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Celtic Goddesses Collection

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.50.

Meet the goddesses of ancient Celtic Ireland and Britain during the first several centuries A.D. in this bath collection including four unique goddess soaps: Brigid, Danu, Nimue, and Rhiannon. The soaps come in an emerald green organza bag with a card.

  • BRIGID: She is an Irish goddess of the triple flame – the fire of the forge (smithcraft), the fire of the hearth (fertility, childbirth, and healing), and the fire of inspiration (poetry, divination, and prophecy). This fire goddess inspires you to be your own pure and powerful flame of light, to stand up for what you believe is right. Her ancient festival on February 1st, Imbolc, was held to welcome the first warm light and hope of spring. Her warm and inspirational nature is found in this golden soap made with glycerin soap and essential oils of lemon verbena, tangerine and sweet orange, and molded in a Celtic design oval. Apx. 4 oz.
  • DANU: She is a powerful Irish earth goddess of fertility, prosperity, and protection. She is a mother goddess abundantly fruitful and wise. She supports your own abundant inner wisdom and can help you with manifestation. This golden glycerin soap captures her earthy resplendence with patchouli and honeysuckle essential oils, and is molded in a Celtic design square. Apx. 3.5 oz.
  • NIMUE, LADY OF THE LAKE: This Celtic water goddess is Queen of the Isle of Maidens (Avalon), the Lake Faerie. She is granddaughter to Arianrhod, and is known as Vivien or Niniane. She is a wise and magical initiate into the Otherworld. She gave Arthur his sword Excaliber and regained it when he died. She can help to bring magic and transformation into your life. This magically refreshing glycerin soap contains essential oils of eucalyptus, peppermint and spearmint, and is molded in a Celtic design oval. Apx. 4 oz.
  • RHIANNON: This Welsh goddess known as “The Great Queen” is goddess of movement and moon changes. She is steadfast and brings comfort and forgiveness in times of crisis. She is the Queen of Horses and Fruitfulness (the Romans knew her as Epona.) This powerful goddess astride her white horse can help you with manifestation if you first speak clearly your intentions and pour energy into manifesting your dream. This Lady of the Sacred Earth is reflected in this earthy glycerin soap with fir needle and rosemary essential oils, and is molded in a Celtic design square. Apx. 3.5 oz.
Weight 18 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 8 in


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