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The Higher Heart Chakra

The Higher Heart Chakra,  is also known as the Spiritual Heart, or Thymus Chakra.  It is an etheric (spiritual) chakra located above the thymus area of the body and resonates an aqua/turquoise color.  In Sanskrit, “chakra” means wheel – a wheel of spinning energy.  This chakra’s influence radiates between the Lower Heart (where you expel that which blocks you moving into your higher potential, and inhale higher energy) in the diaphragm area, up to the Brow chakra – specifically the pineal gland.  The pineal gland connects you to truth within Light, since it decodes information within Light that you have received in a “download”.  It also encompasses the Throat and Well of Dreams chakra.

Here are a few highlights of the Higher Heart Chakra:

Connection to Truth:  It helps define your truth born from the desires of your soul found in your heart, and this helps you define your intent and express this in your Throat chakra.  You then further define it in exploring your multi-dimensional aspects in your Well of Dreams chakra,  which creates your self-image in your Brow Chakra, where you also further explore your truth with your intuitive and psychic abilities.  It opens your awareness to your truth and inner soul wisdom.

Forms Your Intent: This energy center is the connection between the reason for language and the emotions of the heart.  It is what makes you take a deep breath before you speak consciously, and form the intent behind your words before you speak them.  It is the gateway to higher consciousness, which is based on love, and therefore, to a life of abundance, prosperity, joy and satisfaction.

Enhances Immunity:  This chakra when energized aids your thyroid gland, throat health, and immune system, bringing protection to the emotional, mental, and spiritual layers of your aura by dispelling negative energy.

Divine Love Power Connection:  This chakra connects you to the higher frequency emotions of Divine Love, Joy, Bliss, Gratitude, Compassion, Peace, Acceptance, Truth from your heart and soul, Forgiveness, and release of fear.  It allows you to speak your truth from your spiritual heart with compassion, and to understand and manifest your life purpose.  It also connects you to the divine within you – your divine spark in your heart, which also empowers your truth and your compassion to your soul purpose.

Connection to Healing Power of Love:  This chakra connects you to the power of Divine Love – a true force in the universe.  When you connect into the power of Love you can transform yourself (and others) with healing.

Ascension Energies:  The heart is a multi-dimensional space.  Consider your heart to be like an elevator, you can ride up and ascend to higher levels.  When you move up into the higher dimensional frequencies of your heart, you expand your awareness of your truth, and awareness of your soul mission in the universe.  The Higher Heart frequencies provide you much soul exploration in the realm of Divine Love, higher consciousness and enlightenment.

Crystals to use in meditation: These crystals will help you to connect to the Higher Heart chakra: (generally any crystals that are magenta, pink, green, turquoise or aqua) such as Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Pink Morganite, Blue or Green Kyanite, Green Calcite.


I offer forgiveness and unconditional love to myself and others.                                                                                                          I am a powerful force of loving energy in the world.                                                                                                                                     I am Love.  I am Peace.  I am Light.                                                                                                                                                                             I release self-criticism and self-doubt.                                                                                                                                                                 I deserve compassionate, loving and supportive relationships.                                                                                                             I choose joy and compassion over judgement.                                                                                                                                                I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally.                                                                                                                            I am worthy of abundance.                                                                                                                                                                                     My heart is grateful , and my soul is peaceful.

Higher Heart Chakra Spray:  I just recently channeled the Higher Heart Chakra spray from Spirit, which you can find in my chakra sprays category.  The chakra sprays help you shift and maintain the frequency of that chakra, and help you connect to their energies.

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