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Purification and Protection Kit


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  • Salts for Purification & Protection 4 oz.: Epsom salts, baking soda, essential oils of Frankincense, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Lemon, Lavender, Rose. Salt absorbs negative energy and old energy patterns, when used in a bath it draws out toxins and heavy metals. You can use these salts in a dish placed in a room to absorb negativity and then dispose of it; sprinkle across a door or window threshold for protection, or use in a bath to detox your body and aura.
  • Frankincense Resin: Frankincense removes negative energy from a space, provides spiritual protection, lifts the mood, eases anxiety and stress, and purifies the environment. Burn the nuggets of frankincense on a charcoal puck or in an oil diffuser with vegetable or coconut oil.
  • Negativity Purifier Spray – 1 oz.: This spray transmutes any negative lower energies in your energy field or home/work environment and raises its vibration. It is great for clearing stress and depression, and is especially good to use during transitions or to make the way for anything new in your life. This high-vibrational spray is made with essential oils, crystal, flower, and color essences. Spray the body or room in your home.
  • Divine Love Light Spray – 1 oz.: This spray’s intention is to help activate the higher dimensions of your heart, clear lower energies out of your aura or environment, and bring spiritual protection. This high-vibrational spray is made with essential oils, crystal, flower, and color essences. Spray the body or rooms in your home.
  • Black and White Votive Candles: Fire represents the spark of creation, the illumination of self, and the flame of transmutation and transformation. It burns away the old to make way for the new. The intention you set when burning a candle is powerful, and should always be done with harm to none. The burning of a black candle neutralizes negative energies, offers protection from illness, evil, and negative energy cast upon you from outside forces, and to harness the healing energy of the universe. When you burn a black candle, it is best to burn another of a color, or white with it, to infuse a neutral space with positive intention. The white candle represents the highest level of consciousness that you are inviting into the space and also represents truth, unity, harmony, peace, purification, and wholeness of spirit, as well as invoking lunar feminine energy.


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