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Summer Solstice 2024 Message from Sanat Kumara

by Nancy Robbins

Cosmic Sources of Light

About Sanat Kumara:

Sanat Kumara is the Enlightened Master of the Supreme High Council of 144,000 masters and Planetary Logos who oversees all the spiritual teachings of this universe.  He holds the supreme knowledge of enlightenment.  He came eons ago from Venus with 144,000 souls to bring Divine Light to Earth in man’s darkest hours and preserve it.  He now oversees Earth’s evolutionary shift, and helps to raise humanity up from darkness by connecting the Light to all hearts.  His twin flame is Lady Venus Kumara who is bringing in Divine Feminine energy.  They are raising Light frequencies on Earth, and helping Earth, like Venus, to be the new planet of Love and Light.

Sanat Kumara’s Message:  As the Summer Solstice is the day of the year with the most light, it is appropriate to consider the sources of divine Light that you can draw upon for purification, renewal, activation, transformation, empowerment and enlightenment.  Light is the spiritual fire that fuels your spiritual journey to connect with your higher potential and power and transform and evolve.  Now is the perfect time to consciously infuse yourself with the divine Light of the cosmos.  This light is found in all the 27 divine rays, the Sun, Central Sun (Alcyone in the Pleiades), the Great Central Sun (Sirius) – a divine source of energy, as well as Venus, Orion, and Andromeda.

The Great Central Sun radiates its divine energy to the Central Sun which sends messages and vibrations that upgrade consciousness to Earth via the Sun.  The Sun is in constant communication with Alcyone passing information, energy, and insights on to the ascension development in this part of the galaxy.  Coming into alignment with the Sun and Central Sun means opening the doorway of the heart and transmuting fear into love.  By drawing on the Light of these Suns we can move into the higher dimensions where the spiritual fire of our hearts burns brightly with Love and Truth.  Fire represents action, and especially taking action in spiritual development.  With this in mind, on this Summer Solstice, I advise that you consciously infuse yourself with cosmic Light to transform yourself on your path of ascension.

Meditation:  Infusing with the Cosmic Light of the Sun, Venus, and Sirius

 Allow yourself to sit in relaxed silence where you will not be disturbed.  Imagine you have a volume knob on your mental chatter and you turn it down to zero.  You also have a volume knob on your emotional noise and you turn that down to zero so that you can settle into stillness.

Imagine that you are walking up a meadow hillside that leads to a round white marble columned platform that is open to the sky.  You ascend three broad marble steps that take you to the top of the platform.  You see that there are three pairs of angels waiting for you on the far side of the platform as you move towards its center. 

 The Sun’s Golden Light – The Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness – Archangels Omniel & Opalescence

The first pair of angels approach you in the center of the platform.  The male angel has golden hair and a deep golden robe and introduces himself as Archangel Omniel – the Archangel of Oneness.  He introduces the female angel dressed in gold with beautiful white hair with an opalescent sheen as his twin flame, Lady Opalescence.  They represent the 12th divine ray – the Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness.  It is a golden light with opalescent shimmer.  

Omniel brings all living things into connection and communication with each other to promote their unity, and sense of oneness and wholeness through the heart and mind.  He expands your awareness of your life purpose and how that fits into the Divine Plan. 

 Lady Opalescence focuses on Divine Love and the wisdom in the heart to bring unconditional love and a sense of oneness to all.  She nurtures compassionate wisdom to create wholeness within and without.

 They bring the Gold-Opal Ray and the golden energy of the Sun to infuse you in a column of combined golden sunlight that twinkles with opalescent sparkles in the center of the platform.  The golden light fills your entire being with its warm strengthening energy.  You feel your heart is filled with golden light and it overflows into all your chakras – empowering your heart and especially the inner power within your Solar Plexus chakra.  You feel your sense of confidence and worthiness expand and empower you.    This golden light enhances your divine presence as it brings you higher wisdom and protection.  It clears and strengthens your mind and ability to envision and propel you into your highest potential.  You begin to feel a sense of Oneness with the universe, and that your mission on Earth is part of the Divine Plan – you are an important part of the whole.  Your actions affect the universe.  You feel the golden worth of your being – you are a divine spiritual being!

