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“Her products are original and significant for everyone who takes care of their wholeness and high vibrations. My relatives and I use her products with excellent results. Because most of them are guided by her higher spirits on how to do & use it.
For example, I could use my technique to send the energy and smell from her Negativity Purifier spiritual spray at a long distance via Skype to heal my clients in Phoenix, AZ, and Moscow, RU. And they told me that they felt it, knowing nothing about that spray. How about that?”      Dec. 2022  Vladimir Kautsky,  Open Mind to Be Happy

“You have the best sprays!!! Thank you. ” E. Lapham Dec. 2022

“I love your card decks. I purchased three of them, and really love your interpretations, and the cards themselves. Quality product!” March 2022 B. Greaney

The products are wonderful, altering and uplifting! You obviously have a deep connection with Divine Source and Angels to create such life-enhancing and magical formulas. I can feel the vibration and frequency shift when I use your sprays. Thank you and bless you!” Jan. 2022 L. Jackson

“Nancy’s work is astounding! The breadth and depth of her knowledge is tremendous. There is a vast amount of information contained within her work as well as the beauty of her artistry. I have found her cards to be exceptional divination and meditation tools, helping me open to worlds that assist me to my highest frequency. Again, I use the word astounding!” Feb. 2022 M. DeMitchell

“Within hours of meeting Nancy Robbins and being gifted by a friend with the trilogy of Astara’s Journey, I was inspired to read immediately and curiously through each one. Much to my delight, empowering words and colorful characters came alive. A story of a fun-loving and serious lifetime of adventure, love, and grief. Through spirit-filled meditations and with new eyes, my heart softened and freed from inside-out. Grateful I am for deeper self-discovery. It was pure and simply divine. What a wonderful gift. Loved it!” Nov. 2019 Laurie Cagno, Singer, songwriter


“I had an amazing experience during your workshop with the Heart Sanctuary meditation during your Moving into 5D workshop .  I connected with my Higher Self and went on a journey that gave me so much detailed information about my life mission and why I am here.  Not only did I receive a download of incredible information, but i physically experienced a sensation of deep healing.  It was literally transforming and I have such a deep sense of gratitude for the experience.  I also met Gaia when I stood in the crystalline grid that was like an energy river.  As I approached, I saw that she had no definite form but was an illusion of the highest degree.  You could see all of the qualities of life and nature in her being.  She would be oscillating into different impressions of a certain kind of terrain depending on where you looked at on her being.  I felt a telepathic connection with her, and a healing, and I know now she will always be with me.  I felt so much unconditional love and received great messages.  Thank you for such a transforming experience!!!”     Aug. 2022  C. Durant



“Wow, Nancy! This is so uplifting and overflowing with love and wisdom directly into my heart.
Thank you so much! ”  B. Wynns   Nov. 2022

“Beautiful and spell binding!! Exquisite!!”    V. Bass   Oct. 2022

“With such positive energy of love, there is hope for healing this world”  R. Allmayer-Beck  Sept. 2022

2 thoughts on “Testimonials”

  1. Her products are original and significant for everyone who takes care of their wholeness and high vibrations. My relatives and I use her products with excellent results. Because most of them are guided by her higher spirits on how to do & use it.
    For example, I could use my technique to send the energy and smell from her Negativity Purifier spiritual spray at a long distance via Skype to heal my clients in Phoenix, AZ, and Moscow, RU. And they told me that they felt it, knowing nothing about that spray. How about that?

  2. I want to share my healing arts experience with clients using her Chakra Meditation Card Deck and sprays.
    Before one of my sessions with a client I asked some questions to this Card Deck and received answers.
    I provided him my ten chakras restoring, then I asked each chakra one by one to give him a message.
    And what’s surprise, they were exactly what I got from Card Deck (?)
    His upper chakras were blocked and he couldn’t get a message from the Crown chakra,
    but I use her spray for that and he started to receive it, and so on.
    Her product so authentic and powerful helping me and my clients to get the best.

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