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Visualization for Soul Connection – to use with the Soul Connection Trinity spray kit

Main purpose of this kit:  to connect to your soul to its physical reality on Earth and activate your soul mission.

Preparation:  Use these 3 etheric chakra sprays during this visualization: Earth Star chakra, Higher Heart chakra, Soul Star chakra.  Allow yourself to settle into stillness in a relaxed environment where you will not be disturbed.  Take 3 deep breaths and open your awareness as you follow this visualization.  Repeat this visualization often, and continue to use each spray to fortify your soul connection.

To begin:  Take the Soul Star chakra spray and spray overhead allowing the spray to mist down upon you and allow the higher frequencies of the spray to infuse your energy field.

Imagine a brilliant white-diamond light shimmering with rainbows above you that is of the highest divine light – a mixture of all divine colored rays.  It radiates and fills your Soul Star with its Light.  Visualize this Light activating and expanding the Light in your Soul Star chakra.  Feel its presence above you.  Your Soul Star Light now radiates down through your chakras – your vertical column of energy centers – your Pillar of Light.  It brings you information about your plan for this lifetime – your soul mission.  From your heart – energetically connect up to your Soul Star, connecting the Light from your heart up to the Soul Star, like connecting dots.  Feel the information encoded in the Light is able to connect with your understanding more clearly.

Ask:  What is my soul mission?  While in this space, be open to receive impressions of the answer.

*  *  *

Bring this Light down through the Higher Crown chakra that contains your karma – issues from past lifetimes that you have come to work out and what you seek to learn in this lifetime; and Akashic records – a recording of everything you’ve ever done, thought, or said.  Because you record in this chakra information about others and their roles in your lives, you can trace connections here that affect you, and heal chronic physical and emotional problems by releasing patterns that are lifetimes old and worn out which prevent you from moving into your higher potential now.  This chakra is also a time portal where issues of timing and planning can be resolved, as well as access to alternate realities and dimensions.  The Light opens your awareness to your multi-dimensional self and your higher abilities of telepathy.

Ask:  What do I need to learn to achieve my soul mission?  Be open to receive impressions of the answer.

*  *  *

Bring this Light down now through the Crown Chakra which opens your connection to the higher realms of Spirit.  Know that you are now connected to divine support through higher guidance and communication.

Ask:  What messages are there from my Higher Self, or divine spirit guides, for my highest good?  Any messages concerning my soul mission?  Be open to receive impressions of the answer.

*  *  *

Take the Higher Heart chakra spray and spray around your upper body and allow the higher frequencies of the spray to infuse your energy field.

Bring this Light down now through the Brow Chakra.  Focus on the pineal gland which decodes the information within the Light that it receives in your “downloads”, so to speak.  With the Brow chakra you can “see” into the expanded version of you with clairvoyance.  Place the intention that you will be connected to Truth and Divine Love.  Feel the energetic connection here.

Ask with intention – Reveal to me the information from the latest “download” that I received.  Also, bring me an image that reflects my soul’s truth.  What impressions do you receive as an answer?

*  *  *

Bring this Light down now through the Well of Dreams chakra.  The Well of Dreams chakra is where the “veil” parts to help you see your greater self and abilities, to begin to move dimensionally into your higher aspects.  Connect Light to this area to illuminate your vision and understanding here, and to protect yourself at the crossroads into the “dreamworld” of your inner self.  Feel the energetic connection here.

Ask to be revealed more of who you are that is hidden beyond the veil, that will bring you greater awareness and understanding.  What is revealed to you?

*  *  *

Bring this Light down now through the Throat Chakra.  Your ability to speak is now connected to your soul mission and the Light of Truth – manifest your mission and truth with your words from now on.  Be aware that the action of your voice creates sacred sound that reverberates into the world.  Expand your sense of hearing now to hear other people’s truth with respect, and to receive higher guidance from your Higher Self and spirit guides.  This is sacred communication – speaking and hearing Truth and Light.

Ask to receive any messages from your Higher Self or spirit guides that are important for you now?  What do you receive?

