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The Importance of Earth’s Crystalline Grid – Part 1 of 3

Everywhere you walk, you are known by the Earth.  Open your awareness to your legacy.

This is an important time in human history – we are all living on a planet that is striving to ascend into higher frequencies to become a planet of Love and Light.  We are actually on the same mission as Earth, as we are made of her elements.  We have forgotten just how connected to our Mother Earth we are!  Earth records our experiences and archives that information in four places:  the Cave of Creation, your DNA, the Crystalline Grid, and with whales and dolphins.  This article will mainly focus on our conscious participation with the Crystalline Grid, and in actively re-connecting back to nature and her transformative energies.

The Crystalline Grid is a holographic matrix of light (of 5D energy and higher) that surrounds the Earth.  It is anchored by high vibrational points within the Earth.  These portals have been transmuting negative particles of energy into higher frequencies.  It is like a blanket of human consciousness that remembers everything that humans do and where they do it (is location specific).  The energy of humanity is affecting the vibrational level of the planet in actual time.  We are either adding to the toxic energetic level of negative emotions and thoughts, or uplifting it with the higher emotions of love and joy, and positive thoughts.  The Crystalline Grid responds to human consciousness, but it goes both ways:  it receives and gives.  So, it really does two things:

  1. It is an esoteric grid that works with the vibration of human consciousness, both in retaining and transmitting back to the human DNA.
  2. It talks to Gaia, who talks to anything crystalline within the Earth’s crust.  The Crystalline Grid is quantumly aligned with the Cave of Creation.

The Cave of Creation is a real place that will never be found on this planet. It connects and unites the physical to the spiritual and the multidimensional to the dimensional.  It is a place where there are crystalline structures within a memory vault called the Akashic Record.  It is where your essence (soul) comes and goes, from when you arrive on the planet to when you pass over, and it records what happened while you were here.  It’s the first place you visit, coming onto the planet, and the last place you visit, leaving the planet.  The Cave of Creation is a multidimensional place that holds an esoteric crystalline object for every soul that has ever been on the planet, and every soul to come.  Each crystal holds the Akashic Record of each specific soul.  The Cave of Creation interfaces with Gaia through the Crystalline Grid.  When you affect the Crystalline Grid with your consciousness and actions, it then alters the Cave of Creation.  In summary, the Cave of Creation keeps a record of who you are as you come and go, and imbues your lifetime of experiences into the vibration of the planet, even after you have gone.  It is the multidimensional system that captures the human experience for Gaia and it stays with Gaia.

Let’s take a closer look at the Crystalline Grid:

