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Spirit Message for the Autumn Equinox – Seeking the Light


New energies are flooding Earth.  We are receiving divine cosmic information encoded in the Light to raise our consciousness and our evolution.  The Light has been coming from many sources – the Great Central Sun, the Sun, Moon, Venus, Pleiades, Sirius, and the light of Sophia – the divine Mother intelligence.  This Light is healing, centering, and uplifting.  The hierarchy of elementals, and the Pleiadians, have been taking this Light and distributing and anchoring this divine energy to the Earth – especially within the Earth’s crystalline grid.

Our task now is to seek the Light in all things, and immerse ourselves in the Light so that we fully resonate with its frequencies, and become greater beacons of Light ourselves.  This is the answer to our woes that we have been seeking.  This is especially important now as we find ourselves living at a time of high stress – environmental, political, and health distress is at a record high in this chaotic time of rapid changes.  We need to stop being tossed around in the chaos – only adding to it – and shift our focus to seeking the guidance and peace found in the Light.  We need centered calm, higher perspective, and healing NOW.  Fully “drinking in” the Light will help us.

We find the Light in nature and our hearts – where our soul wisdom also lies.  Nature is a repository of Light that radiates throughout all its beautiful creations, and it heals us on many levels.  Our Higher Self, the ascended masters, and beings of the angelic and nature kingdoms are waiting to help us, we just need to ask them for their guidance.

In order to accomplish this we must first clear ourselves of old energy and darkness that weighs us down – those toxic thoughts and emotions that poison our soul and body.  For this we need to shift our awareness to the simple fact that we must choose between love or fear.  Many energies are created from fear – anger, jealousy, blame, shame, depression, and more.  When we are afraid, we feed our fears with more fears, creating an endless cycle.  When we feed our fears with Love – they dissipate.  Where we find darkness and fear – we need to shine the Light of Love.  This is best accomplished when we are filled with the Light of Love.  Let your heart especially be filled to overflowing with Light.  Then we can see with the eyes of Love, extend a loving touch, speak words of loving kindness, and find the beauty in all that surrounds us.  Become a walking beacon of Light!

Nature captures the Light magnificently, and when we immerse ourselves in nature – we absorb the Light.  The beauty of the Light is found in a glorious sunrise, a perfect rose, a spiderweb glistening with dewdrops, a majestic tree.  It’s a good time to submerge in the glory of nature and its healing vibes.

We can choose shining the Light of Love in our simple daily activities – the meals we cook, acts of kindness in a store or while driving, hugging a loved one, a helpful gesture for a neighbor, loving communion with our pets.  To simply be kind!  It is time to be free – to walk in the path of light, love, and joy.  Here, we will find peace.  Our sense of peace adds to group consciousness, thereby helping our collective evolution into the New Golden Age.  We will contribute to the solution, rather than adding to the problem.  We will then resonate with the highest frequencies found in the Light, Love, Joy, and Beauty, and this will not only help us transform and heal, but the Earth as well.  We will become a planet and beings of Light and Love.

Here is a visualization that will help you bring the Light fully into your mind, body, and soul.

Ball of White Light Visualization

Allow yourself to sit in stillness – quieting your mind and emotions, and relaxing your body.

Visualize a divine ball of white light is hovering over your head.  The Light intends to clear and energize your chakras as it descends.  The Light will descend completely through your body and out through your feet into the Earth – to transmute any heavier energies.   It begins to slowly descend down through your Crown chakra – and as it does it cleanses any negative debris or blocks to that energy center.  You may feel that chakra brighten from a dullness that it may have had before.  You may see the violet hue of that chakra brighten as the chakra energizes.  The divine light will also nourish your divine connection through this chakra.

The ball descends down now through your Brow chakra in your “third eye” area, clearing and energizing.  Sense the energy effects to this chakra from the Light.  What do you feel?  You may see the indigo hue of that chakra brighten.  The divine light nourishes your visionary and psychic abilities.

The ball descends down now through your Well of Dreams chakra in the back of the neck, clearing and energizing.  What do you sense changing here?  You may see the deep blue of this chakra brighten to a cobalt blue.  The divine light nourishes your awareness of your many dimensional aspects.  You have an expanded awareness of your being.

The ball descends down now through your Throat chakra, clearing and energizing.  You may see the light blue of this chakra brighten.  It clears any blocks that inhibit your voice.  The divine light nourishes your ability to express and manifest your truth, and your heart’s passions.

The ball descends down now through your Higher Heart chakra in your sternum area, clearing and energizing.  You may see the aqua color of this chakra brighten.  The divine light nourishes your ability to be aware of your truth – your soul’s values and passions.

The ball descends down now through your Heart chakra, clearing and energizing.  You may see the emerald green color of this chakra brighten.  The divine light nourishes your heart with Divine Love.  Your heart is the key – you radiate this important healing energy to the world through your relationships from your heart.  Your heart is a multidimensional space to explore your soul’s abilities and this awareness and understanding is becoming clearer to you now.  The Light enables forgiveness, and supports greater inner harmony and serenity.

The ball descends down now through the Lower Heart chakra in your diaphragm area, clearing and energizing.  You may see the yellow-green color of this chakra brighten.  The divine light nourishes this chakra that helps you release old energy, and receive the new, especially with your breathing cycle, like a fresh spring breeze.

The ball descends down now through the Solar Plexus chakra, clearing and energizing.  You may see the golden-yellow color of this chakra brighten – like a radiant sun.  The divine light nourishes this chakra by enhancing your self-esteem and confidence, and understanding of your value as a divine being.  You are more aware of your golden qualities.

The ball descends down now through the Sacral chakra, clearing and energizing.  You may see the orange color of this chakra brighten.  The divine light nourishes this chakra by enhancing your creativity and bringing greater emotional balance and healing.  The orange is cheering.

The ball descends down now through the Root chakra, clearing and energizing.  You may see the red color of this chakra brighten.  The divine light nourishes this chakra by enhancing your understanding of reason for living here now, your sense of abundance, your health and vitality.

The ball descends now into the Earth below your feet and transmutes any collected energy.  See the enhanced chakras like a bright string of colorful lights radiate higher energy.  This string of lights enhance your Light Pillar – your vertical column of chakra energies.  See the Pillar of Light “plug into” the Earth below your feet, and with Source above your head.  You are now fully charged and connected to divine intelligence – earthly and cosmic.

Shift your focus back to your heart and expand the light of your heart to encompass your whole body in a bubble of light.  This bubble of light will bring you protection and will strengthen your aura.  Let your light shine to all the world with divine love!



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