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The Higher Divine Rays: The 14th Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace

by Nancy Robbins

From the 7th Violet Ray of Freedom and the 8th Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence we transmuted and cleared out old energy to free us to move into our higher potential.  With the 9th Turquoise Ray of Highest Potentials we moved further into our higher potential.  The 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Light body assisted us in infusing our light body with Light to empower our ascension, fuel for the journey!  The 11th Pink-Orange or Peach Ray of Illumined Truth and Divine Love moved us higher into the power of our heart, love energy and discovering more of our truth.  The 12th Gold Ray of Unity Consciousness helped us attain further support in knowing our divine mission and manifesting it, where we become active creators of the Golden Age to come.  The 13th Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service infused us with the solar fire to get that creativity flowing.  This empowers us as creators and innovators.

The 14th Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace is a ray that assists us in holding the vision of the Golden Age, and in looking at a new way of living- with truth, harmony, love, and abundance – in the Aquarian Age on the New Earth.  This ray is like looking for the silver lining in a cloud and realizing that you have the light of a silver lining within you – it’s actually your divine spark.  This ray is about reflection and contemplation, like looking in a silver mirror at yourself and seeing your truth.  It is about walking your talk and being the light that you are.  This ray sponsors Source energy – which our divine spark is a drop from that ocean.  With this ray you can connect more with joy, harmony and love in life and can work on issues of abundance and manifestation, and greater self-love.  This ray helps to awaken your 5th dimensional self, a dimension where there is only Love.  With this ray we reflect our divine light into a new way of living on Earth.  We step through the 5D portal into a new way of being.

This ray’s lady master is Lady Nada/Magda, who incarnated as Mary Magdalene, and her twin flame is Sananda, who incarnated as Jesus Christ.  Lady Nada/Magda represents Divine Feminine energy, and Sananda represents Divine Masculine energy, and together they represent Divine Harmony.

Lady Nada/Magda – is the Lady Master of the Silver Ray.  She also works with the 3rd Pink Ray of Love and the 6th Purple Ray of Peace.  She desires to bring in Divine Feminine energy to bring balance, along with Lady Virtue (Archeia Mareia/Mother Mary), Lady Portia, Isis, Quan Yin, Wohpe, Athena, and others.  She works with divine alchemy – in infusing yourself with Divine Love/Christ Consciousness to transform yourself into your higher self.  She believes in the abundance of the universe and brings in Source energy in the form of two flames.  She carries the Flame of Hope which brings hope and healing.  She also carries the Magdalene Flame, which is a silver-blue flame of Source energy that restores purity, innocence, love, and helps with ascension.  She grounded this flame to the planet in 2004.  

In a past life on Atlantis she served in the healing arts and as a priestess in the Temple of Love.  The etheric counterpart of this temple, which is designed after the pattern of a rose, is centered above New Bedford, Massachusetts.  She is very involved in bringing Divine Feminine energy into the Aquarian Age and working with the needs of the youth.  

Sananda Kumara – Lord Sananda Kumara is the Cosmic Name, or name of the Higher Self, for the one we know as Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ben Joseph) who came to the Earth 2000 years ago to bring his message of the Power of Love to all of humanity.  He is a leader of the Aquarian Age bringing in Christ Consciousness and Divine Love onto the planet for healing and ascension and leads the Ashtar Command (or the Galactic Command) under Commander Ashtar.  The Ashtar Command is a Brotherhood of Light composed of millions of spaceships and members of various cosmic civilizations and angels to assist and protect planet Earth from lower energies with a dark agenda, during this great evolutionary shift into higher dimensions.  They serve as guides and guardians promoting Love and Light. 

Pleiadian Emissaries of Light – The star that is connected to this ray is Alcyone – the Central Sun in the Pleiadian star cluster in the constellation of Taurus.  The Pleiadian Emissaries are helping humanity on Earth with the ascension during this major shift.  With this ray, we can connect to the support and guidance from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light.

“As you activate your light body and become a Master Being of Love and Light, you are part of the activation of the crystalline grid, the light body of Mother Earth.  You will begin to see that only through your limited belief system and fears have you lost the ability to manifest and radiate the Divine.  With courage and intent, you are able to see beyond the illusions to manifest a reality that shares the universal nature of Divine Love, Light and Life, and reflect this universal mind into your environment.  We are all One, from the same universal source of Love and Light, it is your journey to recognize the universal oneness in yourself and all of those around you.

You will remember your own divine qualities as you activate your higher Light – your highest self.  We help to protect the planet and her inhabitants.  We work to reinforce the crystalline grid through holographic light frequencies to assist humanity as she makes her transition into the next dimension.  We work within earth portals to radiate the highest frequency of Love and Light from our Creator/Creatress to you.  Call on us when you need loving support to reach the calling of your Higher Self.”

Archangels Jeremiel and Hosanna are archangels that work with the Silver Ray.

Archangel Jeremiel – He is also known as Archangel Remiel or Ramiel.  His focus is helping us with our mental faculties of memory, visioning, mental clarity, and dreams to achieve greater self-understanding in order to make impactful changes for the better – to reach into our higher potential for ourselves, and our world.  He helps us to review our life, take the good, clear out the rest, and to manifest more goodness in our lives.  He quietly communicates through symbols, visions, and dreams.  He helps to develop clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clair-cognizance.  He helps us to see our spiritual gifts and to see the bigger picture of the purpose for our being here in the physical now.  He assists with life review by helping you understand at a deep level that each and every choice you make, all life lessons and every moment, is for your benefit, and that with awareness, becomes an opportunity to learn and grow.  He assists in bringing hope, real love, and justice to every corner of the world.

Archeia Hosanna – Archangel Jeremiel helps you to see the silver lining in the cloud, and Archeia Hosanna helps you see the rainbow!  Her energy is like a shimmering rainbow and is the joyous hosanna of a mission accomplished!  She is the dazzling colorful light of hope, beauty, and harmony that gracefully infuses our lives and inspires us.  She gently supports us with her shimmering light to encourage and guide us as we transform.

I feel the 13th – 16th Rays associate with the Galactic Chakra – as we are moving into the understanding of our greater service as galactic citizens and an understanding of our multi-dimensional nature.  It is an appreciation of the greater role and responsibility we undertake as we gain understanding of our expanded service to our galaxy.  Part of that responsibility is taking an active role in creating a world built with Love, Wisdom, and Unity.



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