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The Higher Divine Rays: The 12th Golden Ray of Unity Consciousness

by Nancy Robbins

This golden ray contains sparkles of opalescent white and is also known as the Ray of Universal Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, or the Cosmic Consciousness of Truth.  It is a frequency of Divine Light that emanates from the Great Central Sun of our universe.  When you connect with the Great Central Sun through the Golden Ray of Unity Consciousness, you connect with the highest aspect of your soul, which resides in Oneness with all souls.

The ultimate purpose of the Golden Ray is to assist souls in their journey back to the One, but on a more mundane level, it manifests the qualities of peace, harmony, creativity, and unconditional love.  It also balances the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within.  It is the Ray of God that blends the physical with the spiritual, combining Heaven and Earth.  It assists soul integration, ascension, transformation, transfiguration, and rebirth.  The Golden Ray brings you into the Now, helping you gain inner clarity and inner knowing, while opening your connection to be guided by your Highest Self.

This ray heralds the New Golden Age where people recognize the truth of their divinity and new beginnings on a New Earth.  It is Christ Consciousness and Divine Love that unites all rays of light and brings these frequencies from the Great Central Sun to Earth to be anchored there.  It is a complete surrender of the old self and acceptance of being reborn as a new higher identity.  It expands the perception and understanding of who you are to see yourself in the bigger picture as you discover more of your skills, gifts, and divine inner magic – as you expand to include more of your higher potential, as you merge with your Higher Self.  What past life skills are awaiting to be brought into your awareness and activated?  What greater knowledge and understanding is to be attained?  How does that expand the understanding of yourself?  What revelation of truth is to be revealed?  What role do you have as a galactic citizen?

This ray of golden luminosity empowers you – it unites all your soul’s skills and wisdom by raising your conscious awareness to the fullness of who you are within all your dimensional aspects beyond the limits of your 3D perspective and experience, so that you can create your own reality.  You can take ownership of your personal power and consciously create the experiences that you choose.  It provides the higher wisdom and empowerment to move you into your higher potential and ascend – to eventually unite with your spiritual light.

This ray supports your development of your higher potential – of becoming your Higher Self.  It also serves the creation of the Golden Age and the New Earth.  This is the next era of living for humanity and for Earth – the Age of Aquarius.

Unity Consciousness

We currently live in a world of duality.  This is a world of polarity consciousness that shapes our view of the world.  It leads us into fear and judgment, right and wrong, black and white, and creates a response of fight or flight.  Though it helps us find meaning and reference for our experiences, it also places a severe handicap on the ability to perceive.  We see and hear in a narrow bandwidth, and our beliefs are strongly shaped and limited by our family and society’s beliefs.  We think in a dualistic model that creates extremes of polarity.  However, we are beings of unlimited potential.  Duality Consciousness makes it impossible for us to comprehend the vastness of creation, the fullness of who we truly are, and keeps us locked in the 3D matrix.

Our true nature of existence is a multi-dimensional reality that consists of both our 3D Duality Consciousness and our 5D Unity Consciousness.  The physicality we experience is only an illusion, and consciousness is what defines how we interact with the dimension we reside in at present.

In total, there are 12 dimensions, each with their own unique characteristics.  They exist as levels for us to ascend to by raising our vibration to become a match for the frequency they operate on – this is how we continue on our path of evolution.  It isn’t only through taking on new physical traits to adapt to our environment.  True evolution is the evolution of consciousness.  We are currently moving from 3D to 4D to 5D consciousness. 

In the lower 3D dimension, we incarnate into physical bodies to experience creativity and manifestation.  In this physical form we feel the separation of our physical self with others, but that doesn’t take into account the totality of our being as spiritual beings.  Unity Consciousness is the Law of One, that we all are from the same single source of Creation.  We are all aspects of the same whole.  Unity Consciousness is the embodiment of pure unconditional love, and once we ascend, we can more fully feel the enormity of what it means to be connected as One.

Like the 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Lightbody, and the 11th Pink-Orange Ray of Illumined Truth, this ray associates with the higher spiritual chakra – the Divine Creativity Chakra – which harmonizes your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies, and helps awaken your skills and wisdom from lifetimes and integrates them into your whole self to assist your expansion into higher dimensional states and well-being.  Within this chakra you can really feel the higher emotional comfort and nurturing presence of Divine Love that heals and strengthens your understanding that all is Love.  The power of the heart is magical, a powerful force of healing, and this ray helps us to unlock more of our heart’s power.  It helps unite your many aspects into a wholeness that is empowering.

