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Sacred Site Keepers

by Nancy Robbins


Guardians of Power Points
 With Visualizations to connect to Glastonbury and Mt. Kailash sacred sites
 What is a Sacred Site Keeper? 

A sacred site keeper looks like a human figure within a radiant ball of golden-white light that hovers above the sacred site.  Sacred site keepers supervise and contain the powerful energy field of the power point according to Gaia’s plan and the Angel of the Landscape.  They are in charge of that site’s radiant energetic presence, and maintain any needed changes. 

About Sacred Sites:   

Sacred sites merge divine patterns of power – they combine earth energetic structures with sacred geometry, human structures, and human interaction.  They are often found over earth power points and Earth chakras that resonate at high frequencies, which often create portals that bridge earth with the cosmos.  The veil is thin at these sites, making them more potent vibrationally. 

These power points hold great vibrations of spiritual light that touch the heart and soul, reconnecting one to their divine sacred self, and the memory of their soul purpose.  These power points may be due to the minerals in the area, a certain planetary or stellar alignment, a powerful intersection of ley lines that create a portal, a landscape temple, or a powerful historic site of a human event.  When people recognize and honor such a power point, it becomes a sacred site. 

Some sacred sites have been moved into dormancy for preservation, and many ancient sites that have been dormant are now being reactivated as the vibration of the planet can now better maintain the higher frequencies.  Different sacred sites have the power to heal the body, enlighten the mind, increase creativity, develop psychic abilities, and awaken the soul to a knowing of its true purpose in life.  These power places are found all across the planet in the form of sacred mountains, healing lakes or springs, or enchanted caves, and are sites of beauty and aesthetic quality.  Many temples, cathedrals, pyramids, and religious structures have been placed over these sites, and the continuous intention from priests, priestesses, and pilgrims in these structures (which are often made with sacred geometry) has served to enhance the energy field to continue to radiate compassion, wisdom, and peace. 


“When you visit a sacred site, I serve like a tour guide for you.  You can immerse in the higher frequencies of the power point and the special gifts that site offers.  I can direct you to any special features of that site that would benefit you.  At this time, I invite you to visit a sacred site, as humans are out of touch with themselves, their fellow humans, and the Earth they live upon.  Spiritual energy found at a sacred site will assist the transformation of human consciousness, and the healing of the planet.”

 It is time to awaken your own hidden gifts.  What are you resonating energetically right now?  Are there aspects of you that are lying dormant that need to be activated, so that you are more wholly vibrant?  You have your own special gifts that you offer people who are in your presence.  What are these gifts?  What gifts would you like to be known for?  Are there any particular virtues that you would like to resonate with?  What changes then, are needed to shift your energy to enhance these qualities?  What sacred site’s energy might be able to enhance these qualities? 

Connecting to Sacred Site Keepers: 

You can virtually connect with the energies of a sacred site keeper with intention during meditation.  A crystal that is from that sacred site’s area will assist you.  Here are some sacred sites and crystals that will help you connect to them.  Earth chakras are in (_):

Mt. Shasta, CA. (Root chakra) Mt. Shasta Blue opal, Picture Jasper

Lake Titicaca, S. America (Sacral chakra) Carnelian, Orange Calcite

Uluru, Australia (Solar Plexus) Al Cheringa Stone, Carnelian

Glastonbury, England (Heart & Brow) Ammonite, Green Prehnite, Rose Quartz/ Stonehenge, England – Bluestone

Giza Pyramid, Egypt (Throat) Aswan Granite, Blue Quartz

Mt. Kailash, Tibet (Crown) Tibetan Quartz, Rutilated Quartz

Lake Louise, Canada – Canadian Amethyst

Sedona, Arizona – Sedona Stone

Newgrange, Ireland – Snow Quartz

Chitzen Itza, Mexico – crystal skulls


Visualization #1:  Connect to the sacred site of Glastonbury/Shaftesbury/Stonehenge, England –Heart and Brow Chakraswith Green Prehnite

Connecting crystal: Green Prehnite – Stone of Unconditional Love – This stone links the Will with the Heart, so one’s power is used to carry out the promptings of the heart. It is a balancing and nurturing stone promoting peace and health. It enhances inner knowledge, intuition, and spiritual communication.  It brings renewal, hope, and joy to the heart, and peace to the mind.

Other crystals: Ammonite, Rose Quartz.

