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Sanat and Venus Kumara – Planetary Evolution and the Venus Light

by Nancy Robbins

Sanat and Venus Kumara

About 18 million years ago, Earth was known as the Dark Star and was heading towards complete demise.  The Cosmic Council debated on what to do.  Sanat Kumara, ruler of Venus along with his wife, Venus Kumara, volunteered to bring the Light onto Earth and raise her into the Light.  Lady Venus continued to rule Venus, while Sanat Kumara and 144,000 volunteers came to Earth to accomplish his mission.  He is known as the Enlightened Master of the Supreme High Council of 144,000 masters, and the Regent Lord of the World.  He oversees all the spiritual teachings of this universe, and holds the Supreme Knowledge of Enlightenment.  He is the Planetary Logos of Earth who has helped to raise humanity up from darkness by connecting the Light to all hearts, along with his higher self, Vywamus.

During his long exile on planet Earth, Lady Venus Kumara remained on their home planet to keep the flame there.  Some years after Sanat Kumara’s return in 1956, Lady Venus herself came to earth to assist her evolutions.  In a dictation delivered on May 25, 1975, she announced that as Sanat Kumara had kept the flame for eearth, now she had come to “tarry for a time on Terra” to “dedicate anew the fires of the Mother.”  Her focus is bringing Divine Feminine energy to Earth to create balance and harmony with Divine Masculine energy.  Her desire is to make Earth the new planet of Love and Light.

Venus orbits the Earth and creates a pattern of a five-petaled rose every eight years.  Since 2004, Venus has been downloading Earth with her light to awaken Divine Feminine energy on Earth.  Venus light seems to me to be a combination of the third Pink Ray of Love and the fourth, White Ray of Purity.  These rays of love and light raise the vibration of Earth and humanity, and help to center us in our hearts with enlightenment.

Planetary Evolution

Both Sanat and Venus are supervising the evolutionary shift of the planet Earth – which has brought the “animal man” to the one that carries a soul, which developed the Human Kingdom.  Now, we are evolving to greater wholeness as our consciousness is shifting with the higher frequencies that are moving us into an Era of Peace, Love, and Harmony.  The Planetary Logos is awakening us to our oneness, and helping us to anchor the higher frequencies to raise our vibration in order to expand our consciousness, and ascend.

He is overseer of Gaia’s Plan during the evolutionary shift, which is in alignment with the Divine Plan.  He also receives the seven rays from the Solor Logos (Helios), and distributes them to the Lords of the Seven Rays.  Mahachohan Racogzy oversees the chohans, or lord of ascended masters, and MahaElohim Ouranos oversees the Elohim of the seven rays and the five secret rays of nature, which are distributed to the Kingdoms of Nature on the planet, and humanity, for the furtherance of the evolutionary plan.

Sanat Kumara is also the neural network/brain of the planet in the form of the Earth’s crystalline grid network.  There are many external influences attempting to artificially program our thinking, control our minds, and block our nerve synapses.  If we are informed and aware of these energy assaults against our consciousness, we can override them by maintaining inner spiritual connection to the crystalline grid.

The Planetary Logos connects to the 7th Violet Ray and the Crown chakra.  The 7th divine ray is the Violet Ray of Freedom and Transformation.  Old energy is transmuted and transformed by the violet flame to transform us into our higher potential.  Immersing ourselves in the Violet Ray daily, connecting into the crystalline grid, and into our hearts and with each other, will build the strength to heal humanity and to evolve – which will help the Earth in kind.

Now is the time for transformation – to embrace spiritual awareness and loving kindness!!! Your consciousness is a spiritual force of light that seeks liberation from the ignorant, rigid human intellect.  It is an energy – a celestial heart – from the Solar Logos handed down to the Planetary Logos, given to you now – to awaken and transform humanity.  It is the divine light that resides in every atom – and in your heart.  Connect into the Earth’s crystalline grid and feel the flow of divine consciousness throughout its network revive you.  Connect into your heart, and then connect to others, and to nature, with the spirit of loving kindness.

MESSAGES & MEDITATION – from Sanat Kumara:

“I am guarding and guiding planet Earth during this evolutionary shift.  I urge you to invoke the Violet Ray to free yourselves from anything that is diminishing your truth, so that you can be free to be your higher potential and ascend.  I also ask that you invoke the Violet Flame to also free all elementals that have been in bondage by dark intent, to free them that they may be able to fulfill their work in purifying the planet of toxins – whether that is darkness of ill intent, toxic emotions, or man-made pollution.  It is time to be freed so that humanity and the Earth can heal, transform, and ascend.”

In a channeled meditation with Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus Kumara, I asked them how Venus was affecting Earth today?  The answer was “Venus is holding Earth in the energy of Love and Light to sustain its transformation.”

I then asked what we could do to assist that and they answered: “Bring this the Venus Light into your hearts that it may serve to guide your actions, emotions, and thoughts.  Remember that your emotions and thoughts vibrationally affect the planet.  Negative or disempowering emotions and thoughts are toxic to your health and the planet’s.  Your vibrations affect the planet’s vibrations.  Focus on your heart will allow your heart/soul wisdom to guide your actions and to express compassion in those actions – for yourself, others, and the planet.”

Here is a meditation I channeled from them to draw in the Venus Light.  The Venus Light is a divine harmony energy that is comprised of a balance of divine feminine and masculine energies.  This Light raises your inner feminine and masculine energies to its highest qualities – which basically means, those feminine and masculine qualities are expressed through the guidance of your heart – with love intelligence.  Venus Light looks to me like a pink light with white glittering particles that sparkle a glint of color here and there.  It feels nurturing and uplifting.  A loving joyful light.

