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Like many of us during this Pandemic, I have found myself with time to reflect.  I was considering painting another energy board to create a powerful crystal grid with, as I certainly had the time!  My hand-painted energy boards of late have increasingly been powerful tools for the current energies.  My latest was the Earth Consciousness Board with its accompanying crystal set.  I found I was drawn to the sacred geometry of Metatron’s Cube.  I decided to meditate and channel Archangel Metatron to get his point of view, and in the channeling process he brought along Archangel Sandalphon, who he works with often, they are almost like brothers.  From them I received an amazing meditation to use with Metatron’s Cube that activates the Pillar of Light and the Merkaba. 

I discovered there were many important benefits found in the power of Metatron’s Cube:  balancing and activating the Pillar of Light (the central vertical column of chakra energy), the cleansing, healing and protective  benefits by connecting to divine energies, activating DNA that moves you into your higher potential, connection to all the sacred geometries within the Cube that you can create crystal grids with: the platonic solids that represent the five elements, the merkaba (an energy field that aids interdimensional travel), and the Tree of Life geometry (the Kabbalah and New Earth versions) that help you on your path of ascension.  All of this information is included with the energy board, that will help you create crystal grids, meditate and explore with Metatron’s Cube.

About Archangel Metatron:  He is the highest angel connected to Source, and is the “Angel of Life” involved in creating the structure of Creation, who oversees the Akashic Records and the Divine Plan, and the crystalline sacred geometric template for the awakened earth.  He can assist you with discovering your blueprint and life purpose to realize your potential and your part in the Divine Plan, as well as any issues concerning your Akashic Records and any karmic issues.  He works with sacred geometry – the building blocks of creation in the universe.  He can communicate to you through feeling, an impulse to take action, or an intuitive nudge.  He can activate your Crown chakra to activate divine communication, and especially works with the Soul Star chakra, that holds your blueprint and soul purpose.  In a past life he was the prophet Enoch.  He works with Archangel Sandalphon on activating the Pillar of Light, as Sandalphon at the “other end” of the alignment with the Earth Star chakra.

Here is the channeled meditation from Archangel Metatron to use with the Metatron’s Cube energy board:

Pillar of Light Meditation – with Archangels Metatron & Sandalphon

Take a moment to quiet yourself, relax, breathe, and move into stillness.  Visualize golden energy is radiating down upon you being sent to your from Archangel Metatron.  Within the core enter of this golden energy is a beam of brilliant white light.  See this gold and white light flow down through your higher spiritual chakras – down through the Galactic, Soul Portal, Divine Creativity, Soul Star, and Higher Crown chakras through your Crown chakra and down through your Brow, Well of Dreams, Throat, Higher Heart, Heart, Lower Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root chakras and into your Earth Star chakra below your feet, and flow into the Earth’s crystalline grid.  It is forming a Pillar of Light.

 Now visualize a rich green energy that also has at its core center a brilliant white light that is flowing from Archangel Sandalphon and the Earth’s crystalline grid, into your Earth Star chakra, and up your vertical column of chakras.  Your Pillar of Light is anchored into the Earth.  You are “plugged in” to both sources of divine energy.  Now visualize both green and gold energies flowing simultaneously with the white light meeting in your heart, and overflowing your heart with its brilliant light.  Your heart bridges Heaven and Earth.  Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon are strengthening the flow of this energy, which also helps to bring your soul purpose into greater clarity, as this information is found in the soul wisdom of your heart.  You feel the white light pours into your heart, and as your heart energy expands with this light place the image of Metatron’s Cube within your heart.  The white light continues to expand and soon you find yourself within the three-dimensional form of Metatron’s Cube, as if you were inside a bubble.  Take a moment to see yourself within the Cube as the white light pulses and mixes with your own unique heart light.  Within the cube you are protected, and are receiving higher dimensional energy to help you heal, and receive higher consciousness and inspiration.  What are you receiving now?  Take note of any sensations, thoughts, or images that come to you now.

Take a moment now to focus on your Merkaba, and place the intention that the upward pointing tetrahedron that pulls in divine cosmic energy rotates left, as the downward pointing tetrahedron that pulls in divine earth energy rotates right.  Place the intention that your Merkaba will take you to a frequency/dimension that is for your highest and best good at this time, and visualize moving up dimensionally to that place.  Where have you traveled?  What energy do you sense is there?  You can ask to receive a gift from this location that will maintain this frequency for you, if needed.  Have you received a gift?  It may be in the form of a symbolic image, a sound vibration, a message, or a feeling.

Stay as long as you feel is necessary, and then return to your present awareness, refreshed with this new energy.  During the day you can remember being inside Metatron’s Cube to continue to receive protection and higher energy to maintain health and evolve.  Give thanks to Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon for enhancing the energies in your Pillar of Light.








  1. Thank you for the detailed information regarding the merkaba star and how we can work with Archangel Metatron

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