by Nancy Robbins
A special Note to begin with: The Spring Equinox falls on March 19th this year. Equinoxes and Solstices are power days to begin with, but it especially packs a punch this year for a couple of astrological reasons. First, the beginning of the zodiacal year of the sun at the Aries point also falls on March 19. The solar force is magnified on that point which affects all of humanity. A new shift of higher consciousness begins.
Second, Venus and Mars are conjunct in Aquarius during March. This means that the archetypal female, Venus, and the archetypal male, Mars, will pack a punch in the sign they are travelling through which is Aquarius (reflecting the spiritual aspects of being human). They have been in close proximity since February 2024, and will continue to dance through Aquarius until the first week of April. Venus provides the magnetic energy that governs the things we want – our heart’s desires, and how to attract them. Mars turns on the electricity that fuels our desires, and how to take action on them.
So, these three aspects – the Spring Equinox, the Aries point, and the influence of Mars and Venus during March all bring power to our focus on our heart’s desires and what we want to create as it also expands awareness and raises consciousness. So, let’s take advantage of the cosmic power being provided during March to plant the seeds of our dreams!
A Time for Dreams to Blossom
I connected with Sananda Kumara (Jesus) and Adama (Lemurian) for this message. They spoke of the importance of us taking action on creating the New Earth and our personal heart’s desires. What we create for our personal lives, also establishes the creation of the New Earth. We need to carefully consider what we want to create and why. In order for us to move forward on our path to fulfilling our higher potential, we need to closely examine our heart – the very energy that will propel us forward. We need to give ourself the time to consciously ask our heart what it most desires. That is the “seed” of your heart’s dreams that requires you to take action to manifest. In this way, you nurture your soul, achieve greater inner peace, are uplifted, and move forward on your path of ascension. This is a simple request for us to focus on for the Spring Equinox. The days around the Spring Equinox are full of power to help us. The meditation below will take us through the stages of manifestation to guide you in this exercise of bringing your heart’s desires and dreams into your reality.
My Notes: I would like to add a couple of thoughts to framework this simple task. The manifestation of our heart’s desires, and the creation of the New Earth is basically a “soil-less garden.” Machaelle Small Wright who works with the energetic Perelandra garden coined the term “soil-less garden” which follows the principles of co-creative science. It is defined as working with nature to achieve goals with extraordinary efficiency and balance.
Why do we need to work with nature? I see the answer as two-fold:
Firstly, the Nature Kingdom brings thought into form. The job of the nature spirits, the energy workers of the Earth, are to follow the intelligent plan of the Earth (who follows the Divine Plan) and to manifest human thoughts into form. (Humans were meant to bring heavenly thought into form on Earth. We’ve missed the mark greatly in the past, but we can do this now.) Nature spirits and the devas that create the blueprints will be our allies in our creations. This includes the nature spirits of Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether. Their magical energy is also very healing.
Secondly, this brings us into balance and alignment with Gaia – the intelligence and Spirit of the Earth. Earth is ascending, as are we – we can move on the path together in mutual support and harmony.
Spring is all about new beginnings, renewal, resurrection, fresh ideas, and new growth. So, it’s a perfect time to focus on our “soil-less garden” by planting the seeds of our heart’s dreams and nurture their growth to blossom into their extraordinary beauty. Here are some ideas and a meditation that will help.
Create a focus for your garden: Locate a sacred place in your home – the center or “heart” of your home, a shelf, a table, or create an altar that focuses the intent and symbolizes your dream-seed. In this space you can place:
- an image that represents your dream-seed
- you can create a mandala with sacred geometry that represents your heart’s desire
- a crystal or collection of crystals and stones that support the qualities of your dream-seed
- a paper with your written intention or affirmations to support its successful development
- Bring each of the elements into your home – Fire, water, earth, air, and the spiritual Ether.
- image of a nature spirit from each element that supports the nourishment and growth process.
- Play music that supports the growth of your dream-seed.
- Literally plant seeds in soil to mirror the growth of your dream-seeds.
MEDITATION: “Planting the Seeds of our Heart’s Dreams”
To prepare: Sit in a relaxed position without distractions and engage your imagination. Imagine there is a volume knob on your mental chatter – you turn that down to zero to quiet your mind. There is also a volume knob on your emotional noise – you turn that down to zero to quiet your emotions. It’s time for your left brain to take a nap, as you’ll be using your right brain to engage your spiritual side, it’s not time for analyzing and organizing. Allow yourself to move into stillness and quiet. Then focus on your heart. Imagine you see a color of light in your heart. Expand that heart light like blowing up a bubble until it encompasses your entire body. Fill and surround yourself with golden sparkling light.
Now it is time to converse with your heart. Ask – What does my heart most desire? How can I actively manifest this desire? What in the nature kingdom represents this desire? Are there any particular colors, sounds, images, or words that represent this desire? Imagine that this heart’s desire is in the shape of a seed, or seeds if you have multiple desires. What does this seed look like? Take a moment to visualize it. Imagine that you are now planting this seed into the soil of the New Earth. That which grows on the New Earth requires the five elements from which to thrive – air, fire, water, earth, and ether. Your dream seeds also need nourishment from these elements to grow and bloom.
