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The Five New Divine Rays: 23. Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love (Christ Consciousness)

Channeled on the Spring Equinox 2023

by Nancy Robbins

My previous blog discussed the Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness – the “Mahatma” Ray, and this blog will discuss the next ray – the 23rd Divine Ray – the Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love (Christ Consciousness).  I’m continuing my deeper connection and understanding of all the rays, and especially these five new rays, but I wanted to share with you what knowledge I have so far!  Here is also a recap of the divine rays.  The new rays will each be discussed in upcoming blogs.  


Since the Harmonic Convergence of August 15-17, 1987, cosmic rays that were withdrawn just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, have been once again increasingly pouring forth onto the Earth plane.  Rays 8-12 finally anchored onto the Earth in April of 1994.  These five rays carry a higher vibration of Source Light and are helping to activate our own Higher Light and our true nature.  Since 1994, rays 13-18 have been streaming onto the planet.  These cosmic rays help us to integrate aspects of our multidimensional selves.

As a review, the first 7 rays are: (See my previous blog articles on these rays)

  1. The Blue Ray of Will (Power)
  2. The Yellow Ray of Wisdom
  3. The Pink Ray of Love
  4. The White Ray of Purity (Harmony)
  5. The Green Ray of Healing, Science & Truth
  6. The Purple Ray of Peace (Idealism & Devotion)
  7. The Violet Ray of Freedom (Transmutation & Transformation)

The first seven rays are considered masculine rays and led predominantly by male ascended masters (along with archangels and the Elohim) and were focused through the seven stars of the Great Bear (Big Dipper).  In order to create balance, the new rays are considered feminine rays and led predominantly by female ascended masters (along with archangels and the Elohim) and are focused through the 7 sisters (stars) of the Pleiades (also known as the 7 sages or Rishis).  The new rays are infused with silver and gold to varying degrees – the silver ray represents the feminine quality and essence of grace, the gold ray represents the masculine quality and spiritual authority.  This yin/yang balance will aid earth’s and humanity’s ascension.

The Higher Rays are:

8. The Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence (Cleansing, Justice, Balance, Opportunity) (100% silver)

9. The Turquoise Ray of Joy & Highest Potentials (75% silver, 25% gold)

10. The Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body  (50% silver, 50% gold)

11. The Peach (Pink-Orange) Ray of Divine Love, Illumined Truth & Service  (75% silver, 25% gold)

12. The Gold Ray of Cosmic/Unity Consciousness  (100% gold)

13. The Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service  (100% gold)

14. The Silver Ray of the New Order & Dawn of Peace  (100% silver)

15. The Silver-Gold Ray of Galactic Service (50% gold, 50% silver)

16. The White-Gold Ray of Intergalactic Service

17. The Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment

18. The Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service


19. The Mint-Green Ray of the New Earth

20. The Aqua Ray of the New Earth Consciousness

21. The Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony

22. The Yellow-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Consciousness – the “Mahatma Ray”

23. The Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love (Christ Consciousness)

23. The Pink-Peach-Diamond Ray of Cosmic Love – Christ Consciousness

This ray is a combination of the 3rd Pink Ray of Love, the 11th Peach (Pink-Orange) Ray of Divine Love, and the 18th Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service.  This ray is the Light radiance of the Cosmic Heart – the Divine Love of the Creator.  Like Danburite, this ray uplifts, inspires, illuminates, and enlightens with the wisdom and Divine Love from the cosmic heart of the galaxy.  It connects you to a larger source of Divine Love – one that resides on the cosmic level.  In this way you receive an expanded sense of love and joy, and support, from many beings of Light.  You then can mirror this greater love through your actions and beliefs in your life.  Feel the boundless joy of giving and receiving Divine Love.  Let it uplift you into higher frequencies.

Christ Consciousness is the state of self-realization of the divine within and unity with the Creator/Divine.  You have awareness of your Higher Self and your divine life plan.  You radiate the qualities of Jesus Christ – of love, devotion, compassion, courage to live one’s truth and forgiveness and mercy.  This is a beautiful ray of higher consciousness that is heart-centered in Divine Love on a cosmic level.

The connecting crystal is Danburite – a Stone of Unseen Magic and Divine Joy.  It clears the higher chakras and harmonizes with the heart.  It aids communication with the angelic realm and higher guides with a shared sense of joy with the Divine.  Danburite’s energy uplifts you into the Higher Heart of joy, and Divine Love.  It inspires, illuminates, and enlightens with its Light – it is the radiance of the heart.  It feels like love and joy bubbling up from the heart like a fountain – or like champagne bubbles, floating higher joyfully uplifting closer to Source.  It uplifts awareness to higher spiritual vibrations.

Maitreya is an ascended master known as the Planetary Buddha or Cosmic Christ who works with this ray.  He is also known as the “Loving One” or the “Laughing Buddha” because his message is to enjoy yourself whatever you do and wherever you are, to laugh and sing and be like a child.  Joy is the highest expression of the heart.  He currently assists our planet by overseeing and anchoring Christ consciousness energy into the Earth, which is the energy of pure love from the Creator.  He helps us to be channels of Christ Consciousness on Earth and we may call upon him daily to anchor the golden light of Christ Consciousness into our body and the heart of Earth. 

Lord Maitreya is a sage of great brilliance and World Teacher of unity, love, and wisdom who helps people on the path of evolution.  The former World Teacher was Parasara who wore the Radiant White Robe – a pure etheric body, into which an avatar was given as a blessing so that the teaching of unity and compassion could be imparted to humanity on Earth.  It was handed down to Lord Maitreya from Parasara, who passed it on to Gautam Buddha, who passed it on to Jesus Christ during his last three years of his life.

Archangels Haniel and Maryllisa – Lady Radiance – especially work with this ray, as well as the 9th Turquoise Ray of Joy and Highest Potentials, the 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Light-body, and the 11th Peach Ray of Divine Love.  Haniel and Maryllisa are from Venus and came to Earth with Sanat Kumara and Venus Kumara.  Haniel is the Angel of Joy and Beauty.  He supports relationships, and rules matters of peace, beauty and grace.  He brings harmony and inspiration into our lives.  He helps to bring out the inner goodness and beauty bubbling up from the heart like joy.  He strengthens our perception of our true Light and our talents and higher abilities, so that we can value ourselves and have the courage to walk our path in the Light of Truth.

Maryllisa – Lady Radiance, is the Light of the Star of Venus.  She helps you to discover more of your inner beauty of your soul in your heart.  The radiance from your heart reflects all the positive aspects that will grow brighter as you become more loving, compassionate, and generous.  The beauty and Light within reflects your intuition, joy, and grace.  She advocates that outer beauty is not as important as inner beauty.

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