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by Nancy Robbins

The First Divine Ray – The Blue Ray of Power

This Blue Ray is the Ray of Power that is the drive to attune to the Divine Plan with clear vision of purpose and determination.  It is faith in the goodness of the Divine Plan and the will to follow it.  This ray also empowers and strengthens you and provides protection.  With this ray personal will merges with divine will, you are planning to follow the higher evolutionary plan for humanity, and you will use your power for the good of all.  With the power of the Blue Ray you set your intention with clarity and take your first step to create and manifest heaven on earth. 

The masters of this ray will help you by providing faith, protection, and clear vision.  They will assist you in removing anything that prevents you from manifesting your higher potential so that you are empowered.  The shades of the Blue Ray range from pale blue, cyan (pale aqua) to a deep cobalt blue.

This ray relates to the Throat Chakra where we express our truth and manifest it with our words.

Some of the crystals associated with the Blue Ray are:  Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Sodalite, Blue Chalcedony.

The day you can receive the greatest radiation of this light is Tuesday.

The Three-fold Flame

The Blue Ray is one of the three rays in the Three-Fold Flame, also known as the seventh divine Violet Ray of Freedom.  The Three-fold flame contains the flames of gold, pink, and blue that bring you into divine harmony.  The pure Divine Feminine ray of energy (relating to our right brain and heart) is crystalline pink, with the qualities of pure unconditional Divine Love, nurturance, compassion, and adoration and reverence for all life.  The pure Divine Masculine ray of energy (relating to our left brain, throat and heart) is sapphire blue, and relates to the desire, inner resolve, power, and will to follow Source’s Divine Will.  It also carries our ability to have leadership over ourselves.  When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rays of energy are merged and balanced within us, our higher centers and Christ Consciousness – which is the gold ray of energy – is awakened.  The Gold Flame embodies wisdom, discrimination, and illumination.  When love, power and wisdom are blended and balanced within us, the Violet Flame of forgiveness and transmutation is activated within us.

Masters of the Three Kingdoms and their Retreats

There are masters of each of the three kingdoms – Human, Angelic, and Nature kingdom – that direct the use of each of the seven divine rays.  (There are also higher rays now that connect to the spiritual evolvement of mankind).  The masters of the seven divine rays have retreats on the etheric plane that are key focuses for the ray they oversee.  The Lords and Ladies of the Rays represent the human kingdom, the Archangels the angelic kingdom, and the Elohim the nature kingdom. 

You can tune in to the light of these retreats inn meditation to connect to the qualities of that light, and connect with the lords, archangels, and Elohim found at those retreats.  The more consistently that you connect to the retreat, or the masters, and the divine rays, you help entrain your own vibration to a higher level.  Even the names of the lords/ladies, archangels, and Elohim found there hold power.  For detailed descriptions of each retreat you can visit http://ascendedmastersspiritualretreats.org/

The masters of the Blue Ray of Power:

Human Kingdom:  Ascended masters are El Morya Khan and Amerissis

Angelic Kingdom:  Archangels Michael and Mikaela, Lady Faith

Nature Kingdom: Elohim Hercules and Amazonia

The Ascended Masters:

El Morya Khan is the Lord of the First Blue Ray of Power and Will, and Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood (who oversee the spiritual direction of Earth and her inhabitants).  El Morya Khan  often works with Archangel Michael in clearing, elevating, and shielding one’s energies and embracing positive leadership.  He helps you to be your own best leader by enhancing your skills in courage, self-empowerment, self-reliance, and faith in working with your life purpose. 

He works with the energies of the Higher Heart and Throat chakras to help you clearly express your truth so that you can “walk your talk”.  He connects your will and truth with Divine Will to help you understand your divine mission.  This creates powerful transformation as you release old structures and beliefs, and find the drive to get a new plan underway. 

He believes that lack of trust leads to fear, and fear prevents clear thinking which stifles intuition and creativity.  Intuition helps you connect to divine wisdom and your divine mission, which enables you to move forward on your path with strength and determination.  If you have trust in the divine plan you gain self-confidence and courage to go out into the world and be your best as your grow and learn.   

