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Pink gradient ray of light

The Higher Divine Rays: The 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body

As a forward to this article, if you would like a general review of the divine rays 8-18, please look at my previous post on the 8th Aquamarine Ray.

The 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body

This ray is a combination of a pearlescent white and soft rose light.  It encodes patterns of Divinity into the physical body creating deeper soul integration and expansion of light in the Light Body.  (Your Light Body contains various structures of higher dimensional light that is a vehicle for consciousness.)  The 10th Ray awakens dormant DNA, multi-dimensional memories, and access to understanding your true divinity.  It combines the first three divine rays with white light – The Blue Ray of Power, the Yellow Ray of Wisdom, and the Pink Ray of Love – the Triple Flame that shines within the heart.  This combination brings balance to Love, Power, and Wisdom and integrates them with the soul.  It propels ascension from the third dimensional to fifth dimensional states and expansion into infinite Love.  It places focus on acceptance of the new paradigm, enhancing the Light Body, and merging with your Higher Self.  It helps you reach a state of balance and harmony within oneself, and with the world.

The qualities generated from this ray are:  Peace, Enlightenment, Insight, Higher Wisdom, Love, Harmony, Serenity, Bliss, Prosperity, Detachment.

An affirmation for this ray is:  I am meditation, contemplation, prayer and peace.  I am Love and Light.

If you would like to open to the 10th Ray (which also aids in opening and stabilizing the Soul Star Chakra, above the head) you can work with the color above.  Visualize breathing this white-and-pink merged vibration from Source through the crown of your head (imagine ‘crown breathing’, as dolphins and whales do) and allow it to pool in your Heart Center.  Feel the luminous openness and perfect equilibrium of the Ray fill you and radiate out to all beings on Earth and in the Universe as you center yourself in the joy of your will aligning with Divine Will, in service to Source, humanity and Gaia as She/we collectively shift into a state of unity, oneness and co-creation with Love.

This ray correlates to your Divine Creativity Chakra – which harmonizes your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies, and helps awaken your skills and wisdom from lifetimes and integrates them into your whole self to assist your expansion into higher dimensional states and well-being.

The chief ascended masters overseeing the 10th divine ray are Lady Karashu and her twin flame, Allah Gobi.  They bring us the spirit of peace in order for us to create stillness to hear our higher wisdom.  Lady Karashu introduced the idea of Shamballah in India long ago.  Together they help you to gain and maintain a calm and balanced life despite external forces.  Allah Gobi provides the foundation of inner calm, and Karashu’s energy provides the active infusion of the Pearlescent Ray.

They help us find the true meaning of Life and assist us in being our greatest Light.  In life, we get entangled with so many things that instead of pushing us forward, they hold us back.  These masters encourage us that it is time we release those things that are not meaningful to us in order to attain our life purpose and soul mission.  We are reminded that we came to this world as an empty vessel, so there is no need to carry things that we have no authority over, or we need not own.  The most important thing in our physical life is to learn, to experience, and to understand.  For you to understand, you need calmness of body, mind, and soul.  This will help us to take in whatever experiences we come across and then translate it into something meaningful in our lives.  In this way we master the art of constant motion and learn to quiet our minds and emotions.  We can create stillness, where we can hear the voice of our inner wisdom from our Higher Self.

This is also important in the art of communication.  You first make sure you feel composed and empty so that you can pay attention to detail in the message being communicated.  Take your time to carefully think and digest the message you have just received.  This will help you to come up with a substantial response.

Lord Gautama Buddha also works with this ray.  He is also the Master of the Sixth Purple Ray of Peace, a ray that brings inner strength, harmony, and tranquility.  He also works with the Ninth Turquoise Ray of Joy and Highest Potentials.  He works with the heart, and helps to integrate life purpose, and the higher mind.  He guides one in service to others, and in living in their highest potential in peace.

Lady Vessa Andromeda heralds from the Andromeda civilization.  She oversees the 10th Ray to assist us to feel oneness so that we can feel peace, bliss, and create union and harmony as united aspects of Creator energy.  In this way we choose love and overcome fear of the unknown that undermines peace and harmony.  Observe your fears in your daily life and call in the 10th Ray to infuse yourself with love and peace that overcome fear.

Archangel Metatron – Archangel Metatron’s White Ray of Enlightenment is the highest ray of all, containing all colors.  This clear bright white light brings spiritual evolution and enlightenment and activates your light body through your soul star chakra to reach cosmic consciousness.  It clears away all negativity, balances your emotions and brings inner peace, making way for remarkable spiritual growth by raising your energy frequency and intuition.  When you reach this new level of consciousness, you will be able to choose your true life’s desires and live a balanced, healthy life.  Archangel Metatron will help you prioritize, get organized and motivated, so you will use your newly discovered personal spiritual power for the highest good.

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