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Triple Enhancement Kit


Triple Enhancement Kit

These 3 high-vibrational sprays – Negativity Purifier, Aquarian Light, Divine Love Light –  are magnificent tools to clear and enhance your energy, and help you assimilate the higher dimensional energy coming onto the planet now at this time.  These powerful sprays act like a tuning fork to entrain your energy, and raise its frequency to assist your ascension process and bring centered well-being.  These 1 oz. sprays are great for travel, or to keep in your purse.  They are made with essential oils, crystal essences, flower essences, and color essence, and are channeled from high spirit guides.  These affect your energy field so they can be sprayed on you or in your environment.

Triple Enhancement Kit

These 3 high-vibrational sprays are magnificent tools to clear and enhance your energy, and help you assimilate the higher dimensional energy coming onto the planet now at this time.  These powerful sprays act like a tuning fork to entrain your energy, and raise its frequency to assist your ascension process and bring centered well-being.  These 1 oz. sprays are great for travel, or to keep in your purse.  They are made with essential oils, crystal essences, flower essences, and color essence, and are channeled from high spirit guides.  These affect your energy field so they can be sprayed on you or in your environment.  This kit comes with a booklet that contains information on how to clear the energy in your environment, about the four elements, and three powerful meditations.

Negativity Purifier Spray:  Channeled from Archangels Michael and Raphael to help us clear old energy patterns that diminish our growth and inhibit our light to shine.  Great for your home and work environment too.

Aquarian Light Spray:  Channeled from the Pleiadians to help us raise our frequency so that we can assimilate fifth dimensional energy as we move into that dimension.

Divine Love Light Spray:  Channeled from Archangel Metatron, Sanat Kumara, Sananda Kumara (Jesus Christ), and Adama.  This spray awakens the higher dimensions within the heart, balances divine masculine and feminine energies creating greater harmony, transmutes energy and aids in protection during the ascension process.



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