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The Lives of St. Germain – Freedom to live your highest potential

by Nancy Robbins

July 4th is a time to celebrate Freedom.  St. Germain is the patron of the United States, as well as the master of the 7th divine ray – The Violet Ray of Freedom, Transmutation and Transformation.  He is one of the great masters who is guiding the evolutionary shift along with Sanat Kumara and Sananda, to name a few.  I decided to take a look at the many lives of St. Germain, as well as communicate with him.  He has had some very notable and famous incarnations, any of which followed a general theme.  I think the very importance of looking at reincarnation is learning the important themes that the soul is interested in, and strives to master with each lifetime.  Reincarnation can be considered a series of lessons that lead to ascension – a time when you no longer need to reincarnate on earth, and can move on to higher planes.

St. Germain’s main theme is one of spiritual alchemy, the turning of base metals into gold is like turning an incarnate soul to an ascended soul, turning a dream into a reality.  He was always concerned with the arts and creativity – whether it was as a poet, writer, musician, or any other aspect of creation.  He was all about discerning truth, and of listening to his soul’s voice despite the popular voices of his time.  He was a seeker of freedom, freeing oneself from that which prevented him moving into his highest potential and truth.  He is one of the leaders of the Aquarian Age, in assisting humanity to transform, evolve and ascend.  His twin flame is Lady Portia, who oversees justice and rules the 8th Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence.  The Amethyst is his key crystal, and the Maltese Cross is his symbol.

Here are some of his lifetimes:

Prophet Samuel – about 1070 B.C., a time when he followed his inner voice, he anointed David as King and began the Biblical monarch that formed the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Hesiod – Greek epic poet around 700 B.C. known for his practical and moral advice.

St. Joseph – husband to Mary and father to Jesus Christ, served as guardian to the family by following his inner guidance.

Merlin – around late 500s, he was a statesman, teacher, priest and philosopher at a turning point for a new age in the history of Great Britain.  He advised King Arthur of the round table in order to create peace and unity.

Roger Bacon – around 1214, a scholar and scientist.  He studied alchemy science, philosophy, and astrology.  His scientific experiments were the first instances of true experimental science that was several hundred years before the official rise of science in the west.

Christopher Columbus – born 1451 in Genoa, Italy, known for seeking a westward route over the Atlantic Ocean to the Indies for trade purposes, and came upon the Americas instead.

Francis Bacon – around 1561 – his three goals were to discover truth, serve his country, and serve his church.  Under the reign of King James I he translated the bible into the King James version.  He also may have been the author of the plays credited to William Shakespeare.  He popularized the inductive method of scientific inquiry.  He is recognized as one of England’s greatest philosophers, statesman, scientist and author.  After this lifetime he ascended.

Count St. Germain of the House of Ragoczy – known as the “Wonderman of Europe” during the 18th and 19th centuries.  After his ascension he received unusual dispensation from the Lords of Karma allowing him to return to Earth as the Count St. Germain of the House of Ragoczy.  He attempted to prevent the French Revolution, and wanted to form a United States of Europe by befriending European royalty and guiding them to positive alliances.  He was known for his wit, humor and musical talent, but his prophetic words were dismissed.  He then worked to help establish the Unites States of America and is the patron of the United States now.

Message from St. Germain:

“Cleanse yourself of old energy with the Violet Ray and then begin to infuse yourself with the higher rays.  Lady Portia rules the 8th Aquamarine Ray of Transcendence and will help you begin.  Keep your focus on your heart, moving up in frequency, and being open to receive more truth with an open mind.

Your inner feelings are your drive and hidden force on your inner plane that manifest on an outer plane.  They show you the exact way you should follow, as it is your heart and intuition speaking at all times.  Take a look back at your past lives and take what was learned, and skills achieved from the past, and then release all else – do not get stuck in the past, let go of old energy patterns, and be in the present.  You have accumulated knowledge and skills through your lifetimes, and they add up to be you in the now!  If these skills are of use to you in this lifetime, reactivate them, and be fully empowered.  The world needs all to be their higher potential, to be empowered souls to aid the evolutionary shift and ascend.  You must know your skills and “inner magic” that empowers you.

I refer now to my lifetime as Merlin – and he would tell you that to find your inner magic – your soul skills – look to how you embrace nature.  What draws you the most to nature?  You can discover your skills and power by seeing what you receive and experience in nature, as nature serves as a mirror helping you to see your truth.  Nature helps you to heal, to clarify your vision, to feel supported, to be a sanctuary to find yourself, and listen to your soul in the stillness.  Through my many lives I quested after the essence of the soul – freeing and releasing that which clouded my vision or inhibited me to be my higher self.  Then I could create from my soul, to create beauty, unity, and peace. 

So, I suggest people commune with nature.  See from a bird’s perspective, listen to a tree, resonate with a flower, feel a sylph ruffle your hair playfully, listen to the music of a bubbling stream.  There is a thematic pattern to your incarnated lives and you will experience diverse pathways of discovering your soul self.  Your Higher Self will assist you in reawakening these skills to you as well.  You can also use the Violet Flame to clear your inner vision to better see your soul self and your accumulated wisdom from your lifetimes.  Now is the time to free yourself, be your highest self, and create the New Earth of the Aquarian Age.  It is the age of the Violet Flame of Freedom.”


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