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Summer Solstice Spirit Messages – June 21, 2018



Adama – Lemurian from Telos under Mt. Shasta Lemurian from Telos under Mt. Shasta

Sanat Kumara – Ascended master overseeing Earth’s evolutionary shift, from Venus

Sananda – Ascended master of Divine Love and Christ consciousness (Jesus Christ)

Ashtar – He is a representative of the Universal Council of the Confederation of Planets and Commander of the galactic fleet, Ashtar Command, which consists of a group of extraterrestrials, angels and lightbeings in starships (under the spiritual guidance of Sananda) who serve to protect the Earth and aid in the ascension process.

Greetings fellow lightworkers,

         I found this group of messages very relevant since I was just prompted this past weekend to create a new Manifestation Energy Board!  I’ve been finding lately that mandalas with sacred geometry are powerful in manifesting and even as serving as portals.  Here’s a glimpse at my new energy board (you can purchase them soon on my website – www.elementsdesigncollection.com – with information on the manifestation process.


The Summer Solstice is when the sun is at its highest point in the sky creating the longest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere) and from this point on, the days begin to get shorter with a decrease of sunlight where we begin to be less active and withdraw within.  The sun represents the male energy of action and this is a time of taking action and manifesting our heart’s passions that reflect our truth.  Like a flower that grows towards the sunlight, we actively grow by taking in the divine light and radiating the light of our unique being.  Four spirit guides bring us messages on how to manifest our passions at this powerful time of the summer solstice.  May we all brightly shine our light so that the Earth radiates like a sun!  – Nancy Robbins


Putting Intention into Action

ADAMA:  “I feel that what is important now is learning how to put intention into action.  On the medicine wheel summer is in the south position and relates to the fire element.  The energy of the fire element starts with the spiritual spark of the divine creator energy.  This divine power resides in the heart where our soul’s desires and our passions are discovered.  We are creators of divine energy bringing it into third dimensional form.  Energy follows thought to create form. 

 To follow the manifestation process on the medicine wheel, the East position (Spring – Air Element) is where inspiration and new beginnings are found.  This is where the creative idea, the intention, is conceived.  An intention is birthed as a passion from within the heart as a creative idea or desire of what you want to create or manifest. 

 In the South position (Summer – Fire Element),  you listen to the intuitive soul wisdom in your heart that guides you into action to manifest it with whatever steps are required to establish the creative form desired.  You stoke your confidence, enthusiasm, and courage to take action.

 In the West position (Autumn – Water Element), knowing your skills and abilities and trusting them will bring you deeper insights and hidden heart wisdom.  Here you purify your emotions to raise your vibrations and float within the higher vibrations of love, light, joy, and trust in divine timing.

 In the North position (Winter – Earth Element), you hold onto patience as the universe catches up to your energy to manifest your intention in the highest way possible.  Gratitude and a full heart reflect the wisdom accumulated in the process.

 But here we are now at the Summer Solstice, and it is time to travel into the heart and listen to what action you are guided to take.  It could be a visualization, physical action to paint, or to read a book that expands your knowledge on the related topic, or go to a certain location so that synchronicity will bring a certain person into your life, or travel to a certain destination that will energetically shift you.

     The fiery sun also energizes your Solar Plexus Chakra where your sense of your golden worth, your self-esteem and confidence are enhanced.  Having this sense of your own golden energy will stoke your courage to move forward on your path and provide the fuel needed to manifest.  Fill yourself with the divine rays of the sun and let it enhance your courage, confidence, motivation, enthusiasm, and inner strength to take action.”

 SANAT KUMARA:  “With this creation it is important to align it with divine will.  Does it serve your highest good?  Does it serve the highest good of all?  Is it supportive to your life purpose?  Your Higher Self can help you answer these questions so that your Will aligns with the higher divine plan.  This also connects you with divine guides that can help empower your creation as it also serves the divine plan and give it divine blessing.”

 SANANDA:  “Love energy is powerful – the intention is born from the passion/desire – but continuing to shower your idea with love is important.  Loving your intention of what you want to manifest keeps it energized with high energy.  The heart energy is the beginning of your creation and where it will be nurtured and live.  Vigilance in remaining compassionate and heart-centered will keep your energy high and smooth the manifestation process keeping you aloft in trust and joy.  The world will also benefit from your love light!”

 ASHTAR:  “In the last few weeks of May the Earth was bathed with patterns of Divine Love and Harmony of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within every person’s Heart Flame.  (Interestingly, the royal wedding of Harry & Meghan occurred on May 19th (and they are having twins – a boy and a girl!) that formed the perfect opportunity for this download with three billion people participating.  There was even an engaging and powerful delivery on the power of love to change the old world into the new!).   So, the heart was downloaded with new information – what new “seed” of inspiration did you receive that your heart is excited about and desires to manifest?  This is what is now needs to be put into action! It is time to assimilate and activate the new consciousness.  Utilize the powerful divine rays of the summer solstice to fire you into action and raise your vibration.”

 Affirmation:  “I am now lovingly manifesting my heart’s desires with joy.”



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