His notable past lives reflect his concern about government and freedom on Earth.  He was the Hebrew patriarch – Abraham; Melchior(one of the three wise men who attended the birth of Jesus); King Arthur (6th century visionary king who founded the order of the Knights of the Round Table), Thomas Becket (12th century Chancellor of England & Archbishop of Canterbury under Henry II); Sir Thomas More (16th century Lord Chancellor of England under Henry VIII.  In this book Utopia he outlined the ideal community and government);  Akbar the Great (late 16th century, founded the Mogul Empire in India and was known for his policies); Thomas Moore (early 19th century Irish poet); El Morya Khan (late 19th century Rajput prince who worked with Kuthumi and Djwhal Kuhl to acquaint the West with the reality of the invisible). 

He has now ascended and works with St. Germain in the cause of world and individual freedom.  He is currently bringing in the Divine Plan for the evolutionary shift on Earth, and with working with love and light to bring it into fruition.  His twin flame is Amerissis. 

El Morya’s Retreat is in the Temple of God’s Will over Darjeeling, India.

Amerissis is a Goddess of Light that wields a flame of white fire and great power from the Great Central Sun, a complement to El Morya’s Blue Flame.  She radiates this high frequency light to the Earth and the crystalline grid.  She is also referred to as Lady of the Lake.  Her diamond sword Excalibur cuts through all that is not of the divine mind and heart of God, and clears away all that restricts your higher potential and attainment of your divine plan.  She helps with miracle manifestation.

Amerissis’ Retreat is the Shrine of Glory over the Andes Mountains in South America.

Archangels Michael and Mikaela:

Archangel Michael, and his twin flame, Mikaela, Lady Faith, assist humanity with releasing anything that is not truth or love.  They can bring healing and transformation into your life filling it with forgiveness, love, joy, faith, and peace.  Archangel Michael uses his blue flaming sword to cut the bonds of misperception that limit your realization of your full divine potential.  He helps to guard the divine spark within each of us.  He can bring you protection from lower energies of thought or negative astral energies wishing to rule you, by covering you with his blue cloak or with the powerful light of his sword.  They both help to connect you to your divinity and soul purpose by activating your divine strength and potential.

Lady Faith, holds the pure Light of Source and believes in the Light, rightness and purity that exists at the heart of all things.  She helps to bring you faith, strength, power, and the assurance that you are safe and loved.  She is devoted to the Earth’s evolutionary plan of ascension.  She co-created the Three-Fold for Mother Earth with Lady Clarity and Lady Charity.

Archangels Michael and Mikaela’s Retreat is in the Temple of Earth and Protection, and the Temple of Faith over Banff and Lake Louise and Lake Moraine in the Rockies, Alberta, Canada.

The Elohim – Hercules and Amazonia:

The Elohim are the highest beings in the Nature Kingdom that brought forth the creation of the cosmos.  The Elohim and Archangels might be considered the left and right hands of God/Goddess.  Under the Elohim are the Directors of the five elements, then the devas (who create the blueprint of creation), and then the elementals of the five elements – air, fire, water, earth, ether (the workers that fulfill the blueprint to be manifested).  They are the Creator Gods and Goddesses who create planets and solar systems with the divine rays.

Hercules and Amazonia – When God commanded “Let there be light”, Hercules summoned the Elohim, the Builders of Form, to manifest the divine plan – the evolutionary plan for Earth and mankind.  His great strength comes from his obedience, faith, and love of the divine plan.  When called upon for strength and direction, he will bolster your resolve and determination for action.  He releases blue lightning when protection is needed,, or to turn back violence and terrorism.  Hercules and Amazonia supervise divine will being carried out in manifestations by all the elementals.  They represent the strength and power derived from following Divine Will, and the right use of that strength.  They demonstrate courageous action taken when you will is in alignment with Divine Will.

Amazonia came from the Great Central Sun, but once physically manifested in the ancient civilizations of South America with a giant race of magnificent women known as Amazons.  However, the Amazons became depraved individuals using their giant strength to wage destructive warfare even against the opposite sex and degenerated into mere tribes.  This was a lesson on the dangers inherent in wrong thinking, wrong living, and misjudging and misdirecting your energy.  Now is a time when the Great White Brotherhood longs to see an era of peace and plenty in South America, “to see the old temples raised anew.”  But Amazonia warned that “the power of freedom must be retained in the heart of America that the germinal seeds of light may be transmitted safely there in one mighty Pan-American union.”