Venus’ pink-white light – The Peach Ray of Divine Love – Archangels Barachiel & Joy

Now, the second pair of angels approach you in the center of the platform as the Archangels Omniel and Opalescence step to the side.  This joyous pair have golden hair and jubilantly strew handfuls of rose petals in the air that float down like confetti around them.  The female introduces herself as Archeia Joy, who is here with her male counterpart, Barachiel. They represent the 11th ray – the Peach Ray of Divine Love.  She represents the golden aspect of the Peach Ray – golden illuminations, blessings, truth, and joy – which is the purest expression of Love.  She uplifts the soul with loving joy while inspiring and renewing energy to be your best self.

 Archangel Barachiel is carrying a large bouquet of roses, like an armful of divine blessings.  He encourages you to open your heart and fully receive the gifts of love, blessings, and abundance from the universe.  He encourages a positive outlook to overcome limiting beliefs to manifest the best outcomes in life.  He inspires you to be your authentic self and express your unique Light to the world. 

 They both bring in the Peach Ray of Divine Love and the pink-white loving light of Venus to infuse you in a column of pink-peach light.  You feel this light penetrate your heart and fill it to overflowing with Divine Love until it encompasses your whole being in loving cosmic light.  Your full heart holds boundless compassion that rises up like champagne bubbles into joy and bubbles over into your aura.  You feel light and buoyant like a rose petal aloft in the air as your heart is light, free, and full of Light.

 Sirius/Great Central Sun – Silver Ray of the New Order & Dawn of Peace – Archangels Jeremiel & Hosanna

Now the third pair approaches, as Barachiel and Archeia Joy recede. 

Both angels in white robes gracefully move to the center of the platform to greet you.  The female has long golden hair and her robe shimmers of iridescent pastels.  She introduces herself as Archeia Hosanna, and her male counterpart is Archangel Jeremiel.  They are here to infuse you with the Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace, as well as bring you the light of Sirius – a silver-blue-white light that shifts to golden light that affects the consciousness and visionary abilities. 

 Sirius is the Great Central Sun and is also known as the “Blue Star” because it is associated with a brilliant blue or white light that radiates powerful spiritual energy; or the “Dog Star” since it is in the constellation Canis Major.  Sirius is also known as the “Great Teacher” or “Christ Star” since it transmits the energy of Christ consciousness – love, wisdom, and freedom to our planet.  It acts like a celestial beacon that guides spiritual and energetic shifts, opening gateways for higher consciousness and facilitating a deeper connection with the cosmos.  Spiritually Sirius is seen as a source of wisdom, bringing spiritual insights, creativity, and deep emotional connections, and assists humanity towards enlightenment.  Its spiritual illumination is of the golden light of Christ Consciousness. 

 Archangel Jeremiel helps to enhance memory, visioning, mental clarity, and dreams to enhance one’s self-understanding and make powerful changes as you move into your higher potential.  He helps to develop your clairvoyance, clairsentience, and claircognizance abilities and your spiritual gifts to help you perceive your life purpose.  He infuses you with the Silver ray and you feel this light activate more of your Brow chakra – your intuitive and visionary abilities.  As the Silver ray enhances you, you also feel the effect of Archeia Hosanna’s energy which is like a shimmering rainbow that carries the light of hope, beauty, and harmony to inspire you. 

 Then they bring in the Sirius energy which shifts from a white-blue to a golden hue.  This cosmic energy also affects the Brow chakra and consciousness by enhancing your psychic gifts, as well as open new gateways to a higher consciousness.  This light carries you deeper into the cosmos where you will discover new insights and inspiration, support, and guidance for your journey. 

 You are connected to Cosmic Love and higher wisdom with the divine rays that these three pair of Angels have infused you with.  With gratitude you thank them for their gifts and support.

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