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The Higher Divine Rays: The 9th Turquoise Ray of Joy and Highest Potentials

As a forward to this article, you can find a review of the Higher Rays 8-18 on my previous post on the 8th Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence.

The 9th Turquoise Ray of Joy and Highest Potentials

The 9th Ray is a Turquoise Ray – a combination of green and blue.  Green as found in the Green Ray of Healing and Truth as expressed from the heart and found within the love energy of the heart chakra, and blue as found in the Blue Ray of Power as expressed from the throat chakra leading to manifestation.  It is an expansion of the heart/soul’s desires into manifestation.  This ray supports an active expression from your heart concerning your soul purpose.  With this expression through the heart and throat is found the joy of all possibilities as you move into your higher potential and well-being.  This ray is therefore known as the Ray of Joy and Highest Potentials.  This ray holds a wealth of knowledge that can be grasped to aid soul discovery and expansion.  It focuses on anchoring joy which is an expression of love while promoting integration on new levels with Creator’s energy.  It helps to continue the cleansing process that the 8th Aquamarine Ray started and enhances the light body.

The mandala above shows this love that fountains into joy from the jewel of the heart.  This joy is found in soul discovery and awakening more of your skills and inner magic as you expand your understanding and acceptance of who you truly are.  This joy is an expression of love and self-love.  You can be of service to others with your divine loving nature and guide others to their higher potential.

This ray is also about the infinite abundance of your health and wealth – an unlimited consciousness of abundance.  This ray is like a good luck halo of health, wealth, and well-being.  Like a fountain that gives forth goodness, you can return the favor of abundance to the universe through your kindness, gratitude, and generosity.

This ray moves you into your higher potential and further activates your light body.  It influences your soul blueprint by enhancing your spiritual development, and balances both sides of your brain.

The qualities produced by this ray are:  Exploration and Understanding of the Soul and Soul Purpose, Harmony, Balance, Abundance, Well-being, and the embodiment of Joy.

A good affirmation for this ray is:  I am joy, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.  I am expanding my understanding of my soul purpose.

This ray correlates to your Soul Star Chakra – which holds your soul’s blueprint and life purpose.  This ray also activates the thymus and Higher Heart Chakra.  It integrates the Heart (Soul’s wisdom and desires), Higher Heart (soul’s truth), and Throat chakras (expression & manifestation) with the Solar Plexus chakra (the chakra of your inner power and mind), and further integrates this with your Soul Star chakra, which holds the energies of your soul blueprint and life purpose.

The chief ascended masters overseeing the 9th divine ray are Lady Dawn, and her twin flame, Lord Ling – the Goddess and God of Happiness.  Lady Dawn in a previous incarnation was Isaiah, a prophet of Israel, and her twin flame, Lord Ling, was Moses.

Archeia Mareia, also known as Mother Mary, Lady Virtue, and Divine Mother, along with her twin flame, Archangel Raphael, are angels of healing.  These Archangels are the prominent archangels working with the 5th Green Ray of Healing, Truth and Science, and also with the 9th ray.  Archeia Mareia takes the lead as these rays accentuate Divine Feminine energy.

Mary served in the Temple of Truth in the early days of Atlantis and tended the emerald fires of the fifth ray (which is found within this ray, along with the Blue Ray of Power).  It was here she studied the healing arts, religion, and science.  In one of her past incarnations on Earth she was the Goddess Isis, and instructed in Mystery Schools.  In her final embodiment, Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ.  She offers to humanity “mother” energy for support, infinite patience, unconditional love, grace, and compassion.  She is the holder of the blue cape of compassion and unconditional love.  She reminds you to nurture yourself as a mother would nurture her child, by nurturing your inner child with love.

As a member of the Sisterhood of the Rose, which began in Atlantis, she directed Divine Love, and the nurturing and compassionate qualities of Divine Feminine energy to humanity to bring the world into harmony and balance.  Her symbol is the rose, symbolic of the sacred unfolding love within the heart.  She also connects you to the heart of Mother Earth.  She radiates unconditional love, the most powerful force in the universe, to bring healing joy, and harmony to the world.

Archangel Haniel – She is the Angel of Joy who uplifts and brings harmony, healing, and balance.  She has a soft, calming and serene energy, which reflects the full moon.  She encourages you to release and heal any negativity when the moon is full and helps you to effectively work with the powerful moon cycles and sacred feminine energy.  She can also help you develop your intuition and clairvoyance.  She opens your eyes to beauty, love, happiness and pleasure.  When you are looking for fulfillment, she can help bring out hidden talents and true passion.  She will support you to shine your light and overcome any fears that hold you back from being your true self.

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