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The Divine Ray of Oneness

by Nancy Robbins

27th Divine Ray – the Divine Ray of Oneness

This is the fourth of the four rays that came in during October 2023.  It is best to have experienced all the rays before to work with this high vibrational ray.

Merging with Higher Self and Christ Codes

 Color: White with powder blue sheen

Keywords: Unification, Harmony, Being Higher Self, Christ Code activation

Description: This ray is snowy white with a powder blue sheen, that like snow, has a crystalline structure.  It downloads your Higher Self and the Christ codes.  It is important to have used all the previous rays before using this ray for the fullest benefit.  This ray is to be anchored into your Earth Star Chakra, so that your Christ codes can be activated and your Higher Self anchored into the body.

 Ascended Masters: Sananda, Maitreya, Melchior, Melchizedek

Archangels: all Archangels

Elohim: Purity & Astrea

Corresponding chakra:  Galactic

Cosmic Influence: Alpha Centauri, Andromeda, Lyra, Mercury, Moon, Neptune, Pleiades, Sirius, Sun, Venus, Earth – Gaia, Sidhe, Agartha.

Connecting Crystal Message:  White Azeztulite – Stone of Enlightenment & Ascension.  The spirit of White Azeztulite looked like a white crystalline feminine angelic form.  She transfers Source Light to you and fills your Light Body with Light.  She fills your heart with the highest vibrations from Source.  She illuminates your ascension path and unites all in Light. 

White Azeztulite is a key element to the vibrational ascension of Earth and humanity.  It is infused with divine white light by high angelic beings known as the “Azez” who have been spiritual caretakers of humanity for thousands of years.  Their soothing energy is also the light that enlightens and expands our awareness, and helps us attune to the Great Central Sun – the spiritual core of the universe.  Its light brings physical and spiritual healing by dissolving patterns of disease and degeneration, and helps support our Light Body and Christ Codes activation.  Its Light infuses you with love, compassion, joy, serenity, and expansiveness.

Other crystals:  Angel Aura Quartz, Selenite, White Aventurine

 Affirmation: “I am Divine Light.”

 Divine Ray of Oneness Visualization: 

You are walking through a snowy winter landscape.  The sun shines on the glistening snow and you can see a soft blue sheen across the snow and the crystalline formation of the flakes.  You sit on a white bench and gaze at the magnificent purity of this beautiful landscape.  You close your eyes and sit in stillness.  A feminine angel in a white crystalline gown appears to you.  She sends you the Ray of Oneness and you feel it illuminating your mind and heart with this brilliant white light.  You become a pillar of white light with a soft powder blue sheen around you.  You feel the Light stretch down through you anchoring into your Earth Star Chakra.  It is bringing your Higher Self down to you to be merged with your body.  It activates your DNA and Christ Codes and enhances the crystalline structure of your cells.  It aids your ascension.  The Light fills your Light Body.  You feel serene and at peace, filled with joy and love.  You feel at one with all of life as all are illuminated as divine beings in the Light, all part of Source. 






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