This Goddess/Lady Master card is great for your meditation space or altar. It has information on the spirit guide within with an affirmation. The card measures 3.25″ w x 5.5 ” h.
Lady Portia is the Lady Master of the 8th divine ray – the Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence. Her twin flame, St. Germain, is the Master of the 7th divine ray – the Violet Ray of Freedom, which she also works with. Lady Portia is keeper of the feminine aspect of the Violet Flame known as the Holy Heart Flame or Three-fold Flame found in the heart – blue flame of Divine Masculine energy of power (1st ray), the gold flame of Divine Wisdom (2nd ray), and the pink flame of Divine Feminine energy of Love (3rd ray). She and St. Germain serve as directors of the Aquarian Age. She also serves on the Karmic Board and can help you clear your karma. She holds the scale of justice, which were known to have been held in ancient Egypt by the Goddess Ma’at. These symbolize the perfect balance of freedom and justice with mercy.
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