As a review: Since the Harmonic Convergence of August 15-17, 1987, cosmic rays that were withdrawn just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, have been once again increasingly pouring forth onto the Earth plane. Rays 8-12 finally anchored onto the Earth in April of 1994. These five rays carry a higher vibration of Source Light and are helping to activate our own Higher Light and our true nature. Since 1994, rays 13-18 have been streaming onto the planet. These cosmic rays help us to integrate aspects of our multidimensional selves.
Rays 1-7: The first seven rays are considered masculine rays and led predominantly by male ascended masters (along with archangels and the Elohim) and were focused through the seven stars of the Great Bear (Big Dipper).
Rays 8-14: In order to create balance, the new rays are considered feminine rays and led predominantly by female ascended masters (along with archangels and the Elohim) and are focused through the 7 sisters (stars) of the Pleiades (also known as the 7 sages or Rishis). The new rays are infused with silver and gold by varying degrees – the silver ray represents the feminine quality and essence of grace, the gold ray represents the masculine quality and spiritual authority. This yin/yang balance will aid earth’s and humanity’s ascension.
Rays 15-18: have a continually expanding focus of service into the galaxy and beyond – with galactic service, intergalactic service, stellar enlightenment, and multi-universal service.
The Higher Rays are:
8. The Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence (Cleansing, Justice, Balance, Opportunity) 100% silver
9. The Turquoise Ray of Joy & Highest Potentials (75% silver, 25% gold)
10. The Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body (50$ silver, 50% gold)
11. The Peach (Pink-Orange) Ray of Divine Love (Illuminted Truth & Service) (75% silver, 25% gold)
12. The Gold Ray of Cosmic/Unity Consciousness (100% gold)
13. The Copper-Gold Ray of Solar Service (100% gold)
14. The Silver Ray of the New Order & Dawn of Peace (100% silver)
15. The Silver-Gold Ray of Galactic Service (50% gold, 50% silver)
16. The White-Gold Ray of Intergalactic Service
17. The Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment
18. The Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service
The 17th Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment
The Platinum Ray is not from this Galaxy. It is Andromedan in nature and is being used by divine dispensation. It has been made available to this planet in order to purify, reveal Truth, get to the heart of the situation, heal, aid manifestation, and for personal and planetary ascension. It is Stellar (Cosmic) Enlightenment that returns humanity and the planet to its divine natural state. It is intended to be used for human rejuvenation and Earth rejuvenation.
The Platinum Ray is a powerful ray of silvery color (with hints of blue), which resonates to the feminine principle in all beings. This energy is associated with the Divine Mother, Divine Feminine, and the Goddess essence. Mutuhu - an ancient Lemurian Earth Mother - is guardian of this ray. This ray is a cosmic gift from the Goddess Light of Purity/Divine Mother for purification on every level so that self-mastery can be attained as a fully empowered being - wholly healed. This goes for personal self-mastery, and Gaia's empowerment.
It is essential at certain stages of Ascension to bathe in this brilliance of the Divine Mother-Goddess aspect of humility and integrity, of heart and strength. It gives courage on the path, clears obstacles and washes away karmic residues that are no longer necessary for you to keep re-seeding and re-experiencing. It cleanses the mental and emotional bodies of old patterns of pain and suffering, of loss and grief, of sadness and isolation, and to feel the truth of your intimate connection and communion with the Divine Mother. She is the feminine principle that will restore balance and harmony, compassion and forgiveness to the world now.
For humanity - it will help us to remember our divinity - our inner Love and Light within us and return us to our original 12 strands of DNA during ascension. The Platinum Ray can be invoked for healing and transformation by which you clear and activate your energy system, and also aid humanity in truly being freed from slavery and ignorance of any kind.
Importantly, the desired use of this ray is to rejuvenate Earth, and not just human rejuvenation. The guardian is an Earth Mother after all! It can be utilized for the cleansing and purifying of the environment and has a particular frequency that is especially efficient at managing, dissipating and dissolving harsh chemicals, and those on an atomic level. This intensely powerful ray, though it is harmless to human beings, animals and flora, can dissipate pollution and help restore the element to its natural higher qualities. As good stewards of the Earth, the Platinum Ray can be invoked to neutralize, rejuvenate and restore damaged ecological areas on Earth - such as areas where radioactivity has been released, nuclear incidents; aid for the dwindling rainforests; and devastation from hurricanes. Nature needs the support as the planet is ascending also!
Lord Melchizedek works with the 16th White-Gold Ray of Inter-Galactic Service, and also the 17th Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment:
Lord Melchizedek - is the Universal Logos. Lord Melchizedek is the Grand Master of the 72 Orders of Melchizedek, which includes all who serve the Creator through Divine Guidance. He is one of the Trinity Lords of Light that guards the Ascension Gateway - Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, and Lord Melchizedek. His golden-white grace guides the alchemy and evolution of your multidimensional consciousness reality here on Earth. His light aids manifestation, the quest for freedom, clearing of lower emotions that block you, aids harmony between your masculine and feminine aspects, and in raising consciousness to unity consciousness. He helps bring into our subconscious and conscious understanding information concerning spiritual principles and how to work with Light - such as teaching us to understand and use the Language of Light, and to understand and develop our own energetic Light Bodies. We will need these skills to aid us in our own personal ascension, as well as to support earth and our fellow humans throughout the transition period. He helps us raise our vibration to unite ourselves within and with Source. The Melchizedek frequency is not found at a specific etheric retreat, but surrounds us at all times, and may be accessed wherever we choose.
