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The Higher Divine Rays 8-18: The 8th Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence

Since the Harmonic Convergence of August 15-17, 1987, cosmic rays that were withdrawn just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, have been once again increasingly pouring forth onto the Earth plane.  Rays 8-12 finally anchored onto the Earth in April of 1994.  These five rays carry a higher vibration of Source Light and are helping to activate our own Higher Light and our true nature.  Since 1994, rays 13-18 have been streaming onto the planet.  These cosmic rays help us to integrate aspects of our multidimensional selves.

As a review, the first 7 rays are: (See my previous blog articles on these rays)

  1. The Blue Ray of Will (Power)
  2. The Yellow Ray of Wisdom
  3. The Pink Ray of Love
  4. The White Ray of Purity (Harmony)
  5. The Green Ray of Healing, Science & Truth
  6. The Purple Ray of Peace (Idealism & Devotion)
  7. The Violet Ray of Freedom (Transmutation & Transformation)

The first seven rays are considered masculine rays and led predominantly by male ascended masters (along with archangels and the Elohim) and were focused through the seven stars of the Great Bear (Big Dipper).  In order to create balance, the new rays are considered feminine rays and led predominantly by female ascended masters (along with archangels and the Elohim) and are focused through the 7 sisters (stars) of the Pleiades (also known as the 7 sages or Rishis).  The new rays are infused with silver and gold to varying degrees – the silver ray represents the feminine quality and essence of grace, the gold ray represents the masculine quality and spiritual authority.  This yin/yang balance will aid earth’s and humanity’s ascension.

The Higher Rays are:

8. The Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence (Cleansing, Justice, Balance, Opportunity) (100% silver)

9. The Turquoise Ray of Joy & Highest Potentials (75% silver, 25% gold)

10. The Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body  (50% silver, 50% gold)

11. The Peach (Pink-Orange) Ray of Divine Love, Illumined Truth & Service  (75% silver, 25% gold)

12. The Gold Ray of Cosmic/Unity Consciousness  (100% gold)

13. The Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service  (100% gold)

14. The Silver Ray of the New Order & Dawn of Peace  (100% silver)

15. The Silver-Gold Ray of Galactic Service (50% gold, 50% silver)

16. The White-Gold Ray of Intergalactic Service

17. The Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment

18. The Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service

This article will cover the 8th Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence and the 9th-18th will be covered in future articles.

The 8th Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence

The 8th Ray is a combination of sea-foam green and violet light.  It is known as the Ray of Transcendence or the Ray of Cleansing, Justice, Balance & Opportunity).  The 7th Violet Ray transmutes, and the 8th Aquamarine Ray cleanses as well, to prepare for deeper service.  To me, it feels like the 7th ray does “deep cleaning”, and the 8th ray “rinses it off” for further cleaning and purifying.  This ray also feels very soothing, as if it cleared away irritating elements and leaves a “minty clean” type of feeling that is rejuvenating.  It helps to cleanse and heal the four bodies – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual – and bring clarity to daily experience.  True service comes about through the application of Divine Love and Wisdom (from the heart) using the gift of free will.

This is a deep spiritual cleansing ray that assists with preparations for moving into your higher potential on your ascension process and discovering more of your true nature.  Healing and cleansing are always needed to access new vibrations and higher consciousness.  It helps to clean out those characteristics and qualities within the self that one no longer needs and wants to get rid of.  This ray assists in recalibrating the energy body and bringing it into balance, and purifies old false beliefs and judgments, and brings emotional healing.  The qualities produced by this ray are: Clarity, Divine Perception, Discernment.

This ray correlates to our Higher Crown Chakra – where our karma and akashic records reside, where we can learn from our lessons.

The chief ascended masters overseeing the 7th divine ray – the Violet Ray of Freedom, are St. Germain and Lady Portia.  Together they serve as Directors of the Aquarian (New) Age.  With the 8th divine ray – the Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence, Lady Portia takes the lead as the emphasis is on the Divine Feminine.  Both the 7th and 8th rays are very important at this time, as they are led by the Directors of the Aquarian Age.  Using the Violet Flame and Aquamarine Flame daily to transmute old energy and make room for the new higher frequencies is of utmost importance, not only to free ourselves, but the planet and nature spirits as well.  It will also improve our discernment of truth, which is very important at this time of chaotic change to provide us with truth, higher guidance and centered calm.

LadPortia is known as the Keeper of the Flame of Justice and Opportunity.  She is one of the Lords of Karma, and also is the Keeper of the Holy Sacred Heart Flame, a feminine aspect of the Violet Flame.  She is characterized holding the scales of justice.  “Justice” is the balance point of thought and feeling.  She, along with the hierarchs of Libra (zodiac sign of scales), teach balance of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies through the four elements of earth, wind, air, and fire.  She holds the polarity balance for humanity while awaiting mankind’s sense of justice to be balanced and merciful.

Quan Yin is another ascended master that works with this ray, as well as the 7th ray. She helps to clear old wounds and transgressions and heal the heart with compassion and forgiveness.


Archangels Uzziel & Azalea work with this Ray of Transcendence to assist with transition to higher potential.





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