Metatron’s Cube
This sacred geometric symbol named after Archangel Metatron, who works with the divine energies in creation and the divine plan, is a perfect tool for our rapidly transforming times and pandemic. It connects you to divine energy aiding healing and protection, is a cleansing device, activates your DNA to move you into your higher potential, and can aid you in spirit communication. This hand-painted energy board can be used with the channeled meditation from Archangel Metatron – the Pillar of Light Meditation – that comes with the information booklet. The booklet includes information on Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon, Metatron’s Cube and the platonic solids, the Merkaba, and the Tree of Life geometry within it. You can also create crystal grids with the Quick Crystal Guide included to connect to the nature kingdom through the elements (represented by the platonic solids), or with the Merkaba to travel interdimensionally, or the Tree of Life (Kabbalah and New Earth version) and the process of ascension.
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