About Glastonbury, England: the Michael-Mary ley line travels through this location.  It also has a secondary crystal and a Node clearing energy point.  The Heart chakra is the Seat of the Soul – your soul communicates through the emotions of your heart.  Love, Forgiveness, and Relationship issues are governed by this chakra.  The Brow chakra governs your inner visions communicated from your soul and through psychic vision.  It receives Light and decodes the information and messages within the Light.  It also governs evolutionary change with DNA and rejuvenation. 

The Earth Heart and Brow chakras include Glastonbury, Somerset, and Shaftesbury, Dorset.  These combined chakras represent the new vision created by the soul wisdom in the Heart.  It is no surprise that both chakras are combined now for the Aquarian Age as we create the New Earth and move into the coming Golden Age.  This location is about Love and Christ Consciousness found in the heart.  The most famous legend of Glastonbury tells the story of Joseph of Arimathea who after the Resurrection of Jesus, brought the Holy Grail from Jerusalem to Glastonbury.  This ritual act established the foundation for the eventual shift of the mobile Brow Chakra to move from Jerusalem where it was for the Age of Pisces, to Glastonbury for the Aquarian Age where it resides with the Heart chakra.  In 2000 years for the Age of Capricorn it will travel to Brazil.

Visualization to Connect with this sacred site with Green Prehnite

 You are at Glastonbury Tor in England and you are gazing upwards to the top of the Tor. You sense a radiant feminine goddess presence glowing above. St. Michael’s Tower on the top of the Tor.  You feel a gentle loving energy flow down towards you.  You hold in your hand a Green Prehnite stone.  You feel its nurturing heart energy flowing from your hand, up your arm to your heart.  The glowing feeling now grows in your heart and brings a feeling of trust and joy that encourages you to open your heart and fill it with love and peace of mind. It is a steady flow of support that nourishes growth. 

You sense as you stand at the bottom of this great hill that you are connected to Mother Earth herself by the radiant presence of the grand feminine figure – their hearts are one. You feel a flow of love coming from her heart to yours.  This stream of earthly love gives you the nurturing strength to blossom into your higher potential.  It is the supporting love you need.  You are ready now to climb the spiraling path up the Tor. 

As you ascend you feel more love filling your heart.  The climb up the Tor provides you a higher perspective of the surrounding landscape.  You see your truth with greater clarity also.  At the top of the Tor is a roofless ruin of St. Michael’s Tower.  The Tor carries the magic of dreams and ideals as it rises above the mist.  It was once an island, and rumored to be Avalon where King Arthur was buried and Excalibur forged. The power of the love from the heart of the Earth has powered your journey up to the Tor while traveling more deeply into your heart.  Bask in the magic, power, truth, and joy found in your heart.  This goddess power of love enhances your inner vision of a New Earth – a planet of Love and Light, that you will create.

 Visualization #2:  Connect to the sacred site of Mt. Kailash, Tibet – Crown Chakra – with Rutilated Quartz

Connecting crystal: Rutilated Quartz – Stone of Spiritual Wisdom – You can program this crystal for attunement, amplification, acceleration, expanded awareness and spiritual wisdom.  It can heal etheric blockages and tears and infuses the energy field with Light.

Other crystals: Tibetan Quartz, Satyaloka Quartz, Himalayan Ice.

About Mt. Kailash, Tibet: There is a secondary crystal at this location and it is a Null point receiving Pleiadian energy.  The Crown chakra is where we receive divine communication.  Kailash is the most sacred mountain in the Himalayas, and is the Earth Crown chakra center located in Tibet. This chakra broadcasts the Earth purpose, or True Will.  This center releases the next “blue print” for evolution.  This location is the focus for the annual Scorpio full moon event in April or May.  It is at this time that an individual may find their own True Will illuminated by Gaia.  Kailash also releases information in larger time cycles – the Great Wesak Cycle- four great 19- year time cycles based on Scorpio full moons from 1989-2065, and the Melchizedek Cycle – a 12-year cycle initiated when Jupiter is in the sign of Aries.  There is one in 2023, and the next in 2035. 

Visualization to connect to Mt. Kailash, Tibet with Rutilated Quartz

You are at the top of Mt. Kailash in western Tibet – the axis mundi, or center of the world, the place where earth connects to heaven.  This is deemed to be the abode of Lord Shiva and his consort Goddess Parvati by the Hindus.  You sense a masculine spirit abides here that serves as a guide.  The celestial beauty of Mt. Kailash is also the ultimate pilgrimage destination for Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Bon religions.  Mt. Kailash is the spiritual epicenter.  No matter what religion, the Earth Crown chakra connects you to the higher realms of consciousness.  It is a pyramidal structure facing the four directions of the compass and emits positive energy, as well as a river, in each of the four directions. 

