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The Higher Divine Rays: The 11th Pink-Orange Ray of Illumined Truth

by Nancy Robbins

The 11th Divine Ray – the Pink-Orange Ray of Illumined Truth is a ray of Divine Love.  It’s orange-pink luminosity radiates the qualities of Compassion, Mercy, Balance, Love for all, Honesty, Fulfillment, Inner Peace, Joy of Life, Enthusiasm, Illumination, Divine Purpose, and Selfless Service.  It contains a high quotient of Source light, and connects to the Illumined Truth (Divine Love) through expressing the heart.  It is the a combination of the 3rd Pink Ray of Love that embodies compassion, comfort and love with the qualities of orange light – joy, creativity, re-creation, and celebration.  It helps to activate the pattern of divinity encoded within the body that reflects your soul purpose, your life mission, service to humanity, and higher potential.  It helps you to integrate with your higher Divine Self, as well as merge your masculine and feminine qualities into inner harmony.  

This ray supports the surrender to our higher potential.  The ego and the heart unite to resonate joy and Divine Love.  This ray helps us release limiting beliefs and expand to our Higher Self.  It supports us in making new choices from a more joyful outlook and a view of life holding higher meaning.  

This ray: 

  • helps us recognize and manifest our soul plan
  • take pleasure in a new project
  • live in the higher vibration of the heart – in joy, which helps to release depression, anger and sadness
  • creates harmony: merging heaven to earth, and the ego to the heart, and the masculine to the feminine aspects
  • contains the vision of peace, love, and respect for all beings
  • knows that loving thoughts, words, and feelings brings a change to the collective field
  • honors your inner wisdom and sense of knowing

As with the 10th Ray – the Ray of the Light Body, this ray continues to assist soul discovery and integration (as are all the higher rays).  This ray completes the soul merge process.  It promotes an understanding that everything in the universe is a manifestation of Love.  All the previous rays are integrated to aid an understanding and acceptance of mastery.  This ray helps one to be in touch with Divine Love (Wisdom), and further sustains higher consciousness as veils of illusion are lifted, and hidden knowledge is revealed and integrated.  You learn more about yourself!

It connects the Solar Plexus Chakra to the Heart Chakra bridging the center of power and ego with the power of the Heart.  It supports the ability to get in touch with an individual’s Divine Love by removing all present and past life trauma stored in the Solar Plexus chakra, and moves you to higher levels of actualizing the Light Body by being a bridge from the old world to the new.  Visualize taking the essence of the Pink-Orange Ray and breathe it deeply within you.  Allow it to expand within the Solar Plexus chakra and feel it connect to your Heart chakra to awaken, transform and enlighten all aspects of your lower self to accept the higher self’s role within your physical structure.  In this way you can act more fully from your Higher Self and your actions follow the path of Divine Love.

I feel he 11th ray, like the 10th Ray of the Lightbody, also works with the higher spiritual chakra – the Divine Creativity Chakra – which harmonizes your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies, and helps awaken your skills and wisdom from lifetimes and integrates them into your whole self to assist your expansion into higher dimensional states and well-being.  Within this chakra you can really feel the higher emotional comfort and nurturing presence of Divine Love. 

This ray also aids healing and regeneration, and adds a new level of vitality and good health.  Divine Love heals and strengthens your understanding that all is Love.  The power of the heart is magical, a powerful force of healing, and this ray helps us to unlock more of our heart’s power.

This ray is a bridge to the new awareness found in the next level for humanity and Earth.  A bridge conveys you from where you are to where you want to be.  This is a bridge to the New Earth of the Golden Age.  We access higher skills as we raise in vibration, and then use these advanced skills to create and manifest the New Earth.  By becoming more of our Higher Self, we can better anchor peace, move into balance and harmony, and be healed with unconditional love.  We receive an expanded awareness of who we really are – of our divine self – and an acceptance of that higher potential.  We make the necessary changes within ourselves that will help create the New Earth.  We are expanding beyond the box of limitations that had restricted us in the old paradigm from prior experiences and past incarnations – we can then “think outside of the box” with our higher consciousness and ability to innovate and create solutions to our current dire situation.   The rewards of remembering your true self will be well worth the temporary discomfort you may feel by releasing the parts of your past that, although they may seem comforting, may also be holding you back from remembering your inner higher wisdom.

This ray radiates the energies of the goddess, of Divine Feminine energy, so needed currently to merge with Divine Masculine energy and bring us into harmony and balance.  Divine Feminine energy’s qualities of receiving higher light, intuition, compassion, nurturing, and being a stable center of peace during active transformation, all assist in our manifesting the New Earth.  Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, guides this ray, along with Lord Maitreya, Archangels Metatron and Sophia, Chamuel and Charity, and Archangel Perpetiel.  

