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Living with the 9th Divine Ray – the Aqua Ray of Higher Potentials

My notes to begin with…

The spirit guides that came forward with this message were Sananda (Jesus Christ bringing in Divine Love/Christ Consciousness), Sanat Kumara (from Venus, in charge of keeping Light on earth and our evolutionary shift), Adama (Lemurian spiritual leader), and Melicium (Pleiadian master teacher).

Working with all the divine rays is important, but I have seen different light focuses being requested with my work. Over the past few years it was the 7th divine ray – the Violet flame of Freedom and Transformation (which continues), and then a golden light (which I think is the 12th Gold Ray of Cosmic Consciousness). I’m told this golden ray laid a foundation for us to build the New Earth, and it continues to raise us up into higher consciousness.

Then in June, a Venus Light (pink/white) came onto Earth guided by beings from Venus (helping humanity emotionally) and the Pleiades (anchoring the light to the crystalline grid of Earth and with the elementals). This light provided energy for us to build a new civilization. The Venus Light is a combination of the 3rd Pink Ray of Love and the 4th White Ray of Purity.

In July, a Sirian Light (pale blue/white) streamed onto the planet guided by beings from Sirius (working with humanity mentally/psychic abilities) and the Pleiades (anchoring the light to the crystalline grid of the Earth with the elementals) to help us innovate. All of these lights continue to flow onto Earth, and we are being asked to consciously connect with them – violet, gold, Venus & Sirius Light.

In mid-September, around the time of the Autumn Equinox (Sept. 22nd), the focus of light will be the 9th Divine Ray – the Aqua Ray of Higher Potentials, and the Lady Master of this ray is Mother Mary (also known as Archeia Mareia, Lady Virtue). She also works with the 5th Divine Ray – the Green Ray of Truth and Healing, as her twin flame is Archangel Raphael.

I painted the picture above of Mother Mary. The rose at her heart symbolizes divine energy, as the rose has sacred geometry and carries a high vibration. Interestingly, the rose also signifies the Sisterhood of the Rose (that came into focus to me concurrent with the Venus Light) whose members are many ascended masters of both genders whose focus is Divine Feminine energy, such as Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, Lady Nada, Isis, Sananda, Serapis Bey, Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and Mother Mary in particular.

We are being asked to utilize the Aqua Ray as we move deep into our center – our heart – and move up from there dimensionally. This will move us in the direction of being our Higher Self – our higher potential. Not only is this our next step in spiritual development, but it is what will help bring us healing during a pandemic on so many levels (the higher the frequency the greater protection we have on all levels). With the “hothead” energy of Mars in retrograde this month, it will also help to keep us calm and cool, and taking the high ground.

I’ve added a heart sanctuary meditation at the end, as this is an excellent meditation to understand your essence and its qualities, your beauty that is reflected from your soul. You can also communicate with your Higher Self there too!

Happy Autumn Equinox! Stay well and enjoy the Light!!!

Nancy Robbins

So, here are their messages…

SANANDA:  “The results of the inner work that you do affects the world, as you are a smaller part of a greater whole, as in a hologram.  It is time to move into your core, your heart center, and discover the essence of you.  You each have a divine spark and are part of the Source energy of the Creator.  What are your soul qualities?  What do you value?  As a creator of the New Earth, what qualities do you want it to have?  This exploration is best done in quiet stillness, where you turn down the volume on your mental and emotional chatter, and relax.  The quarantine period provided such a ‘shut down’ that allowed time to re-connect to yourself and your values.  Whether you are still in quarantine or not, it is very important to continue to find your ‘center point’ and let it be your touchstone.  Once you begin to understand the values and qualities that describe the essence of you – you have a focus.  Now you can set priorities in your life – on how to develop and enhance those qualities and how those qualities contribute to a better world.”

SANAT KUMARA: “The Aqua Ray that will be coming in is a light that uplifts and expands.  It is a cool, calm energy that has a menthol-like scintillating feeling, like a breath of cool fresh air that levitates you into higher levels.  It feels etheric and has an angelic quality.  It could be considered a higher frequency ray of healing – as if the emerald Green Ray of Healing joined with the White Ray of Purity and raised in frequency.  In this way it uplifts you and transforms you into being more than you were.  It is actually clearing away that which weighs you down so that you can lift up into your true self.  In this way you become more whole – you heal holistically.  This Aqua Ray assists you in transforming patterns from past lives, karmic debts, bad habits, old beliefs that need adjusting or clearing to help clear the way to your true self.”

