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Spirit Guided Message for the Spring Equinox – March 20, 2022

“A Seed in the Heart”

Spring is the time of the year when seeds are planted in gardens, a time of new ideas for new creations are planted.  Our heart is a sacred space that holds our divine spark, and our soul’s wisdom and passions.  It knows all the lifetimes of our experiences.  From this sacred well we can find the inspiration, the soulful desires and passions that become the seed in our heart – that new idea that we want to manifest.  Now is the time to consider what our soul desires to create for the New Earth.  We are the creators of the New Earth – how do we want it to be?  It is time to listen in quiet stillness to our heart’s voice and plant that seed with intention to create the New Earth we long for.  This is what my spirit guides recommend for our focus for the Spring Equinox.  To consciously nurture a seed of creation from our hearts for the New Earth!

Here is a visualization to help you achieve this:

Sit in relaxed stillness, calming your mental chatter and emotional noise.  Imagine a bubble of divine white light is hovering over the top of your head.  It is about to descend down through your chakras clearing any blocks and energizing your chakra as it passes through it.  Allow the white light bubble to descend down through your Crown chakra…your Brow chakra…your Well of Dreams chakra in the back of your neck…your Throat chakra…your Higher Heart chakra near your thyroid…your Heart chakra…your Lower Heart chakra in your diaphragm area…your Solar Plexus chakra…your Sacral chakra…your Root chakra…down through your Earth Star chakra below your feet.

Shift your focus to your heart and see the light of your heart shining there.  Expand this light until you are in a bubble of heart light.  Ask your heart what you most desire for the world right now in one word.  Visualize in detail what it looks like as a seed.  Place intention in the seed of the desired goal.  Send gold and green energy to it to help it grow.  Is it responding to the light?  Does it wish for another color of light?  Test its response to these divine rays of color – Blue, Yellow, Pink, White, Purple, Violet, or more Green, or more Gold?  Imagine a time lapse camera on the seed as it moves in growth forward in time.  What has it become?  If you feel it is strong and flourishing, it can be taken to the New Earth to be planted.  (If not, you can continue to nurture it until it is ready to be planted.)

Imagine a white light trail is before you that leads to the New Earth.  Follow this trail to a white light door.  Open the door, and step through onto the New Earth.  Plant your flourishing creation in the New Earth.  Come here often to shower the creation with the light it favors.  You are a Creator of the New Earth.  Plant more seeds from your heart and soul and nurture them with divine light.

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