This Goddess/Lady Master card is great for your meditation space or altar. It has information on the spirit guide within with an affirmation. The card measures 3.25″ w x 5.5 ” h.
Wohpe is a Lakoda Goddess of Peace. Her name literally means “meteor,” and she is associated with falling stars. A falling star is a sign of her coming down to the earth from the heavens as a guardian or advisor. She was later associated with White Buffalo Calf Woman. It is believed that the birth of a white buffalo in 1994 was a sign of the world coming together in peace. Her symbols are sweetgrass and the peace pipe which, according to legend, she brought to humanity. She created a sense of Oneness, symbolized through the peace pipe. As the pipe is passed around in a circle, the smoke with peaceful intentions rises up to be heard by spirit, and harmony is created between the individuals taking part in the ceremony. This unity helps them reach decisions and find solutions that are in the highest interest of all, inspired by divine wisdom. The burning of sweetgrass brings pleasure and a connection to peace.
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