This Goddess/Lady Master card is great for your meditation space or altar. It has information on the spirit guide within with an affirmation. The card measures 3.25″ w x 5.5 ” h.
Hecate is a Greek goddess associated with the Divine Feminine qualities of the moon, night, secrets, and divination. She rules the hidden mysteries found at crossroads, boundaries, and at life’s transitions of old age, death, birth, and rebirth. Her wisdom, guidance, and protection will assist you to establish your own boundaries, explore your inner darkness, and during dreams, and travel to realms beyond the veil.
Wiccans most associate her with the dark aspect of the Divine Feminine, and with the crone aspect of the triple goddess – maiden, mother, crone. The crone is wise and she rules the mysteries in our minds and hearts just beneath the surface of our knowing and feeling. She helps you to enhance your intuitive abilities, create magical manifestation, discover your own inner magic and skills, and to love yourself wholly, including your shadow side.
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