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Rekindling Divine Feminine Energy: The Archeia, Elohim, and Lady Masters

The Age of Aquarius

We have recently moved from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.  The Age of Pisces was an age of religion and spirituality, and the fish was a prevalent symbol.  Its values were of money, power and control, and was masculine dominated.  The Age of Aquarius is associated with democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealism, philanthropy, and the values of love, brotherhood, unity, and integrity.  The Aquarian Age is one of equality where we move into balance and harmony – a balance of our masculine and feminine aspects found within, irrespective of gender.  Since we contain divine essence in our hearts – it is the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within us, and the world, that needs to harmonize.  This evolutionary shift requires us to move into our higher potential – closer to being our Higher Self, in divine harmony.  This divine harmony must happen internally before we can create harmony and peace in the world.

The Age of Aquarius is causing great turmoil around us as everything associated with Piscean values is unravelling, as it does not resonate with the Aquarian energies.  The world appears chaotic as values shift, affecting governments, corporations, and even personal relationships.

In order to create balance, we need to reclaim the Divine Feminine within us for our spirituality, and for the well-being of our planet.  We need to open our awareness to the wisdom of our heart, and rekindle the desire for a loving,, harmonious, and peaceful life that respects all life.  To heal and transform we must merge our earthly (feminine) and heavenly (masculine) aspects.  We connect to our inner goddess/divine feminine aspects by connecting to earth energy and the elements of air, fire, water, and earth, and their harmony – ether.  We connect to our inner god/divine masculine aspects by connecting to solar-heaven-cosmic energy.  The harmony and higher potential we achieve within, is reflected without.  We as Creators, create the New Earth with this divine harmony.

Rekindling of Divine Feminine Energy and the Sisterhood of the Rose

We find today’s world is a result of repressed divine feminine energy.  The universe is nudging us towards Divine Feminine energy to guide us into the Aquarian Age, to stop us from destroying our planet, and to guide us in the creation of the New Earth.  The Great Central Sun, Venus, and Sirius, have been infusing the planet with high vibrational energy, especially since 2012, to raise the frequencies on the planet to aid evolution.

This influx of Divine Feminine energy has also re-activated the Sisterhood of the Rose, comprised of many spirit guides, angles, and star beings, whose mission since the days of Atlantis, has been to balance Divine Masculine and Feminine energies to create a harmonious balance.  It is the hope that we join them in bringing this harmony into our collective consciousness to bring peace and healing to humanity and the Earth.

Male and female spirits of the Angelic, Human, and Elemental Kingdoms, are bringing in Divine Feminine energy to create harmony for humanity’s ascension.  I am providing here a list of the primary female spirits of each of these Kingdoms for each first seven divine rays, that are attending to this divine harmony mission.  Call upon any of these beings of Light to join with you in this mission.  They can offer support, guidance, and their magnificent energy to your efforts.


Female Archangels of the Angelic Kingdom

1st Blue Ray of Power: Archeia Mikaela, Lady Faith – She brings faith and assurance that you are loved and safe.  Her twin flame is Archangel Michael.

2nd Yellow Ray of Wisdom: Archeia Constance/Christine, Lady Clarity – She brings the steady illumination of the yellow ray so that you may see beauty, have stability, patience, clarity, and inspiration.  Her twin flame is Archangel Jophiel.

3rd Pink Ray of Love: Archeia Seraphina, Lady Charity – She helps to bring your emotions into balance, enhances love, and the acceptance of self and others.  Her twin flame is Archangel Chamuel.

4th White Ray of Purity: Archeia Annunciata, Lady Hope – She instills hope and enthusiasm     Archeia Mareia-Mother Mary          to fulfill your divine plan.  Her twin flame is Archangel Gabriel.

5th Green Ray of Truth, Healing, and Science:  Archeia Mareia, Lady Virtue (Mother Mary) – She nurtures you with unconditional love, and helps you to fulfill your path with compassion and grace.  Her twin flame is Archangel Raphael.

6th Purple Ray of Peace & Devotion: Archeia Rainbow Aurora, Lady Grace – She works with the rainbow rays to illuminate goodness in the world and to see beauty in all.  Her twin flame is Archangel Uriel.

7th Violet Ray of Freedom & Transformation: Archeia Amethyst, Lady Purity – She helps you to release negative energy and bring positive energy in to help your spiritual journey of transformation.  Her twin flame is Archangel Zadkiel.


The Elohim are the highest evolution of divine creator gods and goddesses in the Nature Kingdom.

1st Blue Ray of Power: Amazonia – She advocates the right use of power for good. Her twin flame is Hercules.

2nd Yellow Ray of Wisdom: Lumina – She uses the golden-yellow flame to bring the beauty and wisdom of heaven to Earth.  Her twin flame is Apollo.

3rd Pink Ray of Love: Amora – She is the presence of Divine Love in creations.  Her twin flame is Heros.

4th White Ray of Purity: Astrea – Her sword of blue flame brings purification and protection during ascension.  Her twin flame is Purity.

5th Green Ray of Truth, Healing, and Science:  Virginia – Her green flame brings healing and enhances vision.  Her twin flame is Cyclopea.


6th Purple Ray of Peace & Devotion:  Aloha – Her feminine nurturing presence helps to promote peace.  Her twin flame is Peace.

7th Violet Ray of Freedom & Transformation: Victoria – She brings the violet flame of mercy and freedom to fulfill your higher potential.  Her twin flame is Arcturus.


Female Ascended Masters of the Human Kingdom

1st Blue Ray of Power: Amerissis – Goddess of Light from the Great Central Sun.  Her diamond white sword Excalibur’s blue flame purifies and brings protection.  Her twin flame is El Morya Khan.

2nd Yellow ray of Wisdom: Shoshimi – Lady Master of the Unknown – She provides courage for you to explore the unknown to reveal hidden wisdom.  Her twin flame is Lord Lanto.

3rd Pink Ray of Love: Quan Yin – Goddess of Compassion and Forgiveness – She brings in Divine Feminine energy to guide you to compassion and forgiveness.  Her twin flame is Lao-Tzu.

4th White Ray of Purity:  Lady Venus Kumara – Lady of Beauty and Love from Venus – She and her twin flame, Sanat Kumara (planetary logos), have kept Light on this planet for eons, and they oversee the evolutionary shift.  She supports Earth in being the new planet of Love and Light.


               Quan Yin

5th Green Ray of Truth, Healing, and Science: Athena – Goddess of Truth and Wisdom – She is also the Lady Master of the 12th Gold Ray of Cosmic Consciousness of Truth.  She helps people recognize the truth of their divinity, and raises consciousness to higher wisdom.  Here twin flame is Mahachohan.

6th Purple Ray of Peace & Devotion: Isis – Egyptian Goddess of Divine Magic and Alchemy – She represents the Creator Mother – the nurturing and loving Divine Feminine energy infused with creativity.  She is dedicated to helping others find their inner divinity, inner strength, and peace.  She encourages one to then devote themselves to spiritual development, and to be their divine self in action.  Her twin flame is Osiris.

7th Violet Ray of Freedom & Transformation: Lady Portia – Keeper of the Sacred Heart Flame – the feminine aspect of the Violet Flame.  She and her twin flame, St. Germain, work to create freedom and harmony for the world through transmutation and transformation.  They are Directors of the Aquarian Age.  She also encourages humanity to create a greater balance of justice and mercy.








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