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The Twelve Divine Ray Meditation Roll-ons

by Nancy Robbins

In meditation in late July. Sananda/Jesus and Mary Magdalene came to me requesting I make these roll-ons. They chose 12 of the 27 divine rays and listed the ingredients for each roll-on – the essential oils, crystal and flower essences that were to go into each roll-on. They wanted them to be roll-ons instead of sprays, because they wanted the physical contact with the ingredients in order to activate that ray within the physical and etheric bodies. The intended purpose for us is to experience these rays more fully as they aid our healing, expanded awareness of our truth, self-knowledge, and for ascension.  No doubt they also enhance our DNA.  Each ray bestows us with its own gifts and elevate our frequency as we ascend on the stairway of ascension. 


I invite you to explore these new magnificent tools for our well-being and ascension.  Here is a quick review of the benefits of each of these divine rays, and the spiritual guides working with them:

The 5th divine ray – Green Ray of Truth, Healing, and Science. 

Healing Energies of Truth

Key Words: Truth, Healing, Vision, Abundance, Self-knowledge, Science.

Description of the Green Ray:  The Green Ray is an emerald-green color with golden influences – a combination of the Blue Ray (Power) and the Yellow Ray (Wisdom) that lead to truth.  By living in your truth, you develop harmony, balance, and health in your life.  You allow your divine energy to flow freely – the science of energy.  Gaia, the intelligence of Earth, also radiates the Green Ray for nurturing growth, harmony, abundance, and balance.  By connecting to the Earth, you can tap into this transformational energy for health and prosperity.  This ray relates to the sciences of music, health, math, physics, astronomy, and agriculture.

Ascended Master: Hilarion          Archangels: Raphael & Mareia – Lady Virtue            Elohim: Cyclopea & Virginia  

Kumara: Kapila or Kapila-Kumara                    Corresponding Chakra: Brow chakra

The 7th divine ray – Violet Ray of Freedom and Transformation

Divine Alchemy

Key words:  Freedom, Transmutation, Divine Alchemy, Transformation, Ceremonial Magic, Forgiveness, Justice.

Description:  This ray is a violet color that is a Three-Fold Flame of the yellow (Wisdom), pink (Love), and blue (Power) rays that bring you into divine harmony.    The Violet Ray is a flame of freedom because it frees you from anything inhibiting your higher potential, and transmutes negativity into higher frequency.  It heals and transforms your life by moving into your heart to seek forgiveness and justice.  It is the alchemy that aids you in expressing the divine plan and returning to your soul’s divine blueprint.

Ascended Masters: St. Germain and Lady Portia                     Archangels:  Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst – Lady Purity  

Elohim: Arcturus & Victoria             Kumara: Sanat Kumara – Regent Lord of the World                 Corresponding Chakra:  Sacral chakra

The 10th divine ray – Pearlescent Ray of the Lightbody

Soul Light Expansion

Keywords:  Peace, Enlightenment, Insight, Higher Wisdom, Love, Harmony, Serenity, Bliss, Prosperity.

Description: The Pearlescent Ray is a combination of a pearlescent white and soft rose light because it is heart-centered.  This ray encodes patterns of divinity into the physical body creating deeper soul integration and expansion of light in the Light Body.  The Light Body is a structure of light from higher dimensions that, like the physical body, is a vehicle for consciousness. Between lives you journey in the Light Body to various places and dimensions.  This ray awakens dormant DNA, and multi-dimensional memories to help you understand your true divinity, merge with your Higher Self, and move into your higher potential.  It propels ascension and expansion into infinite Love and Harmony.

Ascended Masters: Lady Karashu and Allah Gobi         Archangels:  Raziel & Jochara – Lady Victory             Elohim: Purity & Astrea

Corresponding Chakras:  Divine Creativity chakra

The 11th divine ray – Peach Ray of Divine Love

Illumined Truth, Compassion, & Selfless Service

Keywords:  Compassion, Mercy, Balance, Unconditional Love, Honesty, Fulfillment,

 Inner Peace, Joy of Life, Enthusiasm, Illumination, Divine Purpose, and Selfless Service.

