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for March 20, 2021

Stepping Into A New You

channeled by Nancy Robbins

A preliminary note from Nancy …

The Solstices and Equinoxes during the year are powerful energy days to tap into to manifest.  So, for these times, I go to my Council of Spirit Guides, as well as a group of Pleiadians I work with, and ask them “What is important for us to understand, and be aware of concerning earth changes at this time…and what do we need to do to participate, for our highest good??  Here is the message and meditation to put it into action.

What is going on now?

Spring is a time of new beginnings, and we are starting anew in creating a better world as we gradually move out of quarantine.  We are like butterflies ready to leave the cocoon, and it’s time for the transition!!!

The force of this transition on a grander scale is perceived as the shifting of consciousness from 3rd dimensional to 5th dimensional perspective.  What does this mean?  These dimensions are not a place, but a focus of consciousness.  In the 3rd dimensional perspective, man operates from the rational mind (rather than one balanced with intuition), ego and scarcity mindset.  There is polarity thinking where the focus is on division and separation.

With the 5th dimensional perspective, man operates from the heart, awakening to his spiritual gifts, intuition, unconditional love, and an abundance mindset.  There is a focus on love, unity and brother/sisterhood.  There is a greater sense that all are connected.  Divine Feminine energy and higher light frequencies have been coming onto the planet to assist this transition with its qualities that enhance intuition, higher wisdom, and healing, in order to balance masculine/feminine energy and create harmony.

As the great shift occurs from 3rd to 5th dimensional consciousness, there are two things that contribute to turbulence:

  1.  There are those not ready for change due to fear, ignorance, or are just not ready, so they desperately cling to the old ways, especially if they feel they can gain power, or riches there.  The old ways can be comfortable.
  2. There is a great purging of all the heavy baggage which must go as you move into a higher and lighter frequency of consciousness/dimension, it can’t exist in the higher frequencies.  This heaviness shows up physically as ailments, toxins, and diseases.  Emotionally, it is found in anger, violence, depression, doubt, fear, prejudice, and hatred.  Mentally it shows as confused and rigid thinking that is trapped within old ideas that don’t serve anymore, the struggle in discerning between truth and illusion, and resisting new ideas with an open mind that prevents the expansion of understanding truth.  We see all of this playing out in our current social and political events!

As this dramatic shifting plays out, we often feel surrounded by darkness and chaos, and desire to find peace and joy.  It is time to be aware of where you are in this moment – are you clinging to the “banks” of the 3rd dimension, not willing or ready to move on?  Or, are you ready to go with the “flow” into greater health and joy?  It’s time to be a higher version of yourself!  As we move into our higher potential, so does the world.

Currently, humanity’s goal is to become our Higher Self as we move into the 5th dimension, while in a physical body on Earth.  As our frequency rises, we reactivate our living light body and are more Light-filled.  When you hold yourself in 5th dimensional awareness, you are capable of manifesting more things with greater ease and speed, with the curiosity and wonder of a joyful child.  You can access your soul wisdom and understanding.  You can feel yourself in 5D when you smile, are calm, allowing in the moment, and carry appreciation and gratitude.  By doing more of what you love, by connecting to Source, and your own divine qualities, you move into this higher consciousness.  This can be accomplished best when you mediate or spend time in nature in heart-felt connection.

The earth has an intelligent consciousness that is spiritually awakening and making this dimensional shift as well – hence many of the unusual weather changes as she strives to purge and create healing and balance.  The more that we deeply connect with nature, and show her love and respect, the more we flow in harmony with her energies and ascend in unity.

The energies of the Spring Equinox support a perfect time for us to “spring forward” into transition, to step into the “new you”.  This achievement also moves us along with the flow of evolution – ascension.  As we evolve, we are incrementally moving closer to becoming our Higher Self.  In the following meditation, you will be moving up to your next higher aspect of your Higher Self and merging with it – the “new” you.

When I did this meditation, I found it very revealing to discover the difference between my “old” self, and my “next higher new self”.  I realized where I was meant to grow and excel, and why.  The intention you can also place during this meditation is to discover what gift your Higher Self feels you give the world.  You can communicate with your higher aspect – ask questions – and most importantly, feel the energy qualities of this higher aspect.  You can appreciate more of who YOU are.  You can also use crystals to help elevate you.  My favorite is Selenite – as it acts like an express elevator in a column of white light, and can move you dimensionally into the higher frequencies.


Sit where you will  not be disturbed in relaxed stillness.  Place your hand on your heart and focus your energy there.  Feel the energy collect, the power of your heart.  Move your hand outwards, like opening a gate, as you feel your heart energy move through the layers of your aura (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).  Feel the fullness of your energy in your aura. 

Imagine now that you levitate up into the air, rising as if in an elevator.  You place the intention to be brought to a level where you can meet your next higher aspect that is closer to your Higher Self.  Your movement stops and you arrive at a platform.  Step onto the platform and meet your higher aspect face to face.  Note any differences you sense between the “old” and “new” you.  What is your new appearance like?  Do you have a different attitude or qualities?  Your aspect will converse with you if you have questions, and will also tell you what your greatest gifts are. 

Now merge with this aspect, stepping into the image like wearing a new set of clothes.  Take the time to feel this new version of energy.  What is different?  You realize that your old self has disappeared, with its heavier qualities, so you now “own” this higher lighter version.  Feel yourself get comfortable in your new self. 

Allow this higher version to move you forward through life now, with new results.  Your higher frequency now also supports all others in their ascension, and helps the planet to heal and transform as well!  You can follow this process again when you need to be refreshed in your current new self, or are ready to move up into your next higher aspect.


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