Hercules and Amazonia’s retreat is super-imposed in the rock of Half Dome, Yosemite, western Sierra Nevada, CA, USA.

Visualizing the Blue Flame in Meditation

To begin, sit where you can be undisturbed, relax, and come to a place of stillness.  Anything that we can visualize, or imagine, is real somewhere within the vast realms of form.  The more frequently that we return to a visualization it manifests energetically in our lives – physically, emotionally, and mentally.  You can create a visualization to connect to any of the masters and retreats of the Blue Flame to gain faith, strength, align with Divine Will, release negativity, receive protection, gain guidance in the right use of your power, or bolster determination and action on your path. 

As you visualize the Blue Flame, picture it as a huge bonfire wide and high enough to encompass your body and extend three or more feet out all around.  You can imagine and best shade of pale to cobalt blue – that feels best to match your prayerful intention.  As you visualization state an intention or decree to direct the flame. 

Below are some examples of decrees:

“I ask El Morya Khan to help me clear, elevate, and shield my energies to be my highest self.”

“El Morya Khan, I ask you to guide me with your illumination on how to stand in my truth while in alignment with the Divine Plan, so that I may be my highest self and a bright light to the world.”

“I call upon the Goddess of Light, Amerissis, to shine her light upon me to illuminate my path to fulfilling my mission on Earth.”

“I invoke Amerissis and her crystal sword, Excalibur, to remove anything that blocks me from developing my higher potential.”

“I ask Archangel Michael and his blue flaming sword, to cut the cords of all that restrict me to help purify, protect, and empower me to be my best self.”

“Archangel Michael, I call unto you, to protect and defend me in circles of blue.”

“Archangel Michael, please envelop me in your blue cloak of protection to keep me safe from darkness and despair.”

“I call upon Lady Faith to illuminate my life’s path and fill me with peace and faith.”

“I ask Lady Faith to renew my faith in myself with her Light.  Bring me confidence to disperse doubt, bolster my inner strength to stand firm in my convictions.  Clear my vision that I may see the beauty and goodness in the divine plan for the highest good of all.”

“I invoke Archeia Mikaela to shine the light of the Three-Fold Flame above me to illuminate my life, so that love, power, and wisdom are balanced and enhanced within me.”

“I call upon Hercules to stand with me now and strengthen my faith and understanding of my place in the world.”

“I call upon Hercules, and the devas and elementals, to assist me in taking action to manifest my highest potential, and that my creations are for the highest good of all.”

“I invoke Hercules and Amazonia to guide humanity in aligning with the evolutionary plan for Earth by taking resolute action to create solutions to help the oppressed, bring abundance to all, care for and heal the environment, raise consciousness, and promote unconditional love and peace for the highest good of all and Mother Earth.”

“I call upon the strength and brilliant light of Amazonia to help us be free, wise, and courageous – to discard the old ways that no longer serve us, and to use our power in taking right action to create peace and plenty for all.”


  1. Hi beautiful soul. My name is Laura Mikaela Loterszpil. I was none in Argentina on Movember 8th 1972 which is when they celebrate arrchangel Michel in orthodox eastern and Greek churches. I have had vision of archangel michael as a little boy when I was a child and later as an over adult my entire life. Recently O was told he was the representation of archangel he michael even though this little boy didn’t have wings. His face looked like the pleadians and I feel his presence contatly . I have been told my mission starts now and I suspect I am a Blue ray. My dorky guide is been Khan Morya before I saw this article (couldn’t believe it) O need to get your book and not able to find a copy. Please help thank you Laura Mikaela Loterszpil

    1. If you are talking about my book – Astara’s Journey – you can purchase it on Amazon.com It is a trilogy – so there are 3 books. I’m glad my article was of interest to you. Thank you.

      1. I am enjoying reading about each of the rays so much! Thank you for writing these. Have you published a book with all of the information about the rays in it?

  2. I called in AA Michael and St Germain and my guides multiple times a day to clear
    my home but dark stuff was still there and didn’t like what I was doing, and I have no outside support so I agreed to stop if they’d leave me alone. Which they have. So im not sure what I did wrong but this Blue Ray needs to prioritize their mental health so is our for now.

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