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The Divine Spark Connection with Meditation

by Nancy Robbins

There are two cards from my Spirits of the Nature Kingdom card deck that I drew the other day, and when I connected the two together in meditation, magic happened! It was the Divine Spark of the Heart card, and the Earth’s Core Light card that I had chosen.

In meditation I connected the Divine Spark of my heart to the Divine Spark at the core of the Earth – the heart of Gaia.  I found myself merging with Gaia and brought to an inner earth realm that radiated the Green Ray (of Truth, Healing, & Science).  This realm was one of beauty, peace, harmony, abundance, and loving.  It was a blissful place where I felt at ONE with all life.  Everything was from the I AM perspective – I AM the Earth, I AM Beauty, I AM Light, etc.  When several of my colleagues connected the Divine Spark of their heart to the Divine Spark of the Earth – they had a similar result.  So, I recommend making this connection for yourself to arrive at a place of Oneness and bliss!

Here is a little more information on each card:

Divine Spark of the Heartis the essence of Creator energy within you.  This essence is within each of us, which means we are all part of the whole.  It is the essence of our divine nature and our power to create and manifest.  It is the diamond white light of purity that encompasses all colors into harmony.  Within this divine diamond light is the Threefold Flame – a gift of life from the Creator.  This divine spark is also like a homing device that keeps you connected to your Source and helps you find your way home.  The Divine Spark defines you as a divine spiritual being in physical form.  Awareness of this divine spark will influence you towards love, peace, and harmony, as the flame of illumination expands from within your consciousness in your heart to gradually enfold your being in its divine energy.

The Threefold flame consists of the Blue Ray of Power/Will (Father-masculine principle, the Divine Plan), the Yellow Ray of Wisdom (Son – the path of incarnation and manifestation of Christ’s words), and the Pink Ray of Love (Holy Spirit – the feminine principle of nurturing, love, compassion, illumination, creativity, and fulfilling the destiny of your soul through those virtues.) 

Earth’s Core Light – is the Spiritual Light of Earth which is composed of fire spirits in the center of the earth that forms the divine spark of light within the Earth, much like the divine spark within each of us.  It is the soul of the Earth and radiates the will of the planet in alignment with the Divine Plan, and Earth’s mission.  It is the spiritual light of the planet that is directly connected to the light of the Great Central Sun.  Gaia is the feminine spirit of the Earth, and this spiritual fire forms Gaia’s beacon that radiates Earth’s mission.  This light is from the Great Central Sun (a divine source of energy) and carries the high frequencies of divine light.  When you connect with this light your spirit will attune to the Divine Plan and destiny for the planet and the galaxy.

Now is the time to connect to the higher perspective of the Divine Plan which can be connected with in the higher dimensions within the Earth.  When you connect with Earth’s mission within the galaxy, you can also attain greater understanding of your role as a citizen of Earth.  Let the divine light in the heart of Earth serve to guide you and expand your awareness, as it mirrors your own divine spark.  It is in tune with the latest shifting energies of the divine evolutionary plan.



Sit in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed.  Relax and “turn the volume knob down” on your mental chatter and emotional noise so that you can settle into stillness and quiet.  Shift your focus to your heart and go deep within and be aware of your divine spark light there.  Visualize in your mind this divine spark and observe its sparkling glow. 

 Place the intention to now travel to the core of the Earth – to the heart of Gaia.  To aid this connection, visualize the feminine form of Gaia before you, as she radiates the green ray.  See within her heart a divine spark.  Step closer to her and connect hands and gaze into her eyes.  Place the intention that your divine spark and Gaia’s divine spark connect.  You may even feel that you hug Gaia, and then blend into one as your divine sparks connect and merge into Oneness.  Be aware of what you are feeling now.  Have you gained any new understanding from this?  What new action can you take to express not only your divine energy, but Gaia’s as well?

 Not only will you feel Oneness and serenity from this connection, but you may also receive healing and transformation from your Mother Earth, as she brings abundance, health, grounded energy, transmutation, and balance into your life.  Feel the blissful magic of Oneness.


1 thought on “The Divine Spark Connection with Meditation”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing these truths and for giving us the meditations and techniques to help us raise our vibration to connect with All That Is.
    You are such a gift! ❤️

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