  • The grid is the Light Body of the cosmos, the auric field of Gaia.  The framework of the grid is made of sacred geometric crystal fractals that create a language of universal light consciousness that interfaces with us.  The grid is also known as the Unity Grid, Field of Divine Love, Christ Consciousness Grid.
  • The grid links the electro-magnetic lines, ley lines (affected by human consciousness), sacred sites, vortices, major dimensional portals and stargates, and crystals in the Earth that link us to other dimensions and the cosmos.  It keeps harmony within the Earth plane, and between Earth and the cosmos.  Through the dimensional portals collected negative energy is sent out to be transmuted into higher frequencies, and higher vibrational light information is received and grounded into the Grid, especially since the beginning of the Aquarian Age.  When you align with the Grid, you align with divine cosmic and earth energy, and literally create harmony between heaven and earth.
  • The Grid also connects to the Diamond Light Matrix and the Solar Grid which both help us to reach our higher potential.  The Diamond Light Matrix was made by Sirians (starbeings from Sirius) who placed diamonds containing Great Central Sun energy around the Earth ages ago to activate when we were ready to move into our multi-dimensional self, which activated around 2009-2013.  The Solar Grid is made of Golden Solar Discs placed around the planet by Lemurians that hold the energy of the Great Central Sun – a golden energy that moves us into our higher potential.
  • Humans have accentuated the energy by adding structures to the sites of the dimensional doorways/portals and earth chakras, and created sacred sites with pyramids, religious sanctuaries, and mystical sites such as stone circles.
  • The grid holds the Akashic records (crystal light records – the Akash).  It also collects earth history and interfaces with the solar system and radiates out to other galaxies.  Through this grid the universe can learn about us.
  • Nodes and nulls:  Nodes and nulls are part of the Gaia system created by Pleiadians.  This system features 12 major esoteric time-capsules, represented by polarized pairs that have one node, and one null, found in 24 locations across the planet.  The purpose is to be a fast-track system to enlightenment, active since 2012.  Nodes act like a vaccum cleaner, clearing away the things that are no longer needed by humanity, such as fear, war and drama.  Nulls are depositories of Pleiadian energy where new information such as ideas and invention are offered to humanity.
  • As our focus changes to Love rather than negative energies, so does the grid’s focus shift into energies of love and kindness.  Energy follows focus and causes it to grow stronger.  We can seek higher truth and respect for all of life that lives on this planet by aligning with the higher energies of the crystalline grid.  We are all connected, and the more we live from our hearts, the greater the healing transformation for humanity and the planet.  When you align with the Grid you bring light to your local area, further accelerating the light body of Mother Earth, and help to raise the vibration of all into higher potential.  Just by living in awareness of the love and light of the Grid, we can begin to shift the energy frequency of the planet.  “I choose Love and Light, and create a New Earth of Love and Light that radiates through all dimensions.”
  • You can use sacred geometry, sound, color, crystals, essential oils, and visualizations to attune to the Grid of Love and Light.  By connecting to your heart, you can travel dimensionally, and shift the focus on the planet to Love and positively affect the planet.  As we become clear as a crystal, we have a resonance of harmony with Earth, each other, and the cosmos.  We then anchor this Light into Earth and as we become a transducer of the energy from Heaven to Earth, we unify Heaven and Earth within us.
  • You can travel the Grid in your light-body on a soul level, and can move through higher dimensional doorways, and through stargates to accelerate your own growth, as well as bring higher frequencies to be anchored on the Earth plane.  On this higher level you can communicate with the other higher selves for the resolution of conflict or difficulties, or give healing assistance.

Your DNA

The information and energy of all that you ever were, is also stored in your DNA.  This stored information can be retrieved by intention in your next incarnation.  In this way, your ancestors are within you.

Whales and Dolphins

Whales and dolphins are the “back-up system” of recording human experience on Earth for the Earth.  They also help maintain the life force balance on earth.  They are thought to have come from Sirius-B.

Some of the major portals and stargates

Some of the major energy centers are “earth chakras” that are located around the planet, some are portals, stargates, or dimensional doorways that connect to a star system or planet, or another dimension.  You can connect in meditation and with intention to travel the crystalline grid in a form of “soul travel” guided by your Higher Self to expand your healing or awareness.  Here are the earth chakras and some major portals.

Earth Chakras

  • Root chakra – Mt. Shasta, California, USA (also a node)
  • Sacral chakra – Lake Titicaca, Peru, S. America (emotional and planetary healing, also a node)
  • Solar Plexus chakra – Uluru-Kata Tjuta, Australia (also a node)
  • Heart & Brow chakras (Brow chakra moves with each astrological age and is currently in the same location as the Heart chakra for the Aquarian Age) – Glastonbury-Shaftsbury, England (also a node)
  • Throat chakra – Giza Pyramid – Mt. Sinai – Mt. of Olives, Middle East (Giza pyramids are portals to Orion & Sirius)
  • Crown chakra – Mt. Kailash, Tibet (also a null)

Some major portals:

  • Stonehenge, England
  • Mt. Fuji, Japan
  • Sedona, Arizona, USA
  • Niagara Falls, USA/Canada
  • Macchu Picchu, Peru, S. America
  • Chitzen Itza, Mexico
  • Lakes Louise – O’Hara – Emerald, Alberta, Canada (connects etherically to Archangel Michael)
  • Mayan pyramids at Palenque – doorway to Central Sun Alcyone
  • Mayan ruins in Coba, Yucatan peninsula Mexico – doorway to Pleiadian star system
  • Nasca lines in Nasca desert, southern Peru – doorway to various star systems
  • Kuringal Chase Natl. Park, Sydney, Australia – doorway to Ophiuchus
  • Serpentine Natl. Park, western Australia – doorway to Southern Cross

