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Spirit Message for the Fall Equinox 2024


My Council of Guides continually emphasize that we need to keep moving up into the higher versions of ourselves.  This is the path of ascension.  I think of a hot air balloon that is ready to rise into the air to seek higher dimensions, well, it has to drop the heavy sandbags first!  So, the flip side of the coin of “Discovering Your Core Self” is “Releasing What Doesn’t Serve You.”  This seems appropriate for the Fall Equinox – as a tree releases old energy, so do we.

By gaining an understanding of your core self, you have a better idea of what needs to be released.  You have to sift through the clutter of beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, to unearth the gems (that perhaps don’t really belong to you, or no longer serve you) – the qualities of your authentic self.  Then you know how to nurture and protect your core self and move forward on your path of ascension.  Your core self is your “lighter version” of you that embodies your soul’s unique qualities, gifts, and values that you have to offer to the world.  It may be considered as your inner wisdom, intuition, inner voice, wise self, or inner nurturer.  It can be understood by listening to your heart’s voice – the expression of your soul.  You core self is vulnerable and when you gain a better understanding of it, you can nurture it and let it shine.  We tend to protect our core self, and silence or stifle it.  We protect it with distraction, avoidance, and superficial communication.  It is an evolving process to understand your core self. 

I have listed a few processes to explore to uncover your core self, and release old energy weighing you down, so that you can be free to move up into your higher potential.  It’s time to stream-line yourself!  Have fun with these processes!

    1. Stream of consciousness. For this process write for 3 minutes without lifting your pen.  Just let your thoughts flow out of your head.  To get you started, you may write about your feelings or your heart’s passions that express your soul self.  Here are a few starter suggestions:

                 I am….

                 I am most afraid of

                 I value….

                 My strengths are…

                 I dream of …


    1. Your dreams. It may help to examine your sleeping dreams, and your waking ones.  What surfaces in your sleeping dreams?  If you waking dreams had no limits and can be easily manifested – what are they?  How do you want to be remembered?


    1. Listen in Stillness. Go into relaxed stillness and listen to your heart’s voice – your inner voice.  When your intuition speaks to you – honor it, pay attention, and don’t dismiss it.  Be aware of this subtle inner voice that tries to be heard.  While you are in meditative quiet, you can also connect with your Higher Self for guidance.  Your Higher Self is the higher dimensional aspect of you and has a great store of knowledge about you and your life missions and can give you great support and expand your self-knowledge.


    1. Examine the Underlying Emotions. On many occasions we express an emotion that really isn’t the underlying issue – there is a lurking emotion underneath that is the real issue.  When you are expressing an emotion, such as anger; take a second look.  The real issue may be you are feeling hurt, and that is the emotion that needs to be clearly expressed.  That emotion reflects more honestly on your core self.  Also, do you shield yourself and shut down your emotions too quickly?  Emotions are like water.  If you block them and they stagnate, it becomes an unhealthy cesspool.  It is best to let emotions flow, experience them and let them flow onward.


    1. Reflect on your Childhood. Not all of us have had joyful childhoods, but it is our childhood where we can discover our initial qualities of our soul self when we were innocent and not yet conditioned by society.  For many we can remember times of freedom, joy, play, and innocent optimism.  Your child self becomes your “inner child.”  It is great to reclaim that inner child and show them love and support and let them joyfully play once again.  As a child we experienced the high frequency emotions of the heart with all our fun, play, imagination, and free-spirited action.  It rejuvenates us to reclaim that inner child essence once again and uplifts us.  Take a moment to remember and reflect on the treasures of your childhood, and send love to your inner child.


    1. Examine any Conditioning. As we grow up we are conditioned by our family and society’s values that shape our world.  Is there a belief or feeling you adopted that inhibits you from living an emotionally honest and authentic life?  Change is never easy, but it is your uniqueness you are reclaiming.  New energy that comes with new thoughts and ideas are what transform and energize us.


    1. Releasing Old Energy. What is not serving your best interest at this time?  It may be a person, place, thing, behavior, or situation.  It ultimately serves no one when we allow ourselves to remain diminished and hide our truth.  Take a moment to see what needs to be released, that is holding you back at this time.


    1. Releasing Old Emotional Wounds. As you go through the process of letting go of long-buried emotions that may have been repressed since childhood, you may find yourself feeling sad, anxious, angry, or depressed.  The only way out is going through the emotion – by embracing it and letting it go.  At such a time, however, it is best to not feel alone and a great time to find support – such as with a trusted therapist, counselor, transformational life coach, or peer-support group.  You can also go into meditation and converse with your Higher Self for guidance.  This type of support can provide new perspectives that are invaluable during such a transformational time of change.

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