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by Nancy Robbins

My guides showed me the Earth receiving higher light energy that was expanding its light into a glowing atmosphere.  In this halo, access was revealed to a fifth dimensional version of Earth.  The portal door is before us to step into this “New Earth” where we move into the energies of the Aquarian Age.  This is a                                                                                                pivotal time for humanity!

Here is some information to help us understand what is going on, followed by a visualization to help us take that step!

About Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the shortest and darkest day when we celebrate the coming birth of the Sun (and with Christmas,, a birth of the Son) and the Light that starts a new season and brings a transition of energy.  Saturnalia was a pagan festival celebrated on the Winter Solstice and was meant to be reminiscent of the Golden Age, a time when there was peace on Earth and Saturn was our Sun.  A time when the goddess gave birth to the Son/Sun.  The December Solstice was chosen for this day, and it signifies a “return to the light.”

This Winter Solstice

This particular Winter Solstice will advance us into the Aquarian Age.  Many believe the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius happened on Dec. 21, 2012, and others believe that this Winter Solstice is the pivotal time of transition.  The first wave of light to come to transition Earth happened in 2012, and now the second more intense wave will happen this year.  In 2012, all twelve dimensions were opened for the first time to humanity.  This wave in 2020 will move us into a new age – the Aquarian Age and 2021.  More on 2021 later.

Powerful Astrological Events Affecting the Winter Solstice

The stage is set with a solar eclipse on Dec. 14th when the moon passes between Earth and the Sun.  It is joined by the planet Mercury which affects how you think and communicate, and with its aspect to Mars, fuels your energy to take action on your goals with confidence.  This eclipse opens a portal to a brand new beginning, and accentuates the shift from third dimensional consciousness to fifth dimensional consciousness (which is more love based, than fear based).

The Grand Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter beginning Dec. 19th will amplify this portal energy.  This energy will peak on Dec. 21st – the Winter Solstice, and its effects will last throughout 2021.  For the last 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn have been aligning in Earth signs, but this year they will align at zero degrees (which represents limitless possibilities) in the sign of Aquarius – an age of new consciousness.  Aquarius is an air sign that represents intellect and ideas.

Each astrological age has a particular emphasis and theme of ideas.  The Aquarian Age will be a new beginning for humanity the likes of which we’ve never seen before.  It is a time of unity and community, and heart-centered living.  It is a time of innovation, technology, revolution, and evolution.  The “New Earth” will emerge more fully.  this is a time of great rapid change – a paradigm shift for humanity.  Jupiter and Saturn are carrying out the divine evolutionary plan.

As an interesting side note, according to Joseph Robert Jochmans, As the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Pisces in 7 BC heralded the Christed One’s appearance over 2,000 years ago, so the same gathering this time in Aquarius will bring the fulfillment of prophecy.  The Christed energy shall begin to descend on all people everywhere.”

We are the ones we have been waiting for!  We are now being called by Spirit to actively be a part of this evolutionary shift.  It is time for us to ascertain what our part in this plan is.  What type of person do you aspire to be?  If, you could change your life for the better, what would you do?  If, you could change the world for the better, what would you do?  It’s time to have clarity and make a commitment to that desire and step through the portal and do it in 2021!  This is the year to be an agent of powerful change for the better, as well as move into your higher potential.

“Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?   – Marcus Aurelius (Philosopher and Roman emperor during Pax Romana, an age of peace.

2021 and the Age of Aquarius

In numerology, 2021 is a 5 year, which means change.  It is a year of enthusiasm, action, and self-empowerment.  It is a time to move into higher wisdom, follow our intuition, and to find solutions to our current issues for the highest good of all – a time to become our higher selves.  It is a year to be adaptable, optimistic, tolerant, free, creative and cooperative.  It will have its challenges, but it will also have its innovations.

Remember that you are here for a purpose, discover this mission and actively explore and move forward to complete it.  We are being given an opportunity of accelerated process to become the magical beings we were intended to be.  We will be moving more fully into fifth dimensional consciousness.  Fifth dimensional consciousness includes the feeling of oneness, heightened intuitive senses, and expansion of skills.

It is time for courage, bravery, wonder, excitement, hope and a desire to create something new – the New Earth.  You will explore the depths of your abilities in ways you have not been allowed before.  Change can make you feel off-kilter and afraid.  But remember, our true role is as creators, and the act of creation is making something new – so we need to do just that!  Do not become stuck in anxiety, fear, or old energy, but allow enthusiasm, creativity, and an open mind to accept new ideas to fuel your forward motion.  Meditation and getting out in nature will help soothe you so that the higher emotions of hope, joy, faith and trust can emerge to guide you.

This is the evolution of humanity.  A release of old-paradigm energies will clear and heal you as you open your body to receive new vibrational frequencies.  As you receive more waves of light, you become more connected to Source, each other, and everything and everyone in the universe.  More light in your cells awakens all twelve strands of your DNA, and gives you access to all twelve dimensions.  You will experience more of your multi-dimensional aspects, and realize you are so much more than you thought!

Fifth dimensional Earth will look the same, but there will be new higher frequencies that will help us reach new heights and ways of living.  We will shift into community-based living, humanitarian efforts will be important, and technology will be favored.  We will realize that we are one, and not just with humans, but with animals and all of nature. 

Plants, trees, crystals, and spirits of the nature kingdom – devas, fairies, and the like, have a consciousness and wisdom to share.  This oneness will also be discovered with the ascended masters, angelic kingdom and star beings, as our ability to communicate with them increases.  In this way they support us and raise us up to their higher frequencies.