*  *  *

Bring this Light down to the center of your Higher Heart chakra bubble of influence – your Higher Heart.  It moves you into the power of Divine Love.  It connects you to the higher emotions of love, joy, bliss, gratitude and compassion – and to speak and see from the heart’s perspective with the Power of Love.  It opens the flow of unconditional love to yourself and others, and connects you to your soul’s wisdom and truth.

Spray this area again with the Higher Heart chakra spray, and ask to be shown any new information on the power of Love in your heart, and any guidance on your next step of development with this power?

*  *  *

See and feel the connection of “dots” of Light so far.  Move the Light down now to your Heart chakra.  Feel your soul mission connect with your heart’s desires.  Your desires often inform your soul mission as urgings from your soul.  Tap into your soul wisdom, and also with the learning you receive from your relationships.  Your relationships are extensions from your heart that connect to others.

Ask:  What does my heart desire?

*  *  *

Move the Light down now to your Lower Heart chakra that is connected to your diaphragm and the importance of your breathing.  As the frequencies have been rising, so has the importance of the Heart chakra which includes the Lower Heart, as well as the etheric Higher Heart chakra.  Deep breathing through the diaphragm in this chakra creates a free circulation of energy that cleanses our stuck emotions bringing us information and powerful healing.  It’s exhaling out the old energy, and inhaling the new energy.  This chakra also plays the role of an integrity monitor, that when paid attention to will help you see when you are “off your path” and “out of alignment”.  With intent take three deep breaths – and send focus to this chakra to let your power energies flow, merge with the Heart and Higher Heart, and express your life’s visions and path.  Continue with deep breaths here if you feel the need, and continue to fill this area with Light.

Ask:  What is being released with my breathing?  What new energy am I receiving?

*  *  *

Feel the Light move down to your Solar Plexus chakra that is your power center.  Expand your inner “sun” filled with divine energy from the Great Central Sun.  Visualize a ball of golden sparkling energy expanding from your Solar Plexus until it encompasses you in a bubble of golden light.  This bubble will strengthen your inner power, is good for protection, and moves you into your higher potential.  Now fill this area with the Light from above as well.  This will help you to take action on your soul mission and give you the confidence to stand up for your truth.  Feel your power strengthening.

Ask:  What action do I need to take to fulfill my soul mission?  Does this help to empower me?

*  *  *

Move the Light down to the Sacral chakra.  Here your emotions and creativity combine to give you pleasure and empower you to manifest on your soul mission.  This creative power is now aligned to your soul mission and the Light.’

Ask:  What do I FEEL about my soul mission?  What new emotions are awakened by the Light?  Do they inspire my creativity?

Spray your lower body and legs with the Earth Star chakra spray.

Move the Light down into your Root Chakra and feel your soul and its purpose being anchored into your physical reality – into your “foundation”.  Let the Light release any fears about your soul mission.  See the “sting of lights” that you have connected at each chakra down to your foundation.  Imagine that your physical body is expressing itself in connection with your soul mission.

Ask:  What is my body expressing to me concerning my soul mission?  

*  *  *

Visualize the Light now extends from your Soul Star down to your Earth Star chakra.  See the “string of lights” connect from an arm’s length above your head to a foot below your feet.  With intention, declare that your DNA is cleared of any entanglements that prohibit its full function, and reactivate according to the Divine Plan of Light, and that this reactivation occurs throughout your ancestral line in all realities and time.  Also, place the intention to connect to the intelligence of Gaia – your planet Earth.  There is a sentient consciousness of Gaia – the spirit of your planet Earth.  Connect with Gaia to bring you into harmony with her, and to receive healing and help with manifestation through the connection with her nature spirits.  You are a combination of her elements and share the ascension journey with her.

Ask to receive any messages from Gaia for you now?  Are there any messages for you concerning your soul mission?  What have you received?

 Reflect on all the messages and information that you have received as you visualize your “string of lights” in their beautiful radiant colors.  Then, when you are ready, return to wakefulness.



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