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Summer Solstice/Litha – Meditation and Activities

by Nancy Robbins


The word “summer” is from the Old English word “sumor”, and the Middle English word “sumer” or “sommer”.  The word solstice. as mentioned before, is from the Latin words “sol” and “stitium” or “sun standing still”. 

The Summer Solstice is a special time of year when the sun is in its glory that marks the longest day of light and shortest night of the year. It has been celebrated for centuries as a time of renewal, appreciation, and spiritual awakening. 

It is also known as “Midsummer” and considered the height of the summer.  Yet there is an undertone of darkness in the light.  While we celebrate the power of the sun, we also note its decline.  From now on the hours of sunlight will decrease. 

The sun is associated with the South, the element Fire, and the masculine energy of taking action, growth, strength, and transformation.  It is a time for tranquil, balanced growth that will create health and well-being.  It is a time for deep connection that will sustain energy and peace of mind that will bring the strongest alignment and inner harmony and health.  Like the sun in its zenith, we are empowered by its golden energy.

Fire and the Sun are symbols associated with the summer solstice that represent the qualities of purification, transformation, activation, empowerment, and transformation.  It is about the spiritual fire that fuels our spiritual journey to connect with our higher power.  This is a time for us to reflect on our lives and to make changes where necessary. We can use this time to focus on what we want in life and how we can move forward on that path.  It is a time of action, expansion and growth.

 Litha (Lee-thuh) is a Wiccan sabbat that is also known as Midsummer, and the Summer Solstice.  It is a time when the sun’s power is at its highest point and enters the sign of Cancer bringing nurtured and loving growth.  It represents the beginning of the season of summer full of heat and activity.  It is the qualities of active growth with the cardinal direction South where the fires that burn within -passions, sexuality, and fertility – ignite into action.  Litha is a celebration of Light, and Solar Fire, and the Fire element of purification, transmutation, and transformation.  Fires and torches were lit to drive out harmful dragons

or spirits in the newly ripening crops.  The mythical dragon is a universal symbol for the element of fire, which is the primary energetic expression of Midsummer. 

The Summer Solstice is a mid-summer, mid-life crossroads and brings up our own issues of our mortality.  We learn from nature that the answer is to shine brightly and take each day as it comes and surrender to the natural course of life without trying to change nature.  The Midsummer celebration then opens our consciousness to living fully in each moment accepting your life just as it is. 

It is also a great time to commune with fairies.  They are Air elementals and bring knowledge and are magical teachers that will guide you to your own inner magic.

The Mother – Summer is associated with the Mother of the Triple Goddess (Maiden-Mother-Crone). The Mother is actualized potential, ripeness, and bloom of a seed in the full sway of summertime.  She is growth, maturity, compassion, understanding – the earth mother – caring, forgiving, receptive, and open to change.  She invites you to master the giving and receiving of love.  Some Mother goddesses are:  Danu, Demeter, Frigga, Isis, Juno, Yemaya, and Mother Mary.

Danu – is an Irish Mother Goddess who is Queen of the Tuatha de Danann (children of Danu) who represents the Mother best at Litha.  She watches over the fairy realm and the Sidhe (higher beings of light “fairy like”).  Fairies’ vibration of joy and magic help with physical manifestation in nature.  Connecting with Danu, the Sidhe and fairies will raise your vibration and help you discover your own inner magic.


From Yule to Midsummer is the reign of the Oak King, but from Midsummer to Yule when light begins to diminish is the reign of the Holly King.  The Holly tree, whose leaves remain bright green with red berries in the cold winter months, is a tree of death and resurrection.  It is a reminder that new life will emerge from the depths of winter, a symbol of death, reincarnation, and continuing life.

Summer Solstice Meditation:  Integrating the 12th divine Ray – the Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness

 Visualize the brilliant rays of golden light and divine fire radiating from the Great Central Sun at the heart of the galaxy.  Its beams infuse the sun, and the sun’s beams shine upon the Earth.  These warming rays ignite the spiritual fire within.  Sunbeams encoded with divine knowledge to activate our consciousness and shift us wholly to evolve.  These rays touch our hearts and energize our divine spark that dwells there.  Our inner fire is revitalized.  Our heart within our inner space is like the Great Central Sun in outer space.  Allow this golden light with its opalescent white sparkles to fill your heart with its light.

 This is the 12th divine ray – the Golden Ray of Unity Consciousness.  Allow this light to expand in your heart until it feels like a sun shining forth.  This far-reaching divine ray unites all and raises all to their higher potential to assist souls in their journey back to the One while it manifests the qualities of peace, harmony, creativity, and unconditional love.  It balances Divine Masculine and Feminine energies – it unites Heaven and Earth.  It assists soul integration, ascension, transformation, transfiguration, and rebirth. 

 The Golden Ray brings you into the Now, helping you gain inner clarity and inner knowing, while opening the connection to be guided by your Higher Self.  This ray heralds the New Golden Age where people recognize the truth of their divinity and new beginnings on a New Earth.

As your heart radiates like a sun – consciously remember to soak in this golden light regularly and expand it within your being.  Anchor these rays fully into your reality by sending its light down into the Earth and especially into the crystalline grid of the New Earth (the 5D version).

 Allow this golden light to open the doors to your greater potential.  Be open to an expanded awareness of understanding, and more of the skills and wisdom you possess – and for more to be activated.  This will require you to re-evaluate your self -image – breaking through any barriers or restrictions of your beliefs and current understanding to accept and understand more of your truth.  You are more than you previously believed!  With this expanded set of skills – all of humanity can innovate to solve the world’s problems – to reach greater potential collectively – and progress on the ascension path.  Let the golden ray fill you with unconditional love.  Fill yourself with this light daily and serve as a radiant “sun” of transforming love.

 Summer Solstice Activities

Celebrate renewal, life, fertility, the potential for a good harvest, inner and outer abundance, ascension, and the complete return of the sun’s light on the summer solstice.   Here are some suggested activities.

  1. Honor the Light – As we honor the light of the Sun, honor the light within your heart. As above so below.
  2. Recharge your inner light – Charge up your inner light with the sun by standing facing the sun. Imagine the golden sun beams fill up your solar plexus chakra to overflowing until you are in a bubble of golden light.  This chakra governs your self-worth, confidence, and the power you give yourself.  The golden light enhances your sense of “goldenness” and worth.
  3. Create a crown of flowers as a Midsummer wreath.
  4. Bring sunflowers into your home or garden.
  5. Make a suncatcher with a prism to capture the sun’s light and send rainbows all over the house.
  6. Design a sun mandala and place an image, symbol, or text on it of something that you would like to activate or manifest.
  7. Nurture plants in your garden with loving care and attention.
  8. Add summer greenery and flowers to your home décor or altar.
  9. Make an outdoor sundial.
  10. Go berry picking or foraging.
  11. Host or attend a bonfire or drum circle.
  12. Look for nature’s magical spirits – Go into your backyard at dawn or dusk and look to see the unseen magic there in the form of nature spirits – especially fairies.
  13. Meditate with Sunstone – Sunstone is a stone of Empowerment that supports freedom and expanding consciousness. It has the warmth and strength of Solar Light that heightens wisdom and strengthens your leadership.  It helps you find the motivation and self-discipline to move forward on your path and not be held back by doubt or fear.  This masculine stone balances well with the feminine Moonstone.

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