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Divine Creativity Chakra


The Divine Creativity Chakra is located just above the Soul Star Chakra. It radiates a silver/gold light. This chakra contains the experiences we have had throughout the universe of who we have been, and are, our “universal archetypes”. With this chakra we can access all our talents and abilities accumulated in these lifetimes. Divine Creativity is the ability to create all facets of your life in perfect harmony where synchronicity flows. When this chakra is activated Divine Creativity flows, utilizing all our skills, and merging the masculine and feminine energies within into perfect harmony bringing a gender balance that frees the individual to tap into the best that each energy has to offer. Great flow and synchronicity into your life is created, as well as the barriers between the past selves dissolved, revealing knowledge and skills from previous lifetimes. One feels as though they are always in the right place at the right time, and feel highly skilled in their endeavors. Knowledge here is communicated to the Soul Star through symbols, archetypes, patterns, and images.


This spray is one of the three sprays in the Transformation Trinity collection. 4 oz. Spray only.



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