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March 20, 2019

A Message from Sanat Kumara, Sananda (Jesus Christ) and Mother Mary:

The recent solar flares and magnetostorm (last Monday) have been opening portals and downloading us with new information encoded in the divine light. New portals opening have also been allowing a new influx of energy as frequencies become higher – the veil is thinning, and we are becoming more aware of higher dimensional aspects. If you are balanced and open-hearted, you are elevated in frequencies that reveal more of your truth, and latent skills and abilities are being awakened and revealed to you. If you are closed in your heart and mind to the new energies, you suffer more chaos and feel irritable turbulence in your life – we have all seen this in the news!

But, with all this solar activity (gifts from the Great Central Sun) we have been endowed with higher frequencies that reveal more of our authentic selves, and are activated into higher levels of being. So aptly, in time for the Spring Equinox, it’s time to look at what gift each of us has been given! A new seed has been planted within us – and the most gracious and wise response would be to see what kind of gift we’ve each been given – we need to take a look at it, and appreciate it gratefully.

So, the vital question is: What seed have I been given that has arrived now, and that requires nurturing care so it will grow and blossom?  

Monday’s magnetostrom has helped to activate the download from the solar flares and all this activity can wreak havoc physically and emotionally. So, it’s a great time to find a calm and centered place within where you can take a good look at your gift – your seed. Sanat Kumara, Sananda, and Mother Mary suggest the following meditation, and that this calm place is found in your “heart sanctuary”, where your gift can be revealed, you can plant it in your consciousness, nurture it with your attention and love, and watch it blossom in your life. Here is some advice from them and the meditation.

Sanat Kumara – “Establish a light connection to the ‘seed’ from your heart. Visualize a beam of love energy coming from your heart to the seed. This connects the seed into your energetic being and consciousness.”
Sananda:  ” Let this seed project it’s purpose for you onto a white screen or as a hologram. You can visit your heart sanctuary and watch your seed’s progress in this way.”
Mother Mary:  “This seed is for your highest good, but ultimately for the planet and the galaxy. Feel that extended connection of oneness through this gift from the universe.

Follow a light trail to your inner heart sanctuary- a room in your heart. As you stand outside the white light door to this room, place the intention that once you enter the room the purpose of your “seed” gift will be revealed to you once you enter the room. You enter and see either a white screen with a projection on it, or a hologram. What do you see? You may also pick up information on your gift with feelings or hear a voice or sound. What do you feel? What do you hear? Allow your senses to pick up information on the purpose of your gift. You can ask for clarity. Then ask what is required of you to nurture this new idea/opportunity/gift that will move you into a higher level of being. You can ask a higher being to represent this gift and converse with you. Wait for this being to appear. Ask the being for any other information that will help you understand the scope of your seed’s gift. Give thanks for your gift and visit your heart sanctuary often to view its progress. You can check in with the representative, or your Higher Self, to receive more detailed guidance, or answer any questions you may have. May your seed flourish in the golden light, and fulfill your heart’s highest desires.


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