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The Higher Divine Rays: The 13th Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service

by Nancy Robbins

The 13th Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service is a ray from the Great Central Sun in the heart of this galaxy, that provides the solar fire that fuels the creative flow.  It ignites creativity and innovation which will be needed to create the New Earth.  Creative flow is ever transcending movement that hallmarks growth and change.


In order to seek solutions to change the current consciousness, you must move beyond that consciousness, and “think outside the box”.  The power of this ray is its creative flow to move beyond where you are currently.  In order to best work with this ray, one needs to discard all pre-conceived ideas.  “The solution to great problems requires the giving up of great prejudices.” The problem was created out of the prejudice that limited the consciousness of the people, and therefore limited their creative expression.  Life is constant change – when you hold onto yesterday’s level of attainment, you hold back the progress for today’s growth.  Complacency and comfortability are the enemies of growth.  Those that are content see no need to transcend, and thus cannot grow, and are not free.  They are trapped in a desire to maintain a certain state.  Their focus and energy are drained in maintaining, rather than creating.

As with the 12th Ray – the Golden Ray of Unity Consciousness, you need to be willing to let go of the old and be reborn into a higher version of yourself.  When you allow yourself to be in the flow of the 13th Ray, you can come up with new perspectives, new solutions and new inventions that challenge conventional wisdom, that challenges the way things are done.  The solar Fire in this ray divinely inspires new ideas and creativity that fuels transformation.

The star of focus for this ray is the Sun and our solar system.  Everything is Light.  Suns are like the batteries of the universe.  There is the Grand Central Sun that is connected to Creator Source energy and distributes it to Central Suns.  The wattage of each Sun has a different resonate power and frequency that’s right for the level of learning that each particular solar system needs for growth.  Stars, Suns, and Central Suns are energetic portals that help to illuminate their portion of the Universe with the Creator’s loving light.  So, we are all connected to Source.

The Great Central Sun in our galaxy is Sirius (this will be focused on with the 15th Silver-Gold Ray of Galactic Service).  In our solar system, our Sun is part of a larger network of Central Suns.  Our immediate Central Sun is Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades cluster in the constellation of Taurus.  It’s part of the grouping we call the Seven Sisters.  It’s about 600% of our Sun’s mass and 10 times the size (this will be focused on with the 14th Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace).  Our sun is in constant communication with Alcyone passing information, energy, and insights on to the development of ascending collectives in this part of the galaxy.  When our Sun gets closer to Alcyone consciousness ascends, and as it moves further away, a period of darkness results.

The nature of the Sun is giving – as it radiates light, heat, and life force energy to nurture us to become the beings that radiate life force energy, with great power and wisdom.  Our Sun exerts immense power to hold nine planets and thousands of asteroids in its orbit.  As we move towards the Central Sun it sends messages and vibrations that upgrade consciousness.  Coming into alignment with the Sun and Central Sun means opening the doorway of the heart and transmuting fear into love.  We can move into the higher dimensions where the spiritual fire of our hearts burns brightly with Love and Truth.

The Lady Master of this Ray is Vesta, known in ancient Rome as the Goddess of the Hearth and a Sun goddess who reflects Truth.  In ancient Greece she was known as Hestia.  Her twin flame is Helios (his Grecian name, in Rome – Sol). Helios is the Solar Logos for this galaxy, and the Solar Council of Twelve serve them.  They abide in the heart of the Sun.  They radiate Illumination and Truth.  They regulate the activities of the sun, sustain the physical solar system, and guide the spiritual evolution of each planet.  They help to bridge humanity with their divine essence and purify by fire any beliefs and thoughts that prevent them from acknowledging that essence and be empowered.  In this way they fire up your sense of worth and empowerment in your “inner sun” in your Solar Plexus chakra.             

Lady Lotus – Another ascended master working with this Ray is Lady Lotus.  She works closely with St. Germain and the White Brotherhood of Light.  Her previous incarnations include Joan of Arc (1412-1431), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), and more recently as Edna Ballard (1886 – 1971).  She co-founded the St. Germain Institute and the I Am movement with her husband Guy Ballard.  Her lives reflect standing for truth, transformation, and innovation.

An angel you can call on to help you connect with this ray is Angel Samandiriel – Angel of Imagination and Creativity.  The Copper-Gold ray is about creative flow, and this angel believes that imagination is a healing tool, as well as one for manifestation.  You can visualize and create alternate realities with which to transform yourself, as well as the world around you.  You can use this affirmation – “I use my imagination and visualization to transform myself, and in the process, I change the world.”

I feel the 13th-16th Rays associate with the Galactic Chakra – as we are moving into the understanding of our greater service as galactic citizens and an understanding of our multi-dimensional nature.  It is an appreciation of our expanded service to our galaxy.  Part of that responsibility is taking an active role in creating (with the enhanced creative flow this Ray brings) a world built with Love, Wisdom, and Unity.

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