MEDITATION:  Receiving Venus Light

Sit in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and quiet any mental and emotional chatter, until you reach a point of quiet stillness.  Take three deep breaths.

Focus on your vertical alignment of chakras and extend downward into the crystalline grid of the New Earth, and upward into Source energy – you can visualize connecting into the sun, or Great Central Sun, divine energy.  You are plugged in to both sources of intelligence – cosmic and earthly.

Visualize a golden-white bubble of Light from divine Source is hovering over your head.  It begins to descend down through your vertical alignment clearing and energizing all of your chakras and transmutes this energy down into the Earth.

Focus now on your heart – expand the light of your heart energy until you are encompassed in a bubble of its light.

You are now ready for a journey –  See yourself travelling on a dirt path through a lush forest that is peaceful and serene.  Smell the pine aroma of the fir trees that fill the woods.  You feel refreshed by its scent and the cool shade provided by the tree’s canopy.  You hear the birdsong from high in the branches of the trees, as you move along the path.  Soon you find the path opens into a clearing.  

The forest floor is replaced by a meadow of wildflowers.  The path winds through the tall grasses with bobbing heads of colorful flowers.  The sun’s warmth reaches the meadow and its rays illuminate your path.  The grasses sway in the breeze as you continue on this pleasant journey through the meadow.  Stone steps start to replace the dirt path that leads into a beautiful garden.

The steps lead upwards to an elevation crowned with a white columned round temple open to the sky.  The steps are lined with fountains and roses of many hues.  The playful trickling sound of the fountains and the scent of the roses are uplifting as you ascend.  You reach the top of the stairs and enter the temple.  The columns are made of white marble and there is a marble stand with a bowl sitting on top in the center of the temple.  The structure is open to the sky and Venus Light casts down into the center of the structure.  Its light is a soft pink with glittering sparkles of white that glint a hint of color here and there.  You move into the center of the shaft of light next to the bowl.  You feel the light is soothing you inside and out.  You pick up the bowl and watch as a soft pink luminescent liquid light fills the bowl.  You drink the liquid light.  It is cooling and refreshing with a tingling joy, that reminds you of sparkling wine.

You notice that it goes immediately to places within where you feel hurt, pain, or illness.  Those jagged inner places of pain, sorrow, regret, disappointment, anger, depression, and hurt are being caressed with a loving touch.  You allow the bowl to be filled again and drink.  You feel the liquid continues to address those areas of pain.  Drink as much as you need until you feel greater peace within.  You may feel as though your outer appearance is changing as you heal.  You may feel your self-esteem shift as you see yourself as a valuable person, confident in your abilities.  You feel pain slip away as your heat fills with more compassion, love, and healing.  You fill to overflowing and feel capable now of sharing this loving light.  You can see more clearly with the eyes of love.

You realize that you can come to this place often to drink the Venus Light whenever necessary, to heal, and recharge your body and soul, and fill your heart with love, hope, and joy.  You are a radiant being of Love and Light, and the Venus Light will help to sustain you.

You now descend the steps through the garden, and back along the meadow path.  You gratefully reflect on the loving support of the Venus Light that has filled you with its healing power.  You follow the path as it leads back into the cool forest, and back to your present location of wakefulness.

Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus have also recommended doing the next meditation once you have taken in the Venus Light.  This next meditation will take you to the next aspect of your Higher Self that you are ready for, so that you can merge with that aspect and move forward in life from this new aspect.  This new aspect will bring new understanding of yourself and new synchronicities into your life.


Sit where you will not be disturbed in relaxed stillness.  Place your hand on your heart and focus your energy there.  Feel the energy collect, the power of your heart.  Move your hand outwards, like opening a gate, as you feel your heart energy move through the layers of your aura (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).  Feel the fulness of your energy in your aura.

Imagine now that you levitate up into the air, rising as if in an elevator.  You place the intention to be brought to a level where you can meet your next higher aspect that is closer to your Higher Self.  Your movement stops and you arrive at a platform.  Step onto the platform and meet your higher aspect face to face.  Note any differences you sense between the “old” and “new” you.  What is your new appearance like?  Do you have a different attitude or qualities?  Your aspect will converse with you if you have questions, and will also tell you what your greatest gifts are.

Now merge with this aspect, stepping into the image like wearing a new set of clothes.  Take the time to feel this new version of energy.  What is different?  You realize that your old self has disappeared, with its heavier qualities, so you now “own” this higher lighter version.  Feel yourself get comfortable in your new self.

Allow this higher version to move you forward through life now, with new results.  Your higher frequency now also supports all others in their ascension, and helps the planet to heal and transform as well!  You can follow this process again when you need to be refreshed in your current new self, or are ready to move up into your next higher aspect.

Return now to your present wakefulness as your newer self.

2 thoughts on “Sanat and Venus Kumara – Planetary Evolution and the Venus Light”

  1. Rosemary Allmayer-Beck

    Nancy, both meditations are beautiful. It kind of makes me think of my mother as she passed to another existence and as she appeared to me in a dream; radiant, young and surrounded by the most wonderful light in a garden full of flowers. Thank you for sending these.


    P.S. love your new spray!

  2. Thank you for your post about the history of Lady Venus and Sanat Kumara! I really enjoyed your meditations and feel like I have reconnected with my Venusian home.

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