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Channeled from Sanat Kumara and Melchizedek by Nancy Robbins

Discovering the Inner Sanctum of the Heart Sanctuary

Sanat Kumara – is an ascended master from Venus who has preserved Light on this planet for eons and is governing Earth’s evolutionary shift.

Melchizedek – is an ascended master of alchemy and sacred geometry who works with the first Blue Ray of Will & Power which assists with merging personal will with Divine will.  He strives to bring higher wisdom to humankind by influencing the arts and sciences, education, and technology.  He is a spiritual master of alchemy and sacred geometry, the building blocks of matter.  He promotes working with sacred geometry in art and music, and the energy grids and ley lines of earth, to raise your vibration for greater well-being.

Messages from Sanat Kumara and Melchizedek:

Sanat Kumara:  “It is important for people to move deep into their center – their soul core and anchor there – like a bear moving into his inner cave to hibernate.  As the winter season dictates, it is a time of going inward – to discover the inner wealth – the aspects and skills that may have been overlooked that will expand your understanding of your true self.  A more in-depth self-image will be achieved.  There are several reasons for this:

  1. Many changes are coming due to the Light downloads that have been arriving on the planet to shift all into higher consciousness.  This will help you anchor to a deeper sense of self, eliminating the feeling of chaos and confusion.
  2. Inward reflection and actively seeking skills you may not have been aware of before will help you understand yourself more clearly.  Knowing who you are – your values and skills – will help you prioritize your actions and release that which is not serving you.
  3. Within the downloads you have received gifts of new information.  Create a quiet sacred space with no distractions and allow yourself to sit in stillness to process and understand this new information.  Just place the intention to consciously be made aware of this new information.  The following meditation will help.”

Melchizedek:  “I work with patterning from soul plans and work with vibrations to activate these patterns to achieve successful manifestation of missions.  In the meditation you will be guided to look at your core aspect and will discover a pattern there.  This pattern is to be kept in your conscious mind and infused with golden/white sparkling divine light to continue to nurture and strengthen the pattern.  You can also infuse it with a color you intuitively feel is needed.  I can work with each person in meditation for further guidance when requested.”

NOTE FROM NANCY – the 20 Core Day Ascension Portal – Dec. 30, 2021 – Jan. 18, 2022:

I find that their messages make sense as they are preparing us to be focused in our hearts deeply and anchored there for the incredible shift that is going to take place on Dec. 21st as well as the Ascension portal that lasts between Dec. 30 – Jan. 18, 2022. Here is some more information on these events.

I’ve come across some information from the Star Elders (see www.alunajoy.com):

“So far we have experienced the recent full moon lunar eclipse (11/19/21) and solar eclipse (12/4/21).  We are getting another major download of high frequency energy from the Great Central Sun on the Winter Solstice that will lift us up into higher frequencies.  It is a marker for letting go of all the past and its habits and embracing the new.  To enter this time, you must let go of all that is dissolving around you.  It is not a time to fight or judge what still is.  It is a time to step into clean and clear new frequencies and allow all that is new within.  This is why it is important to stay in our centers and to trust our hearts.   All of this is new to humanity and as the Star Elders say it will be a “surprise”.  As we move up into the higher 5D energy, we are leaving fear and embracing love.”

Concerning the 20 Core Day Ascension Portal:  Dec. 30, 2021 – Jan. 18, 2022

“Cosmic energy will activate our chakras and kundalini.  We will anchor a new higher dimensional world that has been created apart from all the chaos of the dissolving world.  These 20 days are the center column of a cosmic calendar that represents the spinal column of the human body, and the core of the Earth and Heaven (Great Central Sun) energies simultaneously running through the north/south vertical column – the pillar of light to further activate the center – the heart!  We can anchor these high energies with a conscious, open heart, with deep surrender, and holding the intent for the highest good in order to manifest this energy into form.  It is a time to anchor to our divine inner centers and not get distracted or pulled into anything that triggers old programs or is from the old paradigm.  Specific chakras are highlighted with pulses during this time frame:

12/30/21-1/2/22:  This 1st phase activates the Crown chakra with Great Central Sun energy and the Root chakra with Earth energy.  We are receiving intelligence from both heaven and earth.

