid, and can clear all that restricts higher potential. She wields Excalibur, a crystal sword of blue-flame, that brings protection, and cuts away all that blocks your light and ascension into your higher potential. She radiates the White flame that purifies your etheric energy.
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