Air governs the quality of space, and the freedom of thoughts, and an open mind with circulation of fresh new ideas. Your heart’s dream-seed from your soul’s mind needs to be guarded against negativity, doubt, and old patterns of thought that hold no truth for you so that it is not choked of the clean air of positive thoughts it needs to thrive and breathe right from the beginning. Sweep away all unnecessary debris that could stunt the growth of your dreams. Create a fresh foundation for your seed to grow. Imagine that a nature spirit of the Air element appears before you.
This spirit wishes to work with you to help nurture your dream-seed, so converse with it regularly for advice. It may be a Fairy that infuses light and joy into creations; a Fairy queen that works with higher energies; a Fairy guardian that offers protection; Sylphs that work with air quality and weather; a Plant deva that is an architect of a plant; a Landscape angel that oversees an area of land; a Blue fairy of new consciousness; or an Earth angel that downloads higher consciousness to the Earth.
Your intention is the soil that holds your dream-seed. Imagine that the New Earth is providing your seed with all the rich nutrients it needs to grow and be sustained. The New Earth’s foundation is made up of all heart connections – so there is powerful heart energy circulating through it. Visualize your seed receiving these nutrients now fueled with your intention. Imagine that a nature spirit of the Earth element appears before you. This spirit wishes to work with you to help nurture your dream-seed, so converse with it regularly for advice. It may be a Brownie that works with the energy within your home; a Gnome that
works with the soil, crystals and minerals; an Elf that is a plant caretaker; a Pixie that works with roots and stems of plants; a Dwarf that works with fertility, energy patterns, sacred geometry, and the grids of the Earth; a Dryad the spirit of a tree; a Mountain Deva that is the spirit of a mountain; or Pan the over-lighting deva of the Nature Kingdom.
Your dream-seed now needs water to grow. Water is the bearer of emotion and feeling, and provides the quality of life with purification. Send your dream-seed love from your heart to nourish it, along with your excitement of the achieved goal. Breathe loving life to it daily as you visualize it blossoming. Feel the love, joy, beauty, and gratitude, as your seed blooms. Imagine that a nature spirit of the Water element appears before you. This spirit wishes to work with you to help nurture your dream-seed, so converse with it regularly for advice. It may be a Spirit of Balance that is a fish-like energy that balances energy within a landscape; a Nixie – a beautiful feminine presence that purifies and energizes water; a Water Sprite – a fairy-like being that elevates water quality and gives it sparkle; an Undine that purifies the ocean; Water Nymphs, Nymph Queen, or Waterman that purify water and balance its energy with the male and female nymphs; a Delphinion – a beautiful feminine being that creates healing energy in wells and springs; or the Mer – a Mermaid or Merman that revitalizes the oceans.
To keep your dream-seed thriving you need the light of Fire. Fire is life fore, divine information, and active transformation. Fire energizes growth and is the divine spark lighting the way. As the light of the sun energizes plant growth, let the light shine upon your dream-seed in the form of inspiration and optimism. Know your own value and the worth of your dream. Guard your dreams from any negativity or dark shadows of doubt. Keep your dream illuminated to grow in the light. Honor your dream, the opinions of others do not matter.. Imagine that a nature spirit of the Fire element appears before you. This spirit wishes to work
with you to help nurture your dream-seed, so converse with it regularly for advice. It may be a Volcanic Deva that burns away the old and creates new land as a new foundation for growth; a Salamander – the spirit of flame that regulates light for growth, decomposes and regenerates; the Divine Spark of the heart that holds Creator energy, a Dragon of Enlightenment that is a powerful wise transformer and guardian; a Muse that holds the spark of creativity and inspiration; or a Solar Angel that radiates light-filled consciousness from the Sun.
Ether contains higher energy that holds the Divine Plan and higher perspective for your goals. You will need to prune the growth of your dream. Sometimes we need to prune and change our creation to match our own inner changes and transformation. Your pruning process will create more room for your dream to grow bigger and better. Take a look again at the air and space you originally intended for your dream and shape it into your revised dream. Imagine that a nature spirit of the Ether element appears before you. This spirit wishes to work with you to help nurture your dream-seed, so converse with it regularly for advice. It may be a Cosmic Connector – a pixie-like being that emanates sparkling concentric waves of energy that is a signature vibration from a planet, star, sun, or moon that is anchored to Earth; a fairy-angelic being within any of the divine rays of Light; a Sacred Weaver that forms a sacred geometric pattern of sound waves for healing; a Tija that circulates cosmic energy in the stratosphere; an Angel or Archangel; or one of our higher dimensional cousins from the Sidhe; or the Elohim – architects of Creation.
Continue monitoring each element stage of growth and you will soon discover your dream garden has been fully realized. As you do so, continue to converse with the nature spirits of each element that have chosen to work with you to best nurture your dream-seed. Create a conference call with your team often. Then you can celebrate your success with your team!
(Note: If you would like to read more about the Nature Spirits – who they are and what they do, you can purchase my book with card deck – Spirits of the Nature Kingdom. It is packed with a lot of valuable information on the Nature Kingdom and will be an eye-opener into that magical realm. Go to and look under Transformation Toos & Artwork – Card Decks)