1/3/22 – 1/6/22:  This 2nd phase activates the Throat chakra with Great Central Sun energy, and the Solar Plexus chakra with Earth energy.  Moving the intelligent energy into spiritual knowing, leaving the past behind.

1/7/22-1/10/22:  This 3rd phase activates the center point – the Heart, now in balance between the cosmos and the Earth.  Some deeper issues may be triggered with emotions and heightened sensitivity.  A starting over process begins and we can use this healing energy to move into greater health.

1/11/22-1/14/22:  This 4th phase activates the Solar Plexus chakra with descending energies of the Great Central Sun, and activate the Throat chakra with the elevating energies from the core of the Earth.  We will soar with broader vision and clarity about our service in the world, gain honest self-confidence and empowerment.

1/15/22-1/18/22:  The 5th and final phase will activate the Root chakra with descending energies of the Great Central Sun, and activate the Crown chakra with elevating energies from the core of the Earth.  This is the peak of the highest frequencies that will help to evolve you.  New ideas, new clarity, new convictions will help you create progressive creations.  All of this may feel overwhelming, just allow yourself time to breathe and let it all settle in.  You may not understand anything at first, just allow all this to settle into the body, understanding will come later.  We are all in this together!”

MEDITATION:  Discovering the Inner Sanctum of the Heart Sanctuary

Find a place to sit in stillness in a relaxed position.  Imagine you have a “knob” to control the volume on your mental chatter – turn it all the way down to silence it.  Imagine you have a similar knob for your emotional noise – turn it all the way down to silence it.  Sit in comfortable stillness allowing yourself to relax your muscles more.  Take three deep breaths.  Place your focus on your heart energy.

Imagine there is a white light trail that is guiding you to a sanctuary room inside your heart.  You follow this trail of light that leads to a door of white light.  You enter through the door and are in a room.  Take a moment to neutrally witness what is in this room.  All that is within this room helps you to understand your soul essence and discover more of your soul wisdom.  Is it indoors or outdoors?  How does this room feel?  Are there any particular colors or sounds or scent in this room?  Any beings in this room?  Is there any specific style of architecture or layout in this room?  If you need more light to see in this room, ask the light frequency to adjust so that you see clearly.

You see a being approach you in this room – it is your Higher Self.  Take a moment to take in the energy and personality of your Higher Self.  How does it feel to be in the presence of your Higher Self?  If your Higher Self has an important message for you it is given to you now.

There is an inner sanctum room within this room, and that is another reason why your Higher Self has come to you – to accompany you to this inner sanctum.  You follow your Higher Self to another door of White Light.  Use your imagination to unlock this door and enter into this inner room.  This inner sanctum represents new information to be processed that relates to your core soul essence.  This may be information previously hidden from you that has been activated by the latest higher energies the planet has been receiving, or it is simply the right time for you to discover this inner wisdom.  Your Higher Self is here to help you process this information.

To help you accomplish this, your Higher Self hands you a gift that is a symbolic image that translates this information.  What have you received?  Take a close look at the image in detail and how it makes you feel.  What is the message here?  Look at the image again and notice that there is a sacred geometric pattern inscribed in the image.  What geometric pattern do you see?  Your Higher Self advises you to now infuse this image and its pattern with a golden-white Light.  You may also infuse the image with a color you feel guided to – it may be one of the divine rays, or a new color.  Go with the color that you intuitively see within your mind’s eye and infuse this image with that color to further activate it.  You may discover you are meant to utilize a series of colors.  How has the color affected the image?

On a daily basis, bring this image to mind and infuse it with these colors to continue to nurture and manifest with this image.  Converse with your Higher Self to share any final questions or messages.  Both of you then depart the inner sanctum.

You thank your Higher Self and then depart the heart sanctuary and you return to your present location.  Know that you can return to either of these rooms to discover more about your soul essence and process any new downloads of information.

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