The Lady Master of this Ray is Pallas Athena, along with her twin flame, Mahachohan Racogzy.  Also featured in working with this Ray are Lord Maitreya, Hilarion, Helios and Vesta, Sanat Kumara and Venus Kumara, and Archangels Omniel and Lady Opalescence.

Pallas AthenaGoddess of Truth –  is the Lady Master of this Ray.  Athena was the original keeper of the Flame of Truth and a High Priestess in the Temple of Truth in Atlantis.  She ascended before the Fall of Atlantis, at which time the Flame was transferred to ancient Greece by Hilarion (Master of the 5th Green Ray of Healing, Truth, and Science) in one of his earlier incarnations.  It was here in its new location and overseen by Lady Vesta, that she directed the Oracles of Delphi, whose original role was to channel Divine and Sacred Truths.  She still serves in the Temple of Truth, located in the ethers over the island of Crete, which teaches Cosmic Law, math, music, sacred geometry, the science of healing, and the Laws of Alchemy (transformation).  She also brings Divine Feminine energy to Earth with Lady Nada and Quan Yin, to name a few.  This temple is also Hilarion’s retreat and he shares the Emerald Green Flame of (Illumined)Truth with Athena there.  This emerald green flame contains the intense Blue Ray of Divine Will/Power, and the Yellow Ray of Divine Illumination/Wisdom.  The concepts of fairness, justice and truth are important to Athena, and she works closely with Hilarion and Vesta, the Sun Goddess, there.  Vesta, and her twin flame, Helios, rule the Great Central Sun (more on them later).

Mahachohan Ragoczy, is Athena’s twin flame.  They work closely with Sanat Kumara who ensouls the planet and has kept Light on the planet for eons.  The Mahachohan rules over the male chohans (masters) of the first seven divine rays.  He also grants the breath of life and the Three-fold Flame (divine spark) at birth and withdraws them at death.  They strongly support, encourage, and protect our innate right to BE.

True strength is found in the heart, mind and soul based on the divine inner knowing of self, and the understanding of your truth.  Truth is your higher wisdom found from a higher perspective of your true self.  It is the ability to place yourself in another’s shoes without preconceptions or prejudice.  It is being wise and compassionate, clear of negativity, and balanced between logic and intuition, masculine and feminine, physical and spiritual.  Once in wholeness, balance, and harmony, you can co-create and manifest guided by the divine light of your spirit.  Truth is the conduit to your Higher Self, your doorway to the next dimension, where you will take on your existence as an eternal being of Light.

Lord Maitreya, means “Lord of Love”.  Maitreya embodied upon Earth millions of years ago as a volunteer (guardian) from the planet Venus to assist Sanat Kumara in bringing Light to a dark Earth.  He is an ascended master that serves as planetary Buddha, and works under Gautama Buddha who is Lord of the World.  He was once embodied as Melchizedek, and reached his greatest attainment while embodied as Lord Himalaya.  He enfolded Jesus in his cosmic flame to assist Jesus in manifesting the Christ Consciousness during his incarnation on Earth.  He is the aspect of Love and Wisdom, and his Love, Light and Kindness are felt on all planets in the solar system.  He will guide the “new humanity” to follow the Way of the Heart, living from the heart while ascending and raising consciousness in the coming new age of Maitreya.  He shall not walk like Jesus using only one body of a great soul, but shall overshadow a number of older souls with high Light, Love, and Teaching to usher in the new age.  He is often seen having violet eyes, golden hair, and wearing a white robe.  His etheric retreat is in the Himalayan Mountains.

Sanat Kumara and Venus Kumara – Sanat Kumara, ruler of Venus along with his wife, Venus Kumara, volunteered to bring the Light onto Earth and raise her into the Light eons ago.  He oversees all the spiritual teachings of this universe, and holds the Supreme Knowledge of Enlightenment.  He is the Planetary Logos of Earth who has helped to raise humanity up from darkness by connecting the Light to all hearts, along with his higher self, Vywamus.  Venus Kumara also brings Divine Feminine energy to the Earth.


Archangels Omniel and Lady Opalescence – Archangel Omniel, and his twin flame, Lady Opalescence, help to link all living beings in unity with a sense of oneness.  They help us easily connect and communicate with all of Nature and the heavenly realms, uniting heaven and earth.

Helios and Lady Vesta – In ancient Greece Helios was known as the Sun God and his twin flame, Vesta, was the Goddess of the Hearth.  They work with this ray, but especially the next divine ray – the 13th Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service.  They direct energies from the Great Central Sun (hence their involvement with this ray), they regulate the activities of the sun, sustain the solar system, and guide the spiritual evolution of each planet.  Helios radiates divine illumination and wisdom, and Vesta radiates Truth.  They help bridge humanity with their divine essence and truth to help empower them.


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