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Spirit Guided Message for the SUMMER SOLSTICE – June 20, 2021


by Nancy Robbins

The Earth is in the process now of assimilating Divine Feminine energy that the planet has been receiving on a more intense level over the past year – and this will continue in order to achieve balance and harmony on the planet, and to support the creation of the New Earth of higher dimension.

The Summer Solstice is a day of the most sunlight in the year – a time of the greatest flow of light from the sun and its higher self – the Great Central Sun – a source of divine energy.  Sunlight has masculine energy qualities of active growth and transformation.  Since this light is reflected from the Great Central Sun, it also carries Divine Masculine energy.  The light is encoded with higher consciousness.  Interestingly, Father’s Day also falls on the Summer Solstice this year.  So, we are on a Divine Masculine energy theme here.

What my spirit guides advise for this solstice is to actively and consciously draw in this divine light to activate and enhance all our chakras – to expand our inner rainbow light, and to support the Divine Feminine energy in our heart.  Then, we can send this divine light into the Earth to help bring healing and balance to the Earth, and help clear it of our heavy negative emotions.

This Divine Masculine energy provides us with a host of benefits:

  • It enhances our chakra energy, which enhances our health
  • It clears blocks in our chakras
  • It raises our consciousness
  • It strengthens the light in our light body
  • It raises our frequency for enlightenment and protection
  • It supports our heart where our soul wisdom and our powerful love energy resides
  • We can anchor this divine light into the Earth for the planet’s benefit.

The Light with its Divine Masculine qualities supports our inner Divine Feminine energy in our heart.  As our Pillar of Light (our vertical chakra alignment) is illuminated, our heart light can safely expand.  Our heart opens like a blossoming flower to reveal its inner glorious light and love energy.  This activation is needed so that our love energy can expand in our auric field to bring us healing, and to bring healing to others and the planet.  In this way our Divine Masculine and Feminine energies work together to create balance and harmony.  Our inner world reflects what is happening in the outer world.

Here is a visualization to activate the sun’s divine energy within our energy field:

VISUALIZATION:  Activating Divine Light

You can either sit or stand during this visualization.  Quiet the mind and emotions, relax the body and move into stillness and quiet.

Take in the Divine Masculine energy of the sun through your Crown chakra at the top of your head.  Feel it consciously connect you to higher frequencies and divine energy.  Higher guides surround you to bring you guidance and protection.  Feel the violet light emanations from your Crown chakra enhance and expand.

Now visualize the divine light descends to your Brow chakra.  The light clears any blocks to your inner vision and enhances your clairvoyance and psychic skills.  The indigo light of your Brow chakra becomes more vivid and expands so that you see more truth and have greater inner vision and understanding.

Now the light descends to your Well of Dreams chakra at the back of your head in the occipital area.  The cobalt blue light of this chakra expands as your greater truth is revealed within your higher aspects – your self-image revises to include more understanding of your skills and purpose.

The divine light now descends to your Throat chakra.  The soft blue light expands to enable you to better express your truth, and listen to others more carefully.  Your words have power to help you manifest.

The light descends to your Higher Heart chakra in your sternum area.  A turquoise light radiates from here, and holds within its light your soul’s wisdom, and your truth that you are ready to express.  You stand in your truth with greater self-love and conviction.

The light descends to your Heart chakra that expands its emerald green light.  A pink blossom within unfolds.  A powerful light is emitted from this flower – of love energy that is unconditional, healing and wise.  The Divine Feminine energy found here nurtures you with its gentle power.  All your loving relationships are enhanced with this loving power and universal force.  This rose-pink light continues to expand and fill your aura as the divine light continues to descend.

The light moves down to your Lower Heart chakra in your diaphragm area.  Its spring-green light radiates an energy that regenerates and rejuvenates you, as you expel old energy and breathe in the new fortifying energy.

The light descends to your Solar Plexus chakra.  A golden-yellow light expands, like your inner sun.  It strengthens you, and boosts your confidence and sense of self-worth.

The light descends to your Sacral chakra.  A cheerful orange light expands bringing you joy, a sense of playful creativity, and a zest for life.

The light moves down to your Root chakra where a vivid red color expands that strengthens your health and vitality.  Your sense of abundance is also strengthened.

The light descends to your Earth Star chakra below your feet.  This deep red light radiates into the Earth and connects you to your ancestors, and the heart of the Earth.  You feel a connection to the wisdom of your ancestors, and to the intelligence of the feminine spirit of Earth – Gaia.  You continue to send this divine light to the heart of Earth to expand her heart energy field.

Your own heart light has expanded beyond your aura.  It cocoons you in loving energy that nurtures and sustains you, as it also lovingly radiates to the world.  Feel the harmony created within as you now feel the rainbow of light within you gloriously radiate in unison.  Your light has expanded to its greatest flow for this Summer Solstice.

Repeat this visualization often to continue to raise your frequency and rejuvenate body and soul, and increase the light in your light body.  As you take the sunlight into your body let it uplift you emotionally, expand the radiant love energy in your heart, strengthen your confidence and self-worth, mentally inspire you with divine wisdom that is encapsulated in the light, and spiritually enlighten you.

Sunlight is born by the elementals of fire, who are all about enlightenment, activation, motivation, and transformation.  Take time in your day to drink in the light, allow your heart light to shimmer into the world, and transform you with joyful well-being.

3 thoughts on “Spirit Guided Message for the SUMMER SOLSTICE – June 20, 2021”

  1. Rosemary Allmayer-Beck

    Nancy, I tried this by reading the paragraphs one by one, closing my eyes after each and visualizing. It was difficult at first but became easier. This is a good one. Thank you!

  2. Thank You for sharing -Deepening of spiritual vibrations , quickening of Divine fire, further activation of the cosmic masculine emanating transmission- all this felt and connected in descended downloads of Christic consciousness-as thje fathjer so the son/ sun.

    I am especially interested in your own understandings – transmissions received in the spiritual aspects of the levels of guidance in reference to this solstice Gemini sun -especially aspects of the manifestation of the elemental Divine marriage during this alignment of cosmic spiritual energies.

    thanks for caring

    1. Right now my guides are showing me the importance of heaven and earth uniting. There are many downloads of high frequency energy from the Great Central Sun, but also from Venus (divine feminine energy). I also feel the high frequency energy of inner earth feels like it is rising to the surface, which is why I feel communication increasing with Lemurians and Agarthans. This is why it is also important for us to connect to the earth and listen to the voice of Gaia (the intelligence of the Earth), and connect with the nature spirits/elementals. The Earth, and humanity, is transforming into 5D, and the best place to connect is into our hearts, and also the crystalline grid of the Earth. Both of these places are multi-dimensional and where cosmic and earth intelligence flow together.

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