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Spiritual Light spirit guided spray


A spirit guided spray to help you during this pandemic to bring support to move into your higher potential and uncover your light!

This spirit-guided spray was channeled from Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary to serve as help during this chaotic time of pandemic.  This uplifting spray will aid you in connecting to spiritual Light to serve as comfort, and self-healing, that connects you to guides that desire to help you move into your soul’s higher potential on your life path.  This brings you support for healing, transformation, and growth at this pivotal time of transition due to the pandemic.  Your guides will help raise your frequency so that you purify and uncover your inner radiant divine light.

This spray contains 12 crystal essences (Blue Kyanite, Celestite, Chrysoprase, Herkimer Quartz Diamond, Kunzite, Rose Quartz, Ruby Fuchsite, Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, Satlayoka Azeztulite, Seraphinite, Shattuckite, White Azeztulite), 3 flower essences (Passion Flower, Star of Bethlehem, and White Chestnut), the color essence of pink (love vibration), and 5 essential oils (Elemi, Jasmine, Rose, Sweet Orange, and Ylang Ylang).

This high-frequency spray helps your body tune up to the higher vibrations like a tuning fork, and can be sprayed on your body and energy field, or in your environment.  It is especially good to spray before meditation and to take a moment to connect to your Higher Self or guides that will support you in finding peace, comfort, healing, and guidance to move forward on your path and discover your higher potential.


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