You walk to the shore of the world’s highest freshwater lake, Mansarovar, situated before Mt. Kailash.  It is the “invincible lake” of pure freshwater that purifies all who drink it.  You cup your hand and drink the purified water.  You sit and look up at the snowcapped mountaintop.  The pure holy water of the lake mirrors the pure white snow that radiates like divine white light.  In the mirror of the lake you once again, see the glowing presence of the male spirit.  He guides you to connect to higher realms, and to start with your Rutilated Quartz crystal.  You pull out the Rutilated Quartz in your pocket and listen to its message to you.

  I assist with ascension and clearing anything that prevents your light from shining and guiding you on your path by enlightening you.  My golden glints of Rutile within me reflect this guiding divine wisdom as I magnify and direct your intentions into the world.” 

 You feel the power of the crystal mimics the power of the mountain.  As you sit here in meditation you feel its pure energy lift you up – as if your spirit is levitating over the top of the mountain.  You feel elevated into the love and wisdom of the higher realms.  At this great height you feel heaven and earth are merging.  You are part of that ascension journey where your heart, and the hearts of heaven and earth become one.  You see another figure along side of the male spirit.  It is your Higher Self, who has come to connect with you and bring you a message.  You walk to meet your Higher Self and stop as you come face to face – you see only love in their eyes.  You receive the message from your Higher Self.  You thank both of your guides for their guidance.

Crown Chakra – Mt. Kailash, Tibet

 Connecting crystal: Rutilated Quartz – Stone of Spiritual Wisdom – You can program this crystal for attunement, amplification, acceleration, expanded awareness and spiritual wisdom.  It can heal etheric blockages and tears and infuses the energy field with Light.

Other crystals: Tibetan Quartz, Satyaloka Quartz, Himalayan Ice.

 Notes: There is a secondary crystal at this location and it is a Null point receiving Pleiadian energy.  The Crown chakra is where we receive divine communication.  Kailash is the most sacred mountain in the Himalayas, and is the Earth Crown chakra center located in Tibet. This chakra

broadcasts the Earth purpose, or True Will.  This center releases the next “blue print” for evolution.  This location is the focus for the annual Scorpio full moon event in April or May.  It is at this time that an individual may find their own True Will illuminated by Gaia.  Kailash also releases information in larger time cycles – the Great Wesak Cycle- four great 19- year time cycles based on Scorpio full moons from 1989-2065, and the Melchizedek Cycle – a 12-year cycle initiated when Jupiter is in the sign of Aries.  There is one in 2023, and the next in 2035. 

Meditation with Rutilated Quartz:

You are at the top of Mt. Kailash in western Tibet – the axis mundi, or center of the world, the place where earth connects to heaven.  This is deemed to be the abode of Lord Shiva and his consort Goddess Parvati by the Hindus.  The celestial beauty of Mt. Kailash is also the ultimate pilgrimage destination for Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Bon religions.  Mt. Kailash is the spiritual epicenter.  No matter what religion, the Earth Crown chakra connects you to the higher realms of consciousness.  It is a pyramidal structure facing the four directions of the compass and emits positive energy, as well as a river, in each of the four directions. 

You walk to the shore of the world’s highest freshwater lake, Mansarovar, situated before Mt. Kailash.  It is the “invincible lake” of pure freshwater that purifies all who drink it.  You cup your hand and drink the purified water.  You sit and look up at the snowcapped mountaintop.  The pure holy water of the lake mirrors the pure white snow that radiates like divine white light.  You pull out the Rutilated Quartz in your pocket and listen to its message to you.

  I assist with ascension and clearing anything that prevents your light from shining and guiding you on your path by enlightening you.  My golden glints of Rutile within me reflect this guiding divine wisdom as I magnify and direct your intentions into the world.” 

You feel the power of the crystal mimics the power of the mountain.  As you sit here in meditation you feel its pure energy lift you up – as if your spirit is levitating over the top of the mountain.  You feel elevated into the love and wisdom of the higher realms.  At this great height you feel heaven and earth are merging.  You are part of that ascension journey where your heart, and the hearts of heaven and earth become one.


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