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Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst – Lady Purity

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $15.00.

This is a 5×7 shadowbox of Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst – Lady Purity.  They are angels of Freedom, Forgiveness, Purity, Mercy, and Transformation.  Zadkiel and his twin flame, Amethyst, work with the 7th divine ray – the Violet Ray of Freedom to assist you with transmutation and transformation so that you may be your highest potential.  they help you release old emotional pain through forgiveness and mercy.  The Violet Ray is an important ray for the Aquarian Age and the ascension process.  They assist in releasing negative karma and heavier energies that block your freedom to rise vibrationally into higher realms of love and light.

Weight 7.5 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 1.5 in


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