The higher the frequency of the planet at the time of the shift, the higher the range of new frequencies will be unlocked for us.  By keeping our vibration high, we can also raise the frequency of the planet, making it harder for others to sink into any lower vibrations.  We do this not just by being positive, but by being true to ourselves, when you understand and accept who you are, flaws and all.  This shift will help us reach new levels of growth – more hope, peace and prosperity.  This is a good time to attract what you wish for yourself, and the world.  Get clarity on your heart-focused intention, connect with your spirituality, and move up into your higher potential.

How to prepare for the Winter Solstice and 2021

  1. Stay clear of negativity emotionally and mentally!  Examine all your old beliefs and patterns, and drop those that no longer serve you.  Stop worrying, judging, and being involved in negative thinking.  Try to take a higher perspective that will show you more viewpoints and objectivity.  Step out of any drama so that you can see the situation clearly.  Objectify things that come to you in a negative form, ,and send light to them.  Negativity is a strategy the dark energies use to manipulate and disempower you.  Don’t be a victim, you have the power to create a more loving choice to meet the challenge.
  2. Keep your vibration uplifted physically.  To keep your vibration high, eat healthy organic food and drink, read spiritual material, listen to uplifting music, dance, garden, do joyful activities, take a stroll in nature, and keep your immune system boosted.
  3. Remember to laugh and allow joy into your life.  Laughter raises your vibration back to where it needs to be.  Joy is love fountaining from the heart.  Be compassionate, do no harm to others on any level.  Play and have fun however you can (even in these dark times, it will keep you uplifted).  
  4. Connect to water.  Drink more (especially energized with intention), stand in the shower, take a bath (especially a salt bath), walk near or step into a stream,, lake, or ocean.  We can learn how to be fluid, flexible, and float with the current of the universe with water.  Water is a great medium to carry our intentions.
  5. Open communication to higher beings.  You might find yourself becoming more telepathic, clairvoyant or clairaudient which accentuates your ability to connect and communicate with higher beings.  These higher beings have great wisdom to share that will support you in raising your vibration to their higher level.  Nature has a consciousness and intelligence.  This is a great time to connect to the spirits of the nature kingdom – of air, fire, water, and earth (devas, fairies, gnomes, sylphs, nymphs, and the like) who help in the creative process of manifestation.  The angelic kingdom supports us emotionally.  The ascended masters and star beings (Pleiadians, Arcturians, Venusians, Sirians, and the like) will guide and inspire you with their wisdom.  All kingdoms are becoming more available to you to help you raise your vibration to theirs.  We are all in this together.
  6. Monitor what you focus on.  Energy follows intention, so what you focus on increases.  Put simply, decide between love and fear, which will lead to greater light or darkness.  If you choose love, do not be led or manipulated into negativity – let go of the drama and don’t fall into the pit of despair, or drown in someone else’s pool of drama.  Keep shifting your consciousness to what is positive and beneficial to you.
  7. Surround yourself with golden light.  High vibrational golden light helps move us into our higher potential, and empowers and protects us in the process.  Imagine golden light shining on the crown of your head and descending to your heart.  Let it expand from your heart to encompass your whole body in a bubble of golden light and then expand it a few feet further.  Feel its shimmering light strengthen your energy and confidence in yourself.

Visualization to help you step into the New Earth of the Aquarian Age

Take a moment to turn down the noise on your thoughts and emotions, and relax into a comfortable position where you can settle into stillness.  Focus on your heart and radiate your own unique divine light.  Let your light shimmer.  Reflect on your heart’s intentions for who you want to be, and how you would like the New Earth to be like.  What do you wish for?

Imagine that you see a white light trail before you, and you follow this trail that leads gently upwards to a great round portal of brilliant light.  This light is so bright it makes the surrounding area look dark.  Have you been in a dim world all along? 

You gather your resolve and recall your heart’s desire to move forward into your vision.  You really want to change your life and the world into a place that is kinder, better, and more beneficial to all.  A world of abundance, joy, love, beauty, and peace.  It’s definitely time for a change!  It may take time to achieve your vision, but you don’t want to be stuck in “sleep mode”.  So, you decide to gather your courage and make a difference for yourself, knowing that the effect of this step will ripple into the world.  You follow the promptings of your heart, and step through the light portal.

You have stepped into the energies of the New Earth.  As you adjust to the light, take a moment to witness where you are.  What do you see, feel, hear in this place?  It may be a completely new location, or a familiar one that is just slightly different.  What seems different?  Explore this area.

Imagine that you see a higher being approach you.  It may be an elemental, deva, angel, ascended master, or star being.  This being has information for you that will help you understand your role on the New Earth, that speaks to your mission.  Receive the information – either visually, audibly, or by knowing.  How does this information affect your mission?  Has this being been working with you before this moment?  Thank the being for their insight.

You now see a second being approach you, that is from a different kingdom from the nature, angelic or cosmic kingdoms.  This being has further information for you to enhance your understanding of your mission.  Receive the information – either visually, audibly, or by knowing.  How does this information affect your mission?  Has this being been working with you before this moment?  Thank the being for their kind support.

Now you ask that one of the two beings present you with a “gift” that is symbolic of a skill that you possess that they feel is one of your best skills to be used on your mission on the New Earth.  What did you receive?  How does this relate to your mission?

Feel yourself anchor your energy into the crystalline grid of this New Earth.  It feels like you are standing in a cool stream and you feel the running current of intelligent energy move across your feet and legs.  You are connected into this live energy that is a combination of earth and cosmic intelligence, and fifth dimensional consciousness.  Feel this energy flow and merge with your energy.  You are now living on the New Earth.

Return now to your present awareness.  Come to this place daily and continue to anchor your energy, explore, create, and manifest your vision here!

(Thank you to my spirit guides for their information and guidance.  I’d like to give credit for the astrological information to two astrologers – Donna Taylor http://creative-astrology.co.uk/, and Tanaaz https://foreverconscious.com/)


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