Description:  The Peach Ray is an orange-pink luminosity that contains a high quotient of Source Light, and connects you to Illumined Truth/Divine Love and Oneness through the heart.  It activates the pattern of divinity encoded within that reflects your soul purpose, your life mission, service to humanity, and higher potential.  It integrates you with your Higher Self, and merges your masculine and feminine qualities into inner harmony.  It lifts the veils of illusion to reveal hidden knowledge, releases limiting beliefs, and moves you into your higher potential with a joyful heart. 

Ascended Masters: Lady Nada & Lord Maitreya – Cosmic Christ, Sanat and Venus Kumara               Archangels:  Barachiel & Joy 

Elohim: Heros & Amora                      Corresponding Chakras:  Divine Creativity chakra

The 12th divine ray – Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness (Cosmic Consciousness)

Moving into Oneness in the Golden Age 

Keywords:  Harmony, Soul Integration, Ascension, Oneness, Transformation, Transfiguration, Rebirth, Truth, Unity Consciousness

Description:  This ray is golden with sparkles of opalescent white that emanates from the Great Central Sun of our universe that connects you to the highest aspect of your soul, which resides in Oneness with all souls.  It anchors all the rays of light in the universe.  The ultimate purpose of the Golden Ray is to assist souls in their journey back to the One, while it manifests the qualities of peace, harmony, creativity, and unconditional love.  It assists soul integration, ascension, transformation, and rebirth. It supports your development of your highest potential, and the creation of the Golden Age and the New Earth. 

Ascended Masters: Pallas Athena & Mahachohan Ragoczy        Archangels:  Omniel & Opalescence           Elohim: Lumina & Apollo

Corresponding Chakras:  Divine Creativity and Soul Portal chakras

The 14th divine ray – Silver Ray of the New Dawn of Peace

Holding a Divine Vision for the Golden Age

Keywords:  Harmony, Love. Awakening, Heart Awareness

Description:  The complete name is the Silver Ray of the New Order and Dawn of Peace which assists us in holding the vision of the Golden Age, and in looking at a new way of living – with truth, harmony, love, and abundance – in the Aquarian Age on the New Earth.  This ray reveals the “silver lining in a cloud” that is our divine spark.  This ray is about reflection and contemplation, like looking in a silver mirror at yourself and seeing your truth.  It is about walking your talk and being the light that you are.  It awakens your fifth dimensional self, as we step through the 5D portal into a new way of being.

Ascended Masters: Lady Magda and Sananda Kumara  Archangels:  Jeremiel and Hosanna      Elohim: Purity and Astrea       

Corresponding Chakras:  Galactic chakra

The 17th divine ray – Platinum Ray of Stellar Enlightenment

Self-Mastery, Rejuvenation, Ascension

Keywords: Self-mastery, Wholeness, Healing of Duality

Description: The Platinum Ray is a silver color with hints of blue that is a very powerful cosmic ray from Andromeda made available to this planet to purify, lift the veils of illusion to reveal Truth and Unity, get to the heart of the situation, heal, aid manifestation, and for personal and planetary ascension.  It lifts the veils of illusion so that humans can clearly perceive everything as united – that all are One.  It transforms and unifies extremes of polarity.  It is Stellar (Cosmic) Enlightenment that is intended to be used for human and Earth rejuvenation.  It resonates with the Divine Feminine principle of nurturing love associated with the Divine Feminine, and Lemurian energy. 

Ascended Masters: Mutuhu – Lemurian Earth Mother   Archangels: Sandalphon & Shekinah – Lady Patience      Elohim: Purity & Astrea

Corresponding Chakras:  Galactic

The 18th divine ray – Diamond Ray of Multi-Universal Service

Healing Transcendence with Rainbow Fire

Keywords: Transcendence, Healing Power, Divine Knowledge

Description: The complete name of the Diamond Ray is the Ray of Multi-Universal Service, and is a pure Source energy of Mother/Father God that is made up of all the color energy rays of the spectrum.  It is Rainbow Fire – a ray of transcendence.  It contains divine knowledge and exceptional healing power.  It expands your awareness bringing greater wisdom and understanding of your truth, transforms you into your Light Body, and aids ascension.  It powers transition, transformation, transcendence, and resurrection.  Nature spirits respond with joy and relief with this ray that has a magical, glittery effect on their hearts.

Ascended Masters: Mahatma – Cosmic Logos       Archangels: Azrael & Magdalena – Lady Mercy        Elohim: Purity & Astrea

Corresponding Chakras:  Galactic chakra

The 19th divine ray – Mint-Green Ray of the New Earth

Blueprint of the New Earth & Heart Connection

Keywords: New Blueprint, Light Network, New Earth Crystalline Grid, Heart Connection

Description: This ray is a pastel mint-green color – a mixture of white light and the Green Ray.  It contains soothing, joyful, harmonious vibrations that create a blueprint of the New Earth which is heart centered, tuning the vibrations to the Higher Heart.  It creates a structured light grid, like the veins in a leaf, that is heart-powered from Source.  It helps you remain centered in the heart, and empowers heart connections with truth-centered compassion.  It is hope, and the belief in the love and abundance of the universe, and a world of prosperity joy, and health.

Ascended Masters: Melchizedek         Archangels: Sandalphon & Shekinah                      Elohim: Cyclopea & Virginia

Corresponding Chakras:  Galactic chakra

The 20th divine ray – Aqua Light Ray of New Earth Consciousness

Heart-Centered Truth

Keywords: New Earth Consciousness, Heart-Centered Truth

Description: The Aqua Light ray is a pale aqua color – a blend of white light (4th ray) with the Aquamarine Ray (9th) and Turquoise Ray (10h).  This ray flows like a river through the Mint-Green Ray light grid.  It is an energetic flow of new concepts and ideas that continually refresh and revise as it transforms and renews with higher consciousness, like refreshing cool running water. 

Ascended Masters: Buddha, Maitreya             Archangels: Azrael & Magdalena – Lady Mercy                Elohim: Cyclopea and Virginia

Corresponding Chakras:  Galactic chakra

The 21st divine ray – Lavender Ray of Divine Harmony

Love Power of Divine Harmony

Keywords:  Divine Harmony, Merged Polarities

Description: The Lavender Ray is a higher version of the 6th Purple Ray of Peace blended with the 16th White (with gold) Ray that is soothing and balances polarities to create peace and harmony.   Lavender is also a combination of pink (feminine) and blue (masculine) energies to create Love Power and Divine Harmony.  It is a ray of Light, hope, and inspiration.  It reflects our own divinity to us, and encourages us to live that truth.  It has wise, joyful, and compassionate energy that creates harmony, purifies, and reveals heart-centered wisdom and love.  It shifts us into higher peace, harmony, and Oneness on a cosmic level. 

Ascended Masters:  Lady Magda & Sananda Kumara              Archangels: Metatron & Sophia – Lady Truth        Elohim: Peace & Aloha

Corresponding Chakras:  Galactic chakra

The 27th divine ray – The White-Blue Ray of Oneness

Merging with Higher Self and Christ Codes

Keywords: Unification, Harmony, Being Higher Self, Christ Code activation

Description:  This ray is snowy white with a powder blue sheen, that like snow, has a crystalline structure.  It downloads your Higher Self and the Christ codes.  It is important to have used all the previous rays before using this ray for the fullest benefit.  This ray is to be anchored into your Earth Star Chakra, so that your Christ codes can be activated and your Higher Self anchored into the body.

Ascended Masters: Sananda, Maitreya, Melchior, Melchizedek    Archangels: all Archangels       Elohim: Purity & Astrea

Corresponding chakra:  Galactic



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