ADAMA: “Mother Mary nurtures with love and guides the work of this ray with loving energy.  Go into your heart and listen to the voice of your soul.  What does your soul want most?  Feel your heart opening and expanding and let it overflow with unconditional love for all.  Be compassionate and kind.  Are you following your heart’s desires?  Knowing your truth, and living your truth will keep you healthy.

This light is also affecting the Earth, as the Earth is rising up into her higher potential – the New Earth.  There is a lot of shifting and chaos with the Earth as she transforms.  She is needing to clear away what ‘weights her down’ as we do, and here is where humanity can help.  Humanity’s abuse of the planet comes from a lack of respect and understanding of her intelligence and her contribution to mankind.  This is a unique planet in this universe, and our loving care and respect is needed now.  The same lack of love and respect for ourselves and our fellow kind is also at the heart of our current woes.  This circles us back to the request for moving into your heart center and rising up to your Higher Self – to be the bright light that you truly are.  Visualize this Aqua Ray infusing the Earth, and yourself in its uplifting light and be transformed.”

MELICIUM:  “The Aqua Ray resonates strongly with the Aquarian Age.  In this Age, Divine Feminine energy and Divine Masculine energy come into balance and harmony.  The Green Ray of Truth is about nature, healing, balance, renewal, and harmony.  The Aqua Ray raises these attributes to a higher level.  The heart is the key element, the bridge of connection that forms our relationship with others, and with the Earth.  In our heart we  create harmony between our Divine Feminine and Masculine energies – a balance of intuition and logic, receiving and giving, physical and spiritual, earth and heaven.  Deep in your heart is your heart sanctuary where you can connect to your essence and your light.  Once you connect to it, let it expand and shimmer.  Trust your light, and let it be a beacon in the world.”

MEDITATION: Find the Beauty Within Your Heart Sanctuary

This meditation will help you find the beauty, and other soul qualities, within you. It will be your sanctuary and a new “home base”. This is your center and your touchstone from which you transform.

Allow yourself to sit quietly and calm your mind and emotions. Feel deep relaxation and peace. Place your focus on your heart with the intention of connecting to the sacred space within your heart. You may have a sensation of moving deep within, and know that your intention will connect you to this sacred space. You may find yourself following a trail of light until you come to a stop at a door of light. You step through this door into a room.

You feel a higher vibration within the room. If you need more light in the room to see it by, just ask for light to increase within the space. This is your sacred space that holds your soul’s deepest desires and your soul’s divine essence. You soul will inform you on your life purpose and bring you important information for your healing and transformative development. Take a look around and witness the details and qualities of the space, as if you walked into another person’s home, and you took a look at the space to gain clues on its occupant.

What colors do you see? Are there any particular sounds? What is the style or architecture of the space? What feelings do you sense here? Are there any specific aromas? Are there any people, animals, or other beings here? Do they have any messages or gifts for you? Are there windows and other doors? How are the elements of earth, fire, water, air, and ether represented here? Does this room denote any specific function or multiple functions? How do the details of this room inform you of your essence – the core of your nature? How does this inform you of your heart’s passions? How does this describe your inner divine spiritual skills? How does this describe your beauty? When you see this essence of you, what particular color or colors symbolize it?

Now, slowly take your focus of vision and pan-out to where you are looking at your physical outer self. How does your physical appearance express your essence? Beauty is a reflection of your soul essence. By understanding your beauty you can emphasize the expression of your unique self. For instance, you can wear colors that you discovered your soul essence to have. Value this special uniqueness and beauty. Do not try to compare your beauty to others, or follow some prescribed form of beauty that society dictates. Beauty is a unique expression of each individual’s essence and truth, which is why beauty is so highly valued and sought after. Therefore, beauty is different with each individual, and can be appreciated in that way. Know and appreciate your own particular beauty as an expression of your soul.

You can learn about more than just your beauty in this sanctuary. This is your sacred space where you can gain information on yourself from your soul. You can also ask to have your Higher Self, ascended masters, angels, star beings or loved ones that have passed on, to meet you here to communicate with, or bring you healing awareness. This sacred space may serve as a workshop space for you to manifest creations from, or serve as a restorative sanctuary. You can connect to all hearts everywhere from this space as well. This is your new home base! Know that you can return here at any time. Now with gratitude for your sacred space, retrace your steps back up through your heart to your present awareness, and open your eyes.

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