MEDITATION:  Travel the Grid & Connect to a Portal

To Prepare – Place yourself in a sacred space – which could be a circle, medicine wheel, or a space you have designated as a meditation space.  You may also use candles, incense, crystals, flowing water, flowers, feathers, herbs, or essences to help you connect to the elements and enhance your sacred space.  Trust your intuitive impulses.  Then settle into relaxed stillness, quieting your emotions and mind.  Make sure you are not disturbed in your space with outside influences.  You ask your Higher Self to guide you, as well as any divine guides, angels, star beings, or higher nature spirits to accompany you for your highest good only.

Now visualize…

Place the intention that you are connecting through your Root chakra and Earth Star chakra below you into the Earth’s crystalline grid of the New Earth (important to connect to the highest version that you also wish to support).  Visualize the green balancing and healing energy of Gaia move up your spine, nourishing all your chakras, flowing through the top of your head to Source.  Take a moment to sense this flow…

Now you also connect through your Crown chakra and higher spiritual chakras over your head to divine Source energy.  Visualize divine white/golden light descend down through your Crown chakra, down your spine, and down into the Earth.  Take a moment to sense this flow nurturing all your chakras…

Feel the connection to both sources of intelligent energy and sense the two-way flow from heaven and earth that brings you into balance.  These energies enhance your vertical chakra alignment – your Pillar of Light.  The bridge between heaven and earth is your heart.  Your heart is an interdimensional space and will link you to other dimensions.  Connect with your divine soul energy in your heart now. Take a moment to feel this energy. See your unique heart light there.  What color is it? … See the light of your heart expand until you are in a bubble of your heart-light that will act as your “vehicle” of transport.

Now descend down into the crystalline grid of the New Earth with the intention of being brought to whatever location within the crystalline grid is for your highest good in this moment – whether for healing or expanded awareness.  You feel the flow of energy, like a cool stream of running water, that flows through the crystalline grid.  The light energy of this grid radiates its Light throughout your body filling your bubble with its Light.  The crystals in the grid are singing and vibrating in harmony with you and the Earth…sense your connection with them.  You become aware of the crystalline energy as it moves out through the Grid around the Earth…the Earth is surrounded in this beautiful Crystalline Light.  This Grid links into all the grids within the Earth and beyond the Earth, circling it in the ethers…all the dimensions and grids are linked, sparkling Light throughout all the dimensions.  You become aware of all the beings on all levels and dimensions, and open to their Divinity, Love and Peace.  You are connected in Oneness with Light.

Then your Higher Self takes you to a special portal/vortex somewhere on Earth.  Trust whatever comes to you as you travel the Grid…..Be aware of coming up through the Grid and into the portal your Higher Self has brought you to….Notice the geography of your location….Is it by or in the ocean, in a forest, on a mountain, on an island, by a lake or river, in a meadow?  Is there a structure here?  A pyramid, stone circle, temple, or standing stones? …Is it familiar to you?  How does it feel? ….This place has a special connection for you.  It may be at or near your home, a place you have visited before, or somewhere that you have never been to.

Become sensory aware of the place you have been taken to…feel the energy, sense your connection…allow yourself to merge and let it show you what you need to experience now.  How is this place connected to you?  Does it have a gift for you, or is it helping you to remember something?  Do you need to be open to its healing energy?  Allow it to flow through you to receive more information.  Is it important for your life mission on Earth?  Do you need to share this information with others?

When you feel your travel is completed, give thanks to the place, and any guides that helped you.  Return to your present location.  Feel the connection to where you are now, be open to whatever you have received and know it is stored within your heart.  Be aware of yourself fully present in your body of Light in this moment.


1 thought on “The Importance of Earth’s Crystalline Grid – Part 1 of 3”

  1. Sara Josephine Gylany

    thankyou for this blog on crystalline grid energy. it has come back into my life again…..at the perfect time….of course. as i continue my planetary work here. in gratitude and love 🙂

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