Quan Yin is a Chinese Goddess of Compassion and Mercy.  She works alongside Lady Nada (incarnated as Mary Magdalene), Archeia Mareia (incarnated as “Mother Mary”), Isis, and many others in bringing Divine Feminine energy to the world to achieve balance and harmony.  She also works with the 3rd Pink Ray of Love to help establish love, compassion, and an appreciation for beauty, selflessness, balance, and creativity.  She also transforms with the 7th Violet Ray of Freedom, helping to free your heart with forgiveness, and to enhance the lighter energies of creativity and playfulness.  In forgiving and releasing old hurts you attain inner peace and well-being, and become a being of Love and Light.  She works with the Heart and Divine Creativity chakras in supporting your own love energy, and freeing you with the magical power of love. 

You can say this affirmation: “I ask Quan Yin to free the love in my heart with forgiveness and fill it with love, compassion, and harmony.  I am a balance of divine masculine and feminine energies.  I am Loving Harmony.”

Lord Maitreya means “Lord of Love” and is the pioneer of the Golden Age – an era of golden peace, friendliness, abundance, awakening and connection to higher dimensions and the divine, joy, enthusiasm, bliss, and unity.  He embodied upon Earth millions of years ago as a volunteer (guardian) from the planet Venus responding to Sanat Kumara’s pledge to raise our planet’s humanity up out of the degenerate state to which it had descended.  He is a high-ranking member of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, and Planetary Buddha, working with Gautama Buddha (Lord of the World).  Lord Maitreya demonstrates the Cosmic Consciousness of the Christ to the evolving humanity on Earth.  Christ consciousness is a state of consciousness and awareness that you are in unity with God – the Divine. He was the initiator of Jesus and guided him during his incarnation on Earth.  He was also once embodied on Earth as Melchizedek.  His etheric retreat is in the Himalayan Mountains.  

Archangels Metatron and his twin flame, Archeia Sophia, guide this ray.  Love is the power of the universe and the substance from which all is made.   Sophia is the Divine Mother of all Creation, and is the subtle attractor of Love, the grounding power of stability, the weight at our center allowing us to expand outward and upward while maintaining our inner centered balance.  Call on her if you are looking to awaken and activate your heart chakra, in finding self-love, compassion, and love for all life in creation even ones of the darkest forms.  She will help you tap into your infinite love/light source energy in your everyday life and use this forcefield to heal all around you.  When you are in times of despair and have lost hope, she will come to you to remind you of the great beauties that you are as the fractal of creation that you are.  She is a fierce protector and can recharge you with her divine infinite love as she leads us into the Golden Age of Earth shifting into the New Earth.  All Divine Mothers have been birthed from her essence – such as Isis, Bast, Cleopatra, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Mother Teresa.

The masculine aspect of love – Metatron – is movement and expansion; to the feminine aspect – Sophia – of stillness and attraction.  Metatron is a Warrior of the Light who shatters illusions and clears blocks so that we can reach our higher potential.  He is like a whirlwind stirring things up and creating change, while Constance is the eye of the storm – the stillness within, the peace amongst chaos.  When life settles again, you can look at the potential for a new beginning.  These same dynamic masculine and feminine roles play within us – the partnership of the feminine aspect providing constant support and a stable base of action (the home base), as the masculine aspect supports action and expansion into the world, increasing substance which is returned home.

Archangel Metatron is an “Archangel of the Divine Plan” who helps empower you to your higher potential, and so works with sacred geometry to assist your manifestation of your life plan.  He can assist you in discovering your blueprint and life purpose to realize your potential and your part in the Divine Plan, as well as any issues concerning your Akashic Records and any karmic issues.  He works with sacred geometry – the building blocks of creation in the universe, and especially “Metatron’s Cube”, which is a three-dimensional Star of David, or merkaba, that vibrates throughout your chakras raising your vibrations and acting as an ascension vehicle.  He helps to bring divine and human energies into balance.

Archangels Chamuel and his twin flame, Seraphina, Lady Charity work with the 3rd Divine Pink Ray of Love, but also work with this 11th Ray of Illumined Truth.  Archangel Chamuel is the Angel of Loving Relationship, as relationships are formed when you extend love from your heart to connect to others.  A relationship is an exchange of love, beauty, understanding, and intelligence between the two involved in the relationship.  Trust is the bridge that supports love to flow.  Divine Love from Source flows through your heart to form relationships to help you heal and grow through sharing.  He also watches our heart chakras’ development as our heart expands with compassion.  He observes our balance of self-love and love for others.

Seraphina (Lady Charity) is the feminine aspect of compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and creativity.  She encourages the flow of emotions in expression of the heart, and to not allow them to be blocked.  She encourages the balanced flow of giving and receiving – giving love with a generous heart showing charity and receiving with gratitude.  Connecting to the heart of the earth with this balanced flow also creates abundance.  When emotions flow freely you can be uplifted to the highest expression of love and joy.

Chamuel and Seraphina’s etheric retreat is the Temple of Crystal Pink above St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Archangel Perpetiel is an Angel of Success who encourages hopes and dreams.  He brings success to any true venture on your spiritual path.  

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