Similar to the Galactic Council of 12 that I mentioned in the article of the 15th Silver-Gold Ray of Galactic Service, and the Intergalactic Council of 12 with the 16th White-Gold Ray, the Universal Council of 12, comprised of high Light beings that decide everything that happens throughout the universe - guiding evolution, work with the 17th Ray.
Archangels Metatron and his twin flame, Archeia Sophia - Lady Truth, guide all rays, but especially the 10th Ray and higher. Love is the power of the universe and the substance from which all is made.
Archeia Sophia (Lady Truth) is the Divine Mother of all Creation, found in the Grand Central Sun/Heart of the universe. She is the subtle attractor of Love, the grounding power of stability, the weight at our center allowing us to expand outward and upward while maintaining our inner centered balance. Call on her if you are looking to awaken and activate your heart chakra, in finding self-love, compassion, and love for all life in creation even ones of the darkest forms. She will help you tap into your infinite Love/Light Source energy in your everyday life and use this forcefield to heal all around you. When you are in times of despair and have lost hope, she will come to you to remind you of the great beauty that you are as the fractal of creation that you are. She is a fierce protector and can recharge you with her divine infinite love and wisdom as she leads us into the Golden Age of Earth shifting into the New Earth. All Divine Mothers have been birthed from her essence - such as Isis, Bast, Cleopatra, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Mother Teresa.
Archangel Metatron is the masculine aspect of love - of movement and expansion; to the feminine aspect - Sophia - of stillness and attraction. Metatron is a Warrior of the Light who shatters illusions and clears blocks so that we can reach our higher potential. He is like a whirlwind stirring things up and creating change, while Sophia is the eye of the storm - the stillness within, the peace amongst chaos. When life settles again, you can look at the potential for a new beginning. These same dynamic masculine and feminine roles play within us - the partnership of the feminine aspect providing constant support and a stable base of action (the home base), as the masculine aspect supports action and expansion into the world, increasing substance which is returned home.
Archangel Metatron is an "Archangel of the Divine Plan" who helps empower you by accessing your spiritual power and higher potential, and so works with sacred geometry and your Soul Star Chakra to assist your manifestation of your life plan. He can assist you in discovering your blueprint and life purpose to realize you potential and your part in the Divine Plan, as well as any issues concerning your Akashic Records and any karmic issues. He works with sacred geometry - the building blocks of creation in the universe, and especially "Metatron's Cube", which is a three-dimensional Star of David, or Merkabah, that vibrates throughout your chakras raising your vibrations and acting as an ascension vehicle. He helps to bring divine and human energies into balance and alignment.ARCHANGEL SANDALPHON & ARCHEIA SHEKINAH
Archangel Sandalphon is the "twin" brother to Archangel Metatron, and as Metatron works with the divine principle of the cosmic plan, and life plan for each individual, Sandalphon works with the divinity on Earth, and they both work with the connection of Source energy. Sandalphon works with the Earth Star chakra in your energetic field, and Metatron works with the Soul Star chakra, which holds your life purpose and soul blueprint. Similarly, Sophia works with the feminine principle of divine love/wisdom of the cosmos, and Shekinah holds that divine spark within her "womb".
Archangel Sandalphon is Earth's protector who oversees Earth's crystalline grid. The crystalline grid is an energetic lattice covering the planet that links the ley lines, power points, divine higher frequencies, and crystal energies of the Earth. It reflects and amplifies ascending levels of consciousness, and keeps harmony within the Earth plane, and between Earth and the cosmos. Through this grid of light energy, you can connect with the higher dimensional energies and anchor these higher vibrations into your physical body and third dimensional reality. This creates an alignment between Heaven and Earth centered in your heart. This alignment will connect you to the Light of Earth and the cosmos and put you in an energy flow of higher consciousness and ascension.
Archangel Sandalphon is also a Master of Music and Prayer. He helps connect the sound vibrations of healing, prayer, and intention, and also cosmic frequencies into Earth's crystalline grid to raise Earth's vibrations, and those of humanity. He will assist you in connecting with the sacred qualities of the earth and to cleanse and balance your Earth Star chakra. He helps to anchor Divine Light energy into the body at the root level in accordance with the Divine Plan and into Earth's crystalline grid, helping to bring balance, harmony, and stability. In this way, he helps to guide the ascension energies and evolution of Earth and humanity.
Archeia Shekinah - also known as Cybele, and as Lady Patience - is the Angel of Patience. She is the feminine aspect of God - a vessel for Divine Source energy in the form of the Divine Spark. She holds the Divine Spark consciousness in her "womb". Sandalphon is the masculine aspect of the active consciousness that she holds. Shekinah holds your Divine Spark on Earth and "holds space for you" as she waits calmly, serenely, and patiently for you to acknowledge her. She will supply you with the help you need when you are ready and reach out to her. She will provide you guidance on your spiritual journey to support your growth.