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A time for Stillness and infusing yourself with Light

The important message for today came up in one of my cards from my Spirit Guides Card Deck – it is Allah Gobi and Lady Karashu and they are here to help us attain enlightenment.  Here is their channeled message:


“I am Lady Karashu, Lady Master of the 10th Pearlescent Ray of the Light Body.  This is my twin flame, Allah Gobi, a Master of Stillness.  We work together to assist all in being their greatest light.  The Ray encodes the pattern of divinity and anchors it into the physical body creating a state of balance and harmony within.  Allah Gobi provides the foundation of inner calm needed to perceive your inner wisdom.  I provide the Light that actively brings you divine Light for rejuvenation and higher wisdom.”

Lady Karashu adds, “Now is the time when you need to seek greater calm and stillness in order to perceive your inner wisdom.  I find it to be important to honor and learn your true essential nature.  It is easy to forget your purpose in this material world full of distractions.  Take the time now to connect to your essential self and be connected to the light of your truth.  At this time allow yourself to physically relax, let your mental chatter clear, and release any emotional turbulence bringing you into stillness.  Feel yourself become light energy.  In stillness, enjoy your “being-ness”, and listen to your inner voice speak.”

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