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Spirits of the Crystal Kingdom Card Deck

Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $24.95.

The Spirits of the Crystal Kingdom Card Deck is a powerful transformational tool for deeply connecting to the Earth and the Universe.  These cards will awaken your self-understanding and expand your consciousness, bringing guidance and support for self-healing and evolution.  This magical card deck contains fifty-four cards containing colorful and original channeled artwork and messages from the heart of the spirits of each of the fifty-four crystals and stones.  They invite you to connect to their resonant energy in your own heart.

The Spirits of the Crystal Kingdom Card Deck is a powerful transformational tool for deeply connecting to the Earth and the Universe.  These cards will awaken your self-understanding and expand your consciousness, bringing guidance and support for self-healing and evolution.  This magical card deck contains fifty-four cards containing colorful and original channeled artwork and messages from the heart of the spirits of each of the fifty-four crystals and stones.  They invite you to connect to their resonant energy in your own heart.  This deck is a companion piece to the upcoming book series Soul Journey to Enlightenmenta fascinating journey of discovery through the realms of the chakras.  These cards will strengthen your intuitive skills, reawaken your heart wisdom, inspire, reveal what needs to be cleared and healed, and bring synchronous flow and harmony into your life, and bring you new allies on your journey.Card deck